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The Superiority Of Fakery

November 1, 2020

Corrupters are trying to synthesize a fake version of the universe based upon lies with endless contradictions. Their purpose is to remove all obstacles to their absolute control over everyone and everything. Being an impossibility is too abstract to be relevant to them.

Journalists can't quite grasp the meaning of Trump's incessant lying. They view Trump's lies as stand-alone entities. They aren't. They are part of a process.

Corrupters are trying to turn the universe around, so it fits their characteristics. Of course, doing that isn't possible. But corrupters move in the direction they want to go with a degree of progress in making the attempt.

That process gives Trump's lies a lot more purpose than just nonsensical lying. The lies are directed toward that purpose with a degree of success.

The slight success is in getting a following. If the followers of the liars could forever keep following the liars and do nothing other than that, the success would be complete. Obviously, only the smallest steps in that direction are possible without objective reality imposing itself upon the process.

But being extremely ignorant, corrupters assume the small steps can be converted into large steps and get them to the end point of no objective reality getting in their way of contriving total existence in conflict with objective reality.

The starting point of this subject is in the fact that corruption begins with a conflict with, or disconnect from, objective reality. Instead of correcting the reality problem, corrupters attempt to create an alternative to objective reality.

The alternative to objective reality is totally fluid. It can take any form the promoters wish. Therefore, the result never challenges the ignorance of the contrivers—that is, if contradictions are allowed.

A totally unified alternative to unified reality is a contradiction that will never exist. Therefore, there will always be contradictions in alternatives to the unified reality that the universe is made of.

It means contradictions must be an accepted part of the contrived reality of corrupters. There is no problem with contradictions, as long as reality has no requirements with it, which means realities must be allowed to change continuously for every purpose.

Creating that state of existence requires eliminating the normal state of existence. A replacement process involves two things. It involves a disappearance of something and a synthesis of something. An imposed lie does both. It makes truth disappear as it is replaced with contrivance.

There is a mission to that process. There are motives and forces behind it. The purpose is to put incompetent destroyers in control of our lives. For them to control our lives, they must be superior to the persons who oppose them.

Therefore, the corruption must be superior to normalcy as rationality.

One reason why journalists cannot grasp the process that corrupters promote is because no one could assume such nonsense would ever work. What journalists or critics miss in that assumption is that corruption is not an analysis. Not being an analysis, a lot of obvious points can be missed including the futility.

Corrupt processes are a product of reactions, not analysis. Corrupters react to the forces which they encounter with opposing forces. Lies are forces designed to oppose the truth that condemns corrupters—no analysis required. Trying to get someplace with the lies requires contrived realities in contempt for truth.

What Abstract Reality Is

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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