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The Fraud Of Consensus


July 9, 2024

Too often, consensus becomes assumed evidence of fact. Consensus is never a source of reliable evidence, because it would not exist where there is rationality.

Consensus is a subjective tool used to replace objective evidence with convenience realities. A disconnect from objective reality occurs when looking to consensus. That's because consensus and objective reality are two different sources of reality. They can't both be sources at the same time.

Due to incompetence, corrupters replace reliability of standards with convenience. So they assume almost any source of reality is as good as any other. They miss the definitive requirement for objective reality in constructivity.

The objective realities of the universe define life and solutions to problems. Those realities create a unified reality. Life is unified reality. That means sustaining life by solving problems must be aligned upon the objective, unified realities defined by the laws of the universe. Doing that is rationality.

Corrupters despise rationality, because it exposes them as the corrupters that they are and generates truth. So they assume their endless, subjective sources of reality are superior to the objective realities determined through rationality.

Consensus is an agreement by like-minded persons generating a substitute for the objective, unified realities of the universe determined through rationality. Not only are there no valid substitutes for objective reality, the results of consensus are never stable or clearly defined, because there is no clear and stable form of realities that can be significantly produced in conflict with the objective, unified realities of the universe.

When scientists rely upon consensus, they are disconnecting from the required standards of science for reliably determining the characteristics of the objective, unified realities of the universe.

Of course, the most obvious and simplistic example is the assumption that so-called greenhouse gases determine global temperatures. Throughout science, now days, global temperature determinations are related to so-called greenhouse gases. It shows how deteriorated science has become. To not properly evaluate the absurdities of so-called greenhouse gases and then rely upon consensus instead of reliable evidence is not how real science works.

Corrupters assume that consensus is a result of most persons agreeing upon truth. But then they use consensus as like-minded persons agreeing upon fraud. They do not see the difference. They assume their version of truth can be synthesized due to reality being arbitrary and shaped by the persons with the most power.

Consensus is agreement. Rationality is not agreement. Rationality is looking at objective realities as evidence uninfluenced by agreements. Consensus is looking at other persons with agreement.

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