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Getting Force And Violence Wrong

August 9, 2024

What do the promoters of force and violence do that is not force and violence? They don't produce two standards. Destructivity and constructivity are too absorbing and different to be mixed. So maybe there is a division of labor: Some do force and violence and some do constructivity. But they are not compatible.

What constructivity is allowed by promoters of force and violence? No criticism is allowed, because the victims of force and violence criticize force and violence. Maybe the promoters of force and violence discourage some criticism and allow others. But there is no distinguishable difference.

The promoters of force and violence assume there are no other solutions to problems than force and violence. Getting rid of enemies is supposed to be the answer to everything. Has anyone ever constructed a building by getting rid of enemies? A lot of science and engineering are needed to do anything constructive now days.

Science and engineering are becoming nonfunctional, as incompetent power mongers take over the social structures and convert them into power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense. They acquire power through domination to prevail, which is the basis of all corruption. They fight a war against rationality, because it exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are. Nothing constructive can be done without rationality.

Rationality is alignment upon the objective realities of the universe that define life and solutions to problems, which requires science and engineering now days. In fighting a war against rationality, power mongers are reducing science and engineering to nonfunctional fraud.

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