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Water and Oxygen Origins

The oceans were created from chlorates and hydrocarbons.


Scientists have been reversing a lot of historical knowledge, as science deteriorates. Disappearing the original, reducing atmosphere is an example.

As Earth formed, a reducing atmosphere resulted from hydrogenated organic molecules, some being volatile, and creating an atmosphere of hydrocarbons (petroleum, which cannot be fossil fuels).

More slowly, oxygen entered the atmosphere, at least in part from sodium perchlorate. The oxygen oxidized the organics to carbon dioxide and water.

Shale was the major component of the Earth's surface early on. The shale was inhospitable to terrestrial life delaying terrestrial life until a planet exploded 541 mya adding a layer of clay on the surface of the earth.

Minerals precipitated early in the oceans creating a shortage of minerals and inhibited complex life, until the exploded planet added minerals to the oceans and surface of the earth along with clay. The very thin layer of clay on the surface of the earth indicates that the clay was a recent addition. Scientists claim the clay resulted from rocks being dissolved by biological acids, which is ludicrous. Solutions run into the oceans; they do not form a semi-solid.

The oceans go back at least 4 billion years. With the age of the earth being 4.5 billion years, it means oceans formed early on.

Scientists have long known that the earth began with a reducing atmosphere. That means hydrocarbons such as methane were everywhere. But incompetent corrupters have been overwhelming science and reversing previous knowledge as their method of taking over power by stripping rationality from science.

That means the logic needs to be corrected based on proper scientific principles. There are requirements in the chemistry that cannot be interpreted in any other way than a reducing atmosphere and how it resulted in oceans being created.

Hydrocarbons are very combustible in the presence of oxygen. That means all available oxygen would have been rapidly used up oxidizing the hydrocarbons to water and carbon dioxide. How much oxygen was initially available for that process is impossible to determine; but more slowly a different source of oxygen became available through chlorates and perchlorates.

The high degree of salt in the oceans shows that the oceans were created by chlorates and perchlorates oxidizing hydrocarbons. A concentration of 3.5% salt may not seem like enough for creating the oceans; but most of the salt precipitated out creating huge salt deposits.

The most volatile hydrocarbons would have oxidized the soonest leaving the heavier hydrocarbons to seep into the ground creating the crude oil deposits that are exploited now days.

As always, the fakes who took over science replaced the obvious science with absurdities claiming oil in the ground was produced through fossilization of biological material. The chemistry of such a process is beyond absurd. Hydrocarbons are much higher in energy state than biological materials which are approximately oxidized half way to an end point. There is no way to increase the energy state of organic molecules than through radiation.

Shale was the major component of the Earth's surface early on. The shale was inhospitable to terrestrial life delaying terrestrial life until a planet exploded 541 mya adding a layer of clay on the surface of the earth.

Minerals precipitated early in the oceans creating a shortage of minerals and inhibited complex life, until the exploded planet added minerals to the oceans and surface of the earth along with clay. The very thin layer of clay on the surface of the earth indicates that the clay was a recent addition. Scientists claim the clay resulted from rocks being dissolved by biological acids, which is ludicrous. Acids create ions which run into the oceans; they do not form a semi-solid soil.

Jupiter's largest moon, called Titan, has huge lakes of hydrocarbons, much more than on planet earth. There has never been significant biology on Titan. It shows that hydrocarbons were formed without biological materials. A news item describing Titan's hydrocarbons is here: OilPrice, Titan

Most of the volatile hydrocarbons on Earth would have entered the atmosphere and gotten oxidized into water and carbon dioxide creating the oceans and large amounts of CO2. The CO2 combined with calcium in the oceans to form calcium carbonate and limestone.

It means there was a lot of oxygen generated after the earth formed, mostly a half billion years later as the oceans formed. The source of most of the oxygen would have been sodium perchlorate. It breaks down into sodium chloride and oxygen.

Formation of the oceans would have removed all available oxygen from the environment and still left hydrocarbons buried below the surface. So there was an absence of oxygen until it began to slowly enter the atmosphere 2.5 billion years ago. Scientists are trying to determine if it was rudimentary biological photosynthesis or mineral reactions that produced the oxygen in the atmosphere starting 2.5 billion years ago.
Conifers evolved 300 million years ago, because large enough hills formed giving them space to grow on and escape the heavy brush of the lowlands. The large hills resulted from buckling of colliding tectonic plates. Nonwoody brush covered the low ground crowding out diverse species of both plants and animals. After hills formed, water washed downward resulting in the nonwoody brush not doing well on the slopes. This left the slopes exposed for conifers to evolve on.

It means hills were not developed until 300 million years ago. The reason is because tectonic plates were too thin to buckle when they collided. They just stuck together forming super-continents.

tectonic plate thickness

The earth is constantly cooling, as heat moves upward and goes into space. As the earth cools, the crust gets thicker. The crust is now so thick that it buckles during collisions of continental plates, with the layers going over and under each other. This buckling created volcanic activity about 330 million years ago increasing the amount of CO2 in the air. But now the plates are so thick that volcanic magma cannot easily get to the surface, and volcanic activity is at a low level. With oceans absorbing CO2 and volcanoes putting little in the air, the CO2 level is the lowest it has been in measured history. The CO2 Graph

CO2 Graph

The Geology Of Shale

Geologists don't understand shale. They claim shale is sedimentary. The original shale is not. Sedimentary shale is more heterogeneous than the original shale.

The original shale would have been created as planet Earth formed. Where did the sedimentary shale originate? It had to come from someplace. The sedimentary shale came from the original shale that took form as the planet formed.

Geologists claim that clay originated from erosion of feldspars. Feldspars are too varied and heterogeneous to create the thin layer of clay that took form when a planet exploded where the asteroid belt is.

A very thin layer of clay was added long after most geological events occurred. Otherwise, the surface clay would have been mixed-in more than it was. There are areas where the surface is gumbo, resulting from sedimentary shale. The gumbo would have formed under an ocean and came to the surface later.

Shale and clay have about the same chemistry but vastly different texture. Original shale is a brittle rock; clay is a semisolid. Shale is dark gray; surface clay is red but often darkened by aluminum oxide which slowly forms near the surface. Shale goes down hundreds of feet, when it has not been displaced. Surface-type clay only goes down about fifteen inches except where there is mixing.

What it means is that only shale existed as the earth formed, while surface clay was added much later when a planet exploded in the asteroid belt. Otherwise, the clay would not be a thin and uniform coating over the top of everything else.

One of the questions is, why did the exploding planet produce clay. The size of the exploding planet would have been larger than Jupiter, which is what caused it to explode. Perhaps the large size allowed clay to form on its surface, whereas planet Earth was too small to produce clay during its formation.

It is possible that fine textured shale from the exploded planet transformed into clay as it filtered through the Earth's atmosphere; but that mechanism seems unlikely, since the Earth's atmosphere is not very uniform.

Scientists have known for hundreds of years that a planet exploded in the asteroid belt creating the orbiting rocks. But recently, scientists changed the story claiming there was no planet that exploded and it was the gravity of Jupiter that caused rocks to orbit in the asteroid belt. There is no credibility in that description of events; its a contrivance that goes with much of science (mostly physics) being turned around in recent years, as incompetent power mongers prevailed over real scientists. A similar example is the recent claim that Yellowstone is a super volcano, while it is obviously an asteroid strike. There is no lava anywhere near Yellowstone. A super volcano without lava is like an ocean without water.

The early oceans on planet Earth go back more than four billion years, as scientists have determined. The first thing that oceans did is dissolve a lot of shale and cause it to form sediment on the ocean floor. The sedimented shale varies from somewhat hard to semi-solid but not as hard as the brittle rock that originally formed as shale. Heterogeneity is the main difference between sedimentary shale and original shale.

The sedimented shale has many minerals and fossils within it. In fact, the precipitation of dissolved shale removed most of the minerals in early oceans which precipitated with the shale. One result was an absence of minerals in the early oceans inhibiting life forms from developing, until the exploding planet covered planet Earth with a new source of biologically-necessary minerals and resulted in the "Cambrian explosion of life" which occurred 541 million years ago.

What geologists are getting wrong is the assumption that clay and shale formed through a chemistry with acids and alkalis acting upon feldspars rather than being created while planets form. One of the differences is scale. Acids and alkalis never existed on the scale needed. Homogeneity is also indicative. Micro quantities of acids and alkalis would produce heterogeneous mixtures. Homogeneous structures on a large scale means large scale events produced the result, not micro transformations.

Shale could not have originated with feldspars, because most shale has too much homogeneity over a large scale. The homogeneity of large quantities of shale points to reactions forming substances in space without a liquid medium. And geologists aren't saying it all occurred early-on but that the processes have been occurring continuously over time, which would have resulted in a lot of variation and heterogeneity.

Geology Near The Missouri River

The Missouri River which runs through the center of South Dakota tells a lot about shale that geologists don't understand.

The western half of South Dakota has a soil surface consisting of shale sediments from an early ocean. The eastern half of the state has a soil surface consisting of clay including the usual mixtures that go with it. The river cuts a groove between the two types of geology. The river surface is about 400 feet (122 meters) below the surrounding terrain.

Along the Missouri River in South Dakota there are small hills consisting of sedimented shale from the early ocean. The sedimented shale is called gumbo. The gumbo gets real sticky when wet, and the gumbo hills often slide downward where roads were created resulting in instability for the roads.

The gumbo hills are covered with manganese nodules, which come to the surface as the soil around them erodes. The manganese nodules can only form in deep oceans, since it takes a lot of manganese to create large nodules. The size of the nodules is typically 200 grams or more.

Yet geologists claim that the gumbo in western South Dakota is the result of an inland sea. How could they miss the fact that an inland sea is not going to create gumbo hills hundreds of feet deep or manganese nodules? Shallow seas would not have been exposed to shale and would not have produced large precipitates of manganese.

So the western half of South Dakota would have been a tectonic plate that originated in the early ocean and later came to the surface. Geologists know that ocean plates do come to the surface. The strangest thing about it is that the deep-sea plate then collided with a tectonic plate that had clay on the surface.

Did that collision between tectonic plates occur after the planet exploded 541 million years ago? How else could there be gumbo on one plate and clay on the other? Or was there a thin layer of clay on top of the gumbo, while the clay eroded and got mixed in later through glacial activity?

The gumbo plate could have come to the surface after the planet exploded 541 million years ago, because tectonic plates did not get thick enough to slide over and under each other until 330 million years ago, as shown by the CO2 graph and origins of conifers on slopes at that time.

Tectonic plates sliding over and under each other caused volcanoes to increase restoring carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Oceans precipitate calcium carbonate constantly, which removed CO2 from the atmosphere before 330 mya and after volcanoes died down 120 mya.

CO2 Graph


Geologists keep saying meteorites which contain traces of water bound in their minerals indicate that water on Planet Earth came from meteorites in the asteroid belt. There are numerous absurdities in that claim. One, if so, the solar system would be flooded with water. Two, the meteorites had no more ability to originate water than Planet Earth did. Three, that claim erases the explosion of a planet between Mars and Jupiter as the source of the asteroid belt, which has no credible explanation.

The planet which exploded would have had some water on it, which left residues in the resulting meteorites. In all cases, planets would have been acquiring their water the same way Planet Earth did, which was by oxidation of hydrocarbons, first with the limited oxygen that was available and then with perchlorates which left large amounts of sodium chloride as a byproduct.

August 29, 2020

Fifty years ago, scientists were evaluating the origins of planet Earth as having a reducing atmosphere early on, meaning hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. Since then, the assumptions changed to a non-reducing early Earth.

But now, a study of early meteorites* says recent assumptions were wrong about hydrogen not existing in the formation of the Earth due to high temperatures and hydrogen did exist. That means the assumptions fifty years ago concerning a reducing atmosphere are not contradicted by assumptions of temperatures being too high.

My evaluation says that the hydrogen and oxygen that make up water had to exist on planet earth from the beginning, because the huge amount of salt on the earth points to chlorates creating much of the water, and there is no way all that stuff is going to be carried to planet Earth on comets, as recently claimed.

The claim wasn't that comets were carrying hydrocarbons (petroleum) plus chlorates; the claim was comets carrying preformed water, which doesn't explain all the salt in early oceans, much of which ended up in huge salt deposits.

*Science Daily, August 27, 2020, Meteorites

*Science News, November 17, 2022, Meteorites

OilPrice, Hydrocarbons On Titan

Fossil Fuels

CO2 Graph

Yellowstone      TOP     



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