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Real World Science


Science is drifting into a fantasy world disconnected from objective reality. What this means is that impossibilities are now being promoted as a product of science. Thirteenth century charlatans never had it so good. They weren't pretending to have technological tools for turning their fakery into facts.

To a large extent, the drift in science is due to incompetents being clueless. They don't know how much contradiction with objective reality they are creating. When they say Yellowstone is a super volcano, they don't seem to know that there is supposed to be a lot of lava with small volcanoes and a lot more with super volcanoes. There is no lava with Yellowstone.

The cluelessness of recent science is a disconnect from the real world of objective reality. If clueless scientists have ever gone outdoors and seen a leaf, they should have more contact with objective reality. But the reason why they have never seen a leaf is because they weren't looking at leaves. What have they been doing? Apparently, looking at word salad.

I don't think clueless scientists could make the assumptions they make if they had any contact with the real world. When a person comes into contact with the real world, he sees the influence of laws of the universe and how they shape life. Science then becomes a relationship to the real-world universe instead of a re-arrangement of words on a page.

An agriculture background is an irreplaceable contact with the laws of nature. Farm kids do extremely varied work under conditions where nature prevails. I studied agriculture in high school and college before switching majors to microbiology. During the summers while in college, I did highly varied construction work operating equipment in rock quarries in Oregon and on interstate highway construction. I tromped through endless old-growth forests in Oregon, which tells the story of a billion years of evolution, a lot of which gets missed at universities. It tells why dinosaurs got large, and it tells the story of modern evolution after dinosaurs died out.

For the same reasons, hands-on work is needed in science and technology. Contact with the subject matter is needed to show where the boundaries of the subject are at and how complex factors interact. So I did physics experiments evaluating the measurement of Joule's constant in addition to mushroom research which required a lot of rudimentary technology. I designed a large number or electronic devices for science work and solving problems in electronics. That type of work shows the limitations of technology.

In electronics, you push back the barriers of temperature induced drift, noise and speed to get efficient and effective circuits; so you know where those barriers are at. Physicists are clueless in pretending to design experiments such as the measurement of gravity waves which obliterate the limitations of their technology.

In working with the laws of nature, it is really disgusting to have clueless persons forcing fake science and technology onto society in contempt for objective reality, such as claiming renewable energy is on par with coal, while electricity costs ten times normal when maxed out at 15% renewables.

Physics and Technology

Evolution Biology

Extreme Evolution

Evolution Science Errors

About Gary Novak






Evolution Biology

Extreme Evolution

Evolution Science Errors

Physics and Technology

Real World Science

The Physiology Problem

Graduate Research

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