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The Trapping-Heat Fraud

July 4, 2024

Fakes promote the impression that each carbon dioxide molecule in the atmosphere keeps increasing in its temperature, sort of like pouring water into a bucket which always increases.

Nothing resembling such effect exists in science. Within femtoseconds of any molecule in the atmosphere acquiring energy, it is emitting that energy away as broadband radiation. That means there is no such thing as trapping heat in the atmosphere.

Earth's Radiation

Air temperatures typically cool 20°C at night, because heat is constantly radiating into space. A transparent gas radiates away energy vastly more easily than an opaque solid such as the surface of the Earth. That's because radiation can be emitted from every point in a transparent gas, while only from the surface layer of molecules for an opaque substance.

How could carbon dioxide trap heat while the entire atmosphere is losing heat constantly? Persons who know nothing of science assume the nature of carbon dioxide must be different in doing bad things, because authority figures say so.

There is no such thing as trapping heat in the atmosphere. So why do frauds in physics say carbon dioxide is a heat-trapping gas? What the fakes are doing is using improper terminology for absorption of radiation and referring to it as trapping heat. Why don't they say absorption of radiation instead of trapping heat? They use fraud terminology to convince the public.

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere loses heat by radiating it away in exactly the same way the nitrogen and oxygen do. Every molecule in the atmosphere loses heat to radiation in exactly the same way, because there is no other method of emitting radiation as heat for any molecule.

Heat is vibratory motion of molecules. Carbon dioxide vibrates with temperature exactly the same as every other molecule. Radiation is emitted from every molecule in existence in proportion to its vibrations as temperature. Carbon dioxide emits radiation exactly the same as every other molecule.

That means portraying carbon dioxide as doing something different from other molecules in emitting radiation is a fraud upon the public.

The fake terminology caused incompetents to assume nothing heats the atmosphere but so-called greenhouse gases. They missed the conduction, convection and evaporation that puts real heat into the atmosphere. And they know something the rest of us don't know?

The slide into fraud began with the observation in a laboratory that carbon dioxide absorbs long-wave, infrared radiation that is not absorbed by nitrogen or oxygen. Not being noticed by the incompetent physicists is that there is almost no such radiation available to carbon dioxide to be absorbed.

Then the frauds changed the word absorb into trapping, as if the public would conceptualize the subject better as trapping than absorbing. It was a propaganda ploy far more disconnected from reality than the incompetent physicists realized.

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