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Anti-Immigrant Logic


October 1, 2020

Conservatives attack immigrants pretending to be solving some problem, but there is never an explanation. Trump's claim of keeping out criminals was never considered to be an explanation, which shows there is no real explanation.

The context of immigrants in society is highly developed and visible over time; so we can evaluate the social results to determine what is really happening and the logic of conservatives.

The first element of the logic of immigrants is the objective truth of what immigrants are doing. They always do work that needs to be done. Now days, the Latin American immigrants have been doing crucial farm work which U.S. workers cannot do. It takes migrant workers who live five to a motel room to do much of the farm labor.

In fact, Midwest farmers cannot hire labor due to the demanding complexities (which require owner-operators) and narrow margins on grain production. The size of Midwest farms is limited to the amount of work a family farmer can do himself and with his kids. When corporations try to do the same thing, they fail, because no one can compete with the efficiency of "owner-operators" in any business.

The Reaganites bankrupted 30% of the farmers in the U.S. by dumping the built-up storage of products onto the market slowly over several years. That 30% driven out of agriculture consisted of the youngest farmers who had loans to pay off. The older farmers had their loans already paid off, so they could survive on next to nothing. later, Iowa was pleading with East European farmers to move to Iowa and take up farming due to the shortage of farmers.

Bankrupting the farmers wasn't a necessity. It was rationalized by Reaganites as if it would be an improvement in agriculture. They assumed that corporations and big operators would replace the small farmers and make agriculture more effective. The opposite happened; the corporations were the first to go bankrupt, because they could not compete with the efficiency of owner-operators.

Throughout the economy, immigrants do a lot of difficult work which is not easily done by U.S. workers for social reasons. The immigrants generally had their lives upset in their original countries, so they work hard at menial labor to put their lives back together. That dynamic is extremely valuable to the economy of the U.S.

So what is the complaint? Bigots often express their complaint in blatantly corrupt terms by degrading immigrants. When the complaint is not stated, the facts contradict the complaints. Immigrants have always been extremely valuable to the U.S. economy.

It means the opposition to immigrants is subjective, not objective. Yet the attackers on immigrants pretend to be concerned for the betterment of mankind. They are fakes contradicting objective realities.

An analysis of the subjectivity is philosophically possible in moral terms. Incompetent corrupters need victims to degrade as their only method of being winners while being incompetent. The victims (and persons who assist them) react to the forces working against them. The oppressors oppose the opposing force, rationalizing and justifying, convincing themselves of the righteousness of their bigotry. There is no other basis for the attack upon immigrants.

The hate for liberals by conservatives is brought into the same realm, since liberals work for the victims of injustice. There is no explanation of why conservatives hate liberals. Liberals are hated for the subjective reasons that they try to produce social justice for the victims of injustice.

Certainly, liberals attack conservatives, but they can give good reasons for doing so. Conservatives cannot give explanations for anything they do or believe, because they are promoting corruption which cannot be justified.

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