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Cycles Of The Universe

The universe constantly cycles between material life and spiritual life. Material life has the purpose of overcoming corruption which keeps re-entering the universe over time.

Rationality is needed to overcome corruption. The solution to material problems requires rationality.

Corruption is a war against rationality by incompetents who want to get more out of life than their incompetence produces. The war against rationality includes stripping government of laws and contriving fake reality as an exploitable tool that does not require rationality.

Fake reality includes greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. Those corruptions are promoted in contempt for the objective evidence and explanations required for rationality.

Using fake reality as a source of power requires a process of corruption replacing the standards of rationality. Determining truth isn't a process of guessing who is right; it's a process of using rationality as the methodology. The promotion of fake reality does not rely upon rationality. It relies upon some frauds saying so, such as 97% of the scientists agreeing (which isn't fact) or the IPCC saying so (which isn't science).

What separates fraud from fact under such conditions? Only fraud is promoted when subjective claims replace objective reality.

Objective reality is determined by evaluating the relationships between realities, which is how rationality is produced. Explanations are required with claims. It's not how fake reality is produced.



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