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Political Philosophy  381

Why Objective Reality

What Corrupters Are ▼    

April 30, 2024

Corruption is a disconnect from objective reality. Realities cannot have real meaning without an objective source. That's because objective reality includes everything that exists. Being disconnected from it leaves nothing but randomly selected bits and pieces of realities which do not have definable meaning.

With realities being a scrambled mess, corrupters acquire the notion that there is no such thing as ordered existence, just the whims of persons. All corrupters acquire the purpose of promoting subjectivity as self prevailing arbitrarily over everyone and everything.

To adapt to the contradictions of each person being the center of existence, corrupters pick central points of focus for persons and related propaganda for promoting their purposes.

The extremely clear example at this time is Trump followers using the absurd claim that an election was stolen from Trump. The claim orients purposes around the person of Trump while erasing the realities which show Trump to be a loser. Trump, the central figure, and the absurd claim are picked for a purpose with no relationship to objective reality.

It shows that corrupters align realities around centralized points for the purpose of generating power. A dominating figurehead is needed to maximize power. Strangely, the more corrupt, incompetent and disconnected the figurehead is, the more power he generates. That's because objective reality would diminish the power of corrupters. To shield against objective reality, the figurehead must be maximally corrupt.

Cult leaders can disconnect from objective reality without promoting social conflicts by using quirky fantasies as a disconnect mechanism. They use smoke and mirrors, as Applewhite did, to project an image of wizardry while making super-human claims of knowledge, such as a spacecraft behind the Hale-Bopp Comet to pick up the followers of the cult leader.

The socially disgraceful figureheads scavenge for power by including cultishness, as Trump does in claiming to be selected by God to fix the problems of his followers. It's a recent claim by Trump, being an absurd tack-on to his power, which wasn't necessary while in government. Absurdities come and go for frauds, which shows the lack of basis in objective realities.

Objective realities are stabilized by the laws of the universe as the only significant source of realities around which all other objective realities must be oriented to be relevant. Any synthesized realities in conflict with the objective realities of the universe are falsehoods and frauds.

Yet, corrupters assume their standard is superior to the standard of aligning upon the objective realities of the universe, which is rationality. Corrupters fight a war against rationality, because it exposes them as the corrupters that they are. Without rationality, the only state of existence is arbitrary whim.

It seems preposterous that corrupters could assume arbitrary whim to the the ideal state of existence. The way they rationalize that assumption is to tell themselves that promoting self must be the only logical purpose in existence. Promoting objective realities is not promoting self. That infantile logic is made possible by their disconnect from objective realities and hate for rationality, which makes ordered realities and existence look like foolishness.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. Explaining claims is a requirement of rationality. Promoting rationality is assumed by corrupters to be foolishness that creates losers.

Rationality makes the persons independent from the realities. To corrupters, the person being irrelevant is the same thing as being a loser, because corrupters are driven to be winners. It takes a lot of effort—effort as corruption—to be a winner in the view of corrupters. What they miss is the indirect results of solving problems through rationality, which creates winners in terms of solving problems.
Corrupters have a concept of winners being dominators who prevail against other persons. They don't prevail over realities; they prevail over persons. That's because rationality makes them feel like losers due to their corruptness and incompetence. So they try to produce a shortcut method of winning by using force to prevail over persons in place of using rationality to align upon the objective realities of the universe.

Aren't corrupters extremely dogmatic in insisting that only they can solve everyone's problems? Dogmatic impositions are an attempt to counter the opposite being the truth. Imposing persons need to convince, where the truth says otherwise.

How could corrupters solve any problems being disconnected from objective realities and having nothing for reality but arbitrary whims? Supposedly, their arbitrary whims are so godly that only inferior persons try to align upon objective realities through rationality.

Corrupters believe that their arbitrariness is a superior state, because it promotes themselves, while they see nothing in rationality but a lot of work for nothing. They are unaware of the process of solving problems through rationality. They assume rational persons are nothing but fools wasting their time.

Trump shows what the whims of dictators are worth. He claims white racism is needed to prevent immigrants from destroying the blood of the nation. He is more of a Nazi by character than Hitler was. Hitler tried to convince. All Trump can do is attack and degrade. He has no clue what a government is or how it operates.

Conservatives are only different from Trump in their ability to conceal and rationalize. When they claim corporations burning two or three trillion tax dollars on stock buy-backs is good for the economy, they aren't in the government business; they are in the destruction-of-everything business.

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What Corruption Is      TOP     



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