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Corruption Of Science  39

There Is No Science Basis For Greenhouse Gases

May 23, 2024

Incompetents in physics imagined climate science and then wrote up a fraudulent mathematical analysis called "radiative transfer equations" (RTEs).

With RTEs, the frauds started at a desired endpoint of 1°C temperature increase upon doubling carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and then used fraud procedures to contrive that result.

The procedure was to divide the atmosphere into many slices and calculate the radiation leaving each slice and entering the slice above it. When they got to the top of the atmosphere, the claim was 3.7 watts per square meter less energy leaving the atmosphere than entering from the sun upon doubling carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Emitted radiation does not travel from one slice to another. It is highly varied in wavelengths and travels various distances—some exiting the atmosphere. But the world's largest computers were used; so no one could verify results or methods.

There is no such thing as an imbalance, because the elements are dynamic, which means they always equalize over time as the same amount entering as leaving.

escape radiation

Then the claimed imbalance as watts are units of rate, which don't produce a constant result. The resulting temperature would be always increasing, not a stable 1°C. That's why people pay for watt-hours, not watts. The frauds had to overlook that point in attempting to apply the Stefan-Boltzmann constant (SBC) in reverse to get temperature, while the SBC is stated in terms of watts per square meter.

There is no such thing as a greenhouse gas, because carbon dioxide will only absorb in three narrow bands at 2.7, 4.3 and 15 microns. Only cold substances, such as the surface of the Earth, emit such longwave radiation; and cold substances give off almost no radiation for carbon dioxide to absorb. Methane absorbs at 3.5 and 8 microns.

Earth's Radiation

More than a century ago, real scientists measured the result and said all radiation available to carbon dioxide is absorbed in a short distance of travel, so more carbon dioxide cannot absorb more radiation, which they called "saturation." The incompetents in physics ignored that and all other criticism and dogged out their frauds in contempt for real science.

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Radiative Transfer Equations

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