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Differential Standards

The Trump Administration has reverted to differential standards to promote their cause. That means they shove out Democrats and refuse to fund areas of government controlled by Democrats.

Nothing could degrade ordered existence more than differential standards. It's like removing half of the material from a building. No structure is left. Half of a government is no government at all.

Which is one of the purposes of conservatives: to reduce government to nonfunctionality. They call it small government and deregulation.

What replaces government is a cause. Conservatives promote a cause, and they don't want government to get in the way.

Promoting a cause is not ordered existence. It's subjective. Order only exists as objective reality.

The cause that conservatives promote is themselves taking over everything to redesign reality on the basis of their whims and stupidity, so they can decree their incompetence and corruptness to be virtues. They cannot tolerate a government that produces laws through open and accountable procedures and gives people the rights and freedoms needed to oppose their corruption.



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