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Economic Fraud

June 30, 2024

There is no such thing as controlling an economy. Economies can be degraded; but they can't be improved through direct manipulations. When leaving economies alone, they always improve, as each person finds ways to improve their situation.

The primary method of degrading economies in recent times is raising interest rates. Obviously, a lot of persons are harmed by that; yet supposedly the result is an improvement. That's an extremely audacious method of calling bad good.

The public is supposed to be thrilled by the recent in interest rate increases; but they keep saying otherwise. Of course economic frauds have the last word on the subject: It was an improvement whether the public knows it or not.

What are increased interest rates supposed to do? They are supposed to put people out of work by obstructing investments. Why is that a good thing? Just because fraud economists say so.

Raising interest rates to improve the economy is so perverse in its logic that it points to a major social problem. Surely, some journalists would realize what a fraud it is; but since they never say so, the indication is that economic fraud is so entrenched and untouched that journalists self-censure on the subject.

Perhaps the most telling fact about raising interest rates is the starting point. The starting point is always, never an exception, the claim that the economy is too hot—no explanation of what that means or why it is bad—that is, outside the obscure rationalizations that are too fraudulent to be exposed to public visibility.

The frauds always refer to economic expansion or growth as the indication of too hot of an economy. Otherwise, economic growth is always the desired result. Is there some point where economic growth needs to be curtailed? There is never an explanation of what level of growth should not be exceeded. In fact, the level of economic growth tends to be quite low when the frauds decide an economy is too hot, because they have other motives at that point.

The prevailing manipulators of the economy are always conservatives, being embedded in corporate financial concerns; so they always decide that the economy is too hot when Democrats are in power, since creating economic ruin for the lower classes is the only reason for saying an economy is too hot. Endless nonsense used to rationalize does not say otherwise.

To cool the economy, stifling procedures are needed, which always means raising interest rates. Stifling the economy is always said to be a good thing in cooling the economy. Never is there a mention of the consequence to the victims in the lower classes. The value is always in rationalization nonsense.

After some time at raised interest rates, the marvelous result is promoted. Everyone is supposedly better off due to reduced inflation.

So the primary core of the fraud is the claim that raising interest rates lowers inflation. One of the implications is that high inflation was a product of the hot economy. But never is inflation mentioned when the hot economy is given as the purpose for raising interest rates. Why don't the frauds simply say inflation is too high, so interest rates need to be increased? It's because inflation is never too high when the economy is said to be too hot.

Good economies do not create inflation. Prices decrease when economies thrive. Prices increase when problems exist including increased interest rates.

It's only after interest rates have been increased for some time that inflation increases. Frauds bury the history and pretend that inflation always was the problem being corrected. But why then should the hotness of the economy even be mentioned? The only reason for saying an economy is too hot is because there is no inflation problem at that point. Otherwise, the inflation problem is what should and would be mentioned instead of an undefinable hotness of the economy.

There is no logic for increased interest rates decreasing inflation. Inflation always tracks with interest rate increases, because interest rates and inflation are directly linked together. No one could honestly miss that fact. Increased interest rates cause increased prices, which is what inflation is.

Of course, there is also a muddle of nonsense drifting back and forth between inflation being the size of the money supply and inflation being the cost of products. When the fraud is too obvious in looking at the increasing cost of products, the logic shifts to the money supply being the indicator of inflation.

There is no logic for interest rates and inflation moving in opposite directions. Increasing interest rates makes everything cost more for obvious reasons. Costing more is inflation. So a fake rationalization shifts to nonsensical relationships between interest rates and inflation residing in the area of money supply.

The stated result of increasing interest rates is to cool the economy by reducing some economic activity. No indication of anyone being harmed by a reduced economy is ever mentioned. Reduced economic activity is always a harm to someone. Putting some persons out of work is sometimes mentioned as the method for reducing economic activity. Putting people out of work is harmful to some persons—the lower classes, of course.

The fakery of reducing the money supply to improve the economy as the equivalent of reducing inflation is shown to be absurd due to the increasing shortage of money supply created by globalized trade. Global trade, being referenced to the dollar, gobbles up dollars in a lot of foreign banks. Those dollars get removed from circulation, which results in a shortage of the money supply.

That means reducing the money supply under such conditions to improve the economy couldn't be more of a fraud. Decades ago, the money supply was obscure and easily muddled by economists. Now days, the shortage of money supply is so acute due to globalized trade that "quantitative easing" was instituted several years ago to replenish the money supply.

So instead of using quantitative easing to replenish the money supply, the latest round of economic fraud raised interest rates, which reduces the money supply. The money supply was reduced when there was a shortage as the supposed improvement in the economy.

Someone told Trump that quantitative easing was needed. So Trump demanded quantitative easing and got it from the Fed. That made the Trump economy work smoothly in spite of other factors screwing it up including tariffs. With Democrats in power, the opposite occurred: the money supply was reduced while there was a shortage by raising interest rates in the absence of quantitative easing with some talk of reversing quantitative easing.

The economic forces were reversed for Democrats by reducing the money supply and increasing interest rates. Then the public was told they had a marvelous economy. People said otherwise, while the frauds insisted the public was wrong.

The purpose in screwing up the economy almost comes through sometimes in terms of needing a reduced economy. Reduced for who and why? Reduced for the lower classes, of course. Reducing the economy for the lower classes is part of the war against the lower classes that bigots fight.

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