global Warming          
  Oceans are heating,
  not the atmosphere
Earth Needs More CO2
Background Science Explained
Gary Novak

Global Warming:
Crunching the Numbers
Absorption Spectra
Oceans not Rising
Future Ice Age
Acid in the Oceans

Summary in Simple Words


Fake Equations—Fudge Factor

"Delicate Balance" Fraud

Heat-Trapping Gases

Firing Scientists

Thermometer Fraud

Fake Ice Core Data

Equilibrium in Atmosphere

The Cause of Ice Ages and Present Climate


Second Climategate

The Disputed Area

IPCC Propaganda

The Water Vapor Fraud

Back Radiation is Absurd

The 41% Fraud

The 30% Fraud

A Fake Mechanism

Global Dynamic

River, not Window

What about Argo

Heinz Hug Measurement

Hockey Stick Graph

Ice Melt


Shoddy Standards of Global Warming Claims

An extreme lack of standards in the science and journalism promoting "climate change" prevents truth from being produced on the subject.

The subject of global warming is almost nonexistent as a science due to an absence of standards, both scientific and journalistic, in dealing with a very complex subject. It would be very difficult for the best of scientists to pin down the subject of global warming due to the complexity.

There are few reproducible measurements being made by alarmists scientists without alteration or contrivance. In fact, there are few measurements. Most claims are projected guesses into the future. Even where measurements are claimed, the evidence has almost no relationship to the conclusions.

The journalism is as bad as the science. In reporting on innocuous science, extremist claims are thrown in as side comments about global warming catastrophe, even while unrelated to the science at hand. In every report, the critical knowledge lies someplace else. Try to find it. It doesn't exist. Search high and low for a reasonable scientific study. They don't exist. There is not a single study to use as an example of proper science indicating global warming exists.

Persons under 40 probably don't realize it, but science was a totally different endeavor a few decades ago. Measurements were real, and evidence spoke for itself without opinions. Opinions were not allowed in publications. Now days, evidence shows nothing without an opinion claiming some obtuse interpretation.

A major difference is that measurements had to have an established validity, which sometimes meant decades of testing with reference to known standards. The concept of validity has been thrown out the window.

In other words, scientists now days start with a motive and look for something to measure. They find trivia to measure, which tells nothing about anything, and read something into it which has no relationship to reality.

Global warming is based on false science—not just errors but standards which are so perverse that they show a contempt for the purposes of science.

Science must verify. knowing something does not achieve the necessary result without verification.

The purpose and context shows the importance of verifying. Science replaced charlatanism, witchcraft, voodoo and ignorance with reliable information. Take away the reliability, and society is back to the thirteenth century. Fake global warming science discarded the reliability.

From the beginning of the subject, a lack of reliability and verifiability is stunningly discarded. The modern concept of global warming began with James Hansen's publication in 1988, where he used a three component fudge factor to determine the amount of temperature increase created by carbon dioxide. Where did he get the fudge factor? No one has a clue. Circumstantially, it is a representation of assumed past results being extended into the future. Could not a six-year-old continue a line from the past into the future? Not showing where the fudge factor came from is a contempt verifiability in science. How can the fudge factor be evaluated, when there is no explanation with it? The most rudimentary and obvious requirements of science were discarded in publishing the fudge fractor. And yet, it is the starting point and bases for much of the so-called science of global warming.

Nothing could be more fraudulent than the write-up produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the supposed purpose of presenting the science to policy makers. Thousands of scientists supposedly contribute to it, which means it is supposed to be science. Their input is then ignored, while a small group produces one-sided propaganda. Endless citations of literature are produced, as if a scientific review were being presented. It doesn't resemble a real scientific review, because there are no explanations with purposes, just endless lists of studies, which all differ from each other. Science does not have that much contradiction, incoherence and purposelessness.

A few real measurements are being made, with much difficulty at preventing falsification, by scientists who are not irrational alarmists, though they dare not be viewed as skeptics of the global warming fraud, or they would be shoved out of science. Satellite measurements are sometimes allowed to stand without falsification, though the older ones are falsified to conform with fake land based temperature measurements. Argo measurements of ocean temperatures resulted in the coldest measurements being thrown out forcing the result to align better with alarmists claims.

