global Warming          
  Oceans are heating,
  not the atmosphere

  atm stable since 1998
  What about Argo       
Earth Needs More CO2
Background Science Explained
Gary Novak
Independent Scientist

Global Warming:
Crunching the Numbers
Absorption Spectra
Oceans not Rising
Future Ice Age
Acid in the Oceans

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Summary in Simple Words


Fake Equations—Fudge Factor

Back Radiation is Absurd

Equilibrium in Atmosphere

The Cause of Ice Ages and Present Climate


Second Climategate

Thermometer Fraud

The Disputed Area

IPCC Propaganda

The Water Vapor Fraud

The 41% Fraud

The 30% Fraud

CO2 Charlatanism

A Fake Mechanism

Global Dynamic

"Delicate Balance" Fraud

Heinz Hug Measurement

Hockey Stick Graph

River, not Window





The reason why climatology is being run like a cowboy movie is because there is no subject of climatology to work with. There are no valid ground-based measurements. A few satellite measurements are all there is. Mess of Temperature Measurements, Fox News, 3-3-10

The error in claiming CO2 heats the planet is not off by just a little bit; it misses by a factor of about a billion. It's not about science; it's about motives. It's like removing cellulose from wood as a pretext for dismantling your house.

Even the critical scientists are pretending that maybe greenhouse gasses create a little bit of global warming, because they dare not separate themselves from the power which has turned science into a fraud machine.

There's before climategate and after climategate. Before climategate, the operating assumption in society was that every time some god touches data, it improves in some way. Statistics and math were the primary method of turning crap into gold.

Now, there is some realization that manipulations are not always improvements. Will it ever get to the point that there is no such thing as gods improving something through their wisdom; or better yet that there is no such thing as gods. Not as long as power is virtue.

With creationists, if you prove them wrong, they just need a better way to say it, because God couldn't possibly be wrong. With climate change alarmists, if they can't find what they are looking for in the data, they just fake it, because it's got to be in there someplace.

About ninety percent of the new findings by alarmists consist of looking at old data and making adjustments to it for improvement. That's not science. The whole purpose of science is to remove the human input from the evidence.

If it were just finding new things in the data, there would be no problem. Complex data can be studied infinitely. The problem is that alarmists are altering the data to make their findings. For example, for many years, studies were showing most of Antarctica was cooling. So the hockey-stick gang reworked the data and found that, low-and-behold, Antarctica is warming. arcticle by Christopher Booker and another by Michael Asher

Global warming fakes make adamant claims but never explain them. If the claims were true, the fakes would show us the whole works. The explanations are concealed from the public in obscure science. Notice the web site Real Climate. It is supposed to be the authoritative source. But the public cannot get anything out of that web site due to its obscurity. When knowledgeable persons look into the scientific claims, they find nothing but quackery. But real scientists can't do anything about it or they would be shoved out of science.

If the FBI were investigating the Boy Scouts, there would be no problem. If the FBI were investigating the mafia, there would be a shootout. The climate change machine does a shootout with all who question the scam.


Ulterior Motives

Global warming is hyped with no concern for rationality including evidence or explanations. The supposed solutions always do the opposite of the claims, as science eventually shows through studies. The agitators cannot be told or reasoned with.

This situation is how ulterior motives are promoted through a fake cause. The motive with global warming is to reduce the population of the globe to one tenth what it is by destroying the lower classes.

A few years ago, population control would always be tied to the subject of global warming. For example, a show on PBS dwelt on tailpipe emissions in Los Angeles and Denver. At the end, the cameras went to Africa and showed people lying on the floor of a shack. The narrator said, “This is a hospital. It was built for 100 people, and it contains 200.” End of program. Supposedly, Los Angeles and Denver are being polluted because of too many people in Africa.


The public is not getting information on the cause of global warming. Showing that ice is melting is a no-brainer; it does not mean humans are the cause.

To question human causation results in subjective attack, ridicule, name calling, personal smears, jeers and scandal, where there should be rationality, explanations, evidence and objectivity. This is how global warming hype is forced onto everyone, where there needs to be information and evidence.

The reason why you haven't before seen the material described here is not because I'm imagining it or that other scientists haven't been saying the same thing; it's because you've been robbed of the right to know by those who reduce social standards to a level which does not inform.

In the simplest possible terms, explanations would allow truth to be determined, but frauds never explain. You just have to take their word for it. You can never question their word, because they supposedly represent authority.


Authoritarianism is one of the main elements of irrationality. The only basis for the global warming claims which the public gets is that all relevant authorities say so—no explanation and no proof. Authority is so unquestionable that explanations are not needed with authoritarianism.

It is not only untrue that all relevant authorities agree with the propaganda, there is no place in science for consensus. Global warming is one of the most complex subject ever studied by science in a major way. The first thing this means is that consensus is not relevant to the question. But consensus is not relevant to anything in science, let alone the subject which has the most unknowns.

Example with Clovis Point

An example is "The Clovis Point," which was a rerun program on Nova recently. Scientists were totally convinced that the first Americans came from Asia 13,000 years ago, while there was a land bridge. As conflicting evidence started to appear, scientists ridiculed the investigators. The alternative evidence had to be acquired in secrecy due to the intimidation. Eventually, the assumptions were changed, and scientists now agree that humans have been in the Americas much longer than previously assumed.

Opposition to global warming consensus is of a similar nature. A decade ago, many scientists would openly say they do not find that humans are causing global warming. Nowdays, they are afraid to say so due to the extreme reaction which results. So there are fewer voices opposing the consensus view, while proponents claim there is no significant opposition.

Population Control

The hard core population controllers intend to reduce the population of the globe to one tenth what it is. That's not something that can be achieved through birth control; it requires starvation, disease, wars and oppression.

My view is that the planet could sustain 50 billion people easier than it is sustaining 6, if resources were developed instead of squandered. But population controllers do not want to develop resources, because it would result in population increase. So they squander resources to reduce the population to conserve resources.

Population controllers don't try to be rational, because the real motive is in subconscious forces which drive them to fight a war against the lower classes. Power mongering creates stimulus-response reactions in subconscious minds aligned upon the assumption that power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption. Power is the positive reinforcement, which makes corruption seem good, about like Pavlov's dog would have felt that bell sounds are good.

The Fraud and Morality of it

The general public has to decide what to believe on a moral basis. Correct science has a moral basis. Deciding who to believe is a moral judgment. Honest persons proceeding in an honest way need to be relied upon rather than dishonest persons proceeding in a dishonest way. It's like someone going into a bank with a ski mask and a gun. It's not the proper way to withdraw money from a bank. Fraud doesn't look like honesty. Honest persons describe rather than impose. They give people information which can be compared to other information to create a gradual and continuous increase in understanding.

Global warming propaganda is promoted by persons who have never taken a significant science course in their lives but claim to be representing peer reviewed science, because authorities said so through the IPCC reports. That's like withdrawing money from a bank at the point of a gun.

No Faith in Constructivity

Population controllers are shutting down the coal plants and nuclear reactors to make energy and transportation less available. Such destructivity does not reduce the population; it makes a lot of people more miserable.

They aren't talking about improving the electrical grid, which is the number one reason why there aren't more windmills or solar plants. They assume that destroying something is the answer to their problems rather than solving problems. They have to destroy life to preserve life.

Lack of faith is destroying life to preserve life. Faith is depending upon constructivity as the answer to problems.

Supposedly, the logic of population is that if you feed the bears, you get more bears; that there is a fixed amount of everything, and when it is gone, it is gone. Those assumptions are as fraudulent as a three dollar bill.

Solving peoples' problems lowers the population, not increases it. The affluent countries are losing population, and only a high influx of "aliens" allows them to get their work done. If everyone's problems were solved, it would be difficult for governments to sustain a high enough population level.

The "fixed amount" mentality is even more fraudulent. Everything that exists now did not exist earlier in history. There was no fixed amount. Oil was in the ground, but it is not an essential or even desirable form of energy. Minerals cannot be created or destroyed, but they are easy to recycle, and substitutes are almost always possible.

With irrigation, available farm land north of the tropics could be increased by a factor of ten or more. The northern plains of the US could grow enough vegetarian food to feed several billion people when irrigated, not to mention Canada, Russia, Australia, Mongolia, etc.

Supposedly, there is a water shortage. Carbon dioxide propagandists are claiming that fresh water going into the oceans is going to kill the kids. The melting ice would create more than enough water to irrigate everything on the planet; and getting it there would cost next to nothing compared to the cost of removing carbon dioxide from the air.

Why it Occurs

The irrationality of destructivity must have a cause. The cause is always the same. A force in minds is created through sin causing the irrationality of destructivity. Corrupt persons are driven to destroy enemies because of a force in their minds.

Here’s how the force works: For every force, there is an equal and opposite force. Destructive acts create an opposing force, which in turn creates an opposing force in the minds of the perpetrators. An outlet for that force in minds is the entirety of irrational and destructive behavior.

But where do the forces begin? They begin so whimsically that the origins go unnoticed. Stupid persons assume that prevailing against other persons will solve their problems. There is no constructive way to prevail against someone. So the victims react, which creates a force. The perpetrators counter-react which starts the cycle of force against force. The cycles spin off endlessly creating a war against enemies. The sin falls first and foremost against the most vulnerable persons. So the war takes shape as persons with power destroying vulnerable persons at the bottom of society. In other words, those forces create a war against the lower classes which has existed throughout human history.

The perpetrators of corruption do not understand the forces in their own minds, because the forces blot out rationality. So the perpetrators construct rationalizations. The rationalizations are the opposite of the truth, because they need to compensate through opposites. This means the perpetrators talk about the environment and conserving resources only because their destructivity is destroying the environment along with human social existence. Speaking in opposites is supposed to protect them from criticism. How can anyone say they are destroying the world to fight a war against the lower classes while they claim their only purpose is to sustain the environment? They have to be called the frauds that they are to get at the truth.

External Links:
Population Control Motive - Prison Planet
Population Control Motive - Debra Rae
Stop the War on the Poor
Stopping Growth to Save the Planet -
How Totalitarian Science Works - by David Price
Summary of Issues - by Denis Rancourt
thuggery called debate - M.R. Fox
Eco-Enslavement - Brendan O'Neill
The Social Responsibility of Coal - Paul Driessen
The Futile Quest for Climate Control - Bob Carter
It's Standard Totalitarianism and Tyranny - Joseph A. Olson, PE

