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Evolution Biology Of The Corona Virus


September 30, 2020

The most important factor in stopping the Corona virus is social distancing, because it evolved by moving a few millimeters from bat to bat in caves for forty million years. It doesn't handle six feet of distance well.


The Corona virus is an inhalation virus. The Adeno virus is somewhat similar but is an ingestion virus. The modes of attack are not interchangeable.

However, the Corona virus is so much more advanced than usual that it can apparently attack three types of tissue. It must get started in the upper nose area. Then it can move into the endothelial tissue of the circulatory system which first and foremost damages the lungs. It also appears to attack nerve cells, where it is invisible to the immune system.

The number one problem that pathogens have is spreading from one host to another. Mediums must be used for that. Polio spreads through water. Rabies spreads through biting, which is enhanced through madness caused by damaged brain cells.

Nothing had such an easy task in spreading as the Corona virus. It evolved in bats in a cave. Those types of bats pack into caves millimeters apart. The virus only needs to move a few millimeters through the air to spread from one bat to another.

As bats acquired an immunity to the Corona virus, the virus could redevelop its characteristics to go around the immunity. Gradually, immunity would improve to counter the virus. Then the virus would acquire new characteristics, and those would be defeated by immunity.

Those cycles could have gone on any number of times over millions of years. What it means is that the Corona virus would be the most sophisticate virus in existence. The process would keep getting more and more complex each time developed immunity was defeated.

What medical doctors observe is widely varying symptoms. Why doesn't the virus do the same things all the time? The reason might be that the virus can do so many things that it adopts a different strategy for each situation.

Some persons assume the Corona virus is a version of the common cold, which is trivial. Where did that concept come from? There could be a spin-off version of the Corona virus. Evolution produces spin-offs from all mainline species. The spin-offs are weak and rapidly die off, while the mainline is timeless.

Spin off diseases burn out rapidly, while the mainline disease does not. An example is smallpox, similar to cowpox. The mainline for the pox viruses appears to be chicken pox because of its extreme sophistication and permanence. The chickenpox virus hides out in the nerve cells where the immune system cannot get to it, and then it comes to the surface several decades after the original infection to create "shingles" (called Zoster virus by MDs). This mechanism allows adults who acquired immunity to infect children who do not yet have immunity for chickenpox.

Smallpox died out easily, because it did not have the sophistication of the mainline virus which it split off from. Similarly, there could be a version of the Corona virus that split off from the mainline virus, which could be one of the viruses which creates the common cold. There are a variety of viruses which create the common cold, and seldom is it a Corona virus.

Therefore, the version of the Corona virus which creates the Covid-19 disease could be the mainline form with all of the sophistication that millions of years of combatting the immune system created. Usually, it would not affect humans, because they are spread out much more than the bats in a cave which created the evolution of the disease. But humans are getting much more crowded in some of their activities, which would allow the Corona virus to spread through human populations.

It's more than noticeable that the new Corona virus takes off whenever humans produce crowded activities. It shows that the limiting factor is the crowding and distance required for spreading. Since the disease is new to the human society due to changing human conditions, it could be an adaptation of the mainline version of the Corona viruses with much more sophistication than spin-off versions would have.

New Information

April 7, 2021

After a year of the pandemic, there are two additional bits of information: One, the Corona virus appears to use nerve cells to escape the immune system, as the Chickenpox virus does. Two, the Corona virus appears to promote blood clots.

The Chickenpox virus will hide out in the nerve cells for several decades and then come to the surface creating blisters as a method of spreading. It shows the value of using nerve cells to escape the immune system. The Corona virus is found to create numerous neurological problems indicating that it too is using nerve cells to escape the immune system.

Blood clotting is sometimes found to be associated with the Corona virus. There would be an advantage for the virus in clotting blood, as long as the effect was quite limited. Limited blood clotting would slow the circulation of antibodies thereby reducing defense against the virus.

Of course, too much blood clotting would rob the cells of oxygen and kill the host without the virus escaping. So the blood clotting would have to be quite limited. When limited, the effects would be variable, which is what appears to be occurring.

Both effects show much more sophistication than other viruses. Even the Chickenpox virus appears to be more rudimentary in exploiting nerve cells in simply residing there for some time, while the Corona virus appears to rapidly move into the nerve system at any location as indicated by the loss of taste and smell early on by some persons.

July 31, 2021

The Corona virus starts by attacking the upper nasal area, where blood circulation is weak, so antibodies are not as available. After getting established in that area, the virus can spread to more vulnerable places such as the lungs.

This factor appears to be why some persons are affected in a minor way by the virus. It attacks the upper nasal area and produces mild symptoms in that area, generally a slight fever, but can't go any farther, presumably due to stronger immunity where blood circulation is better.

This pattern is indicated by the finding that some persons who have been vaccinated can still pick up and spread the virus. It means the virus is being picked up and starting in the upper nasal area, even after immunization. So immunized persons can get the mild restart just as the persons who contacted the disease and only produced mild symptoms. But the disease can't go beyond the upper nasal area when there is significantly developed immunity, because better blood circulation makes immunity more effective in other areas.

By implication, this mechanism means that persons who develop a serious infection, particularly in the lungs, do not have enough previous immunity to keep the virus from spreading beyond its starting point in the upper nasal area.

The reason why some persons only show mild symptoms indicates that they have some immunity. Broad-based immunity can be acquired from other diseases which are slightly different. Background type of immunity consists of a wide variety of proteins within cells and circulating in the blood which cross-react with similar diseases. Some of those proteins recognize large antigens such as whole viruses to create a degree of cross immunity for similar viruses.

The reason why some persons (most persons) are not affected much by the Corona virus is probably because of background immunity stemming from other viruses. The simplicity of mRNA vaccines do not produce such background immunity. They only uses one small molecule (antigen) to produce one antibody for attaching to one small area on the virus (the spike protein), which is specific to that antigen only. However, the mRNA vaccines can reduce the seriousness of the disease by limiting its migration to the lungs.

Therefore, when there are fewer vaccinated persons in the hospitals than unvaccinated persons, it doesn't mean that the vaccines are preventing the spread of the virus; it only means that vaccinated persons are not getting as serious of a response to the disease. Competent scientists have only been saying that the (mRNA) vaccines will reduce the seriousness of the disease while not addressing the subject of spreading. They say to keep wearing masks and social distance after getting vaccinated, while rationalizing journalists hype the vaccines as the answer to everything.

Omicron Variant, December 30, 2021

The variations in the Corona virus create a line of logic indicating that diversity of cell surface structure is creating the different results.

Results are showing that the Omicron variant primarily infects the upper airway and not much the lungs. So the illness is not as extreme, but spreading is increased. Here's what that result indicates:

The Omicron variant has 32 mutations in the key area of the spike protein and a few more elsewhere. The surface of the spike protein must match the surface of the cell receptor site. So if the spike protein changes, the attachment to the receptor site of the cell changes.

Since the infection moved upward with the Omicron variant, it says the cell receptor sites were varied in that area. There should also be variations in receptor sites between persons due to mutations over time.

Therefore, the reason why some persons get lung infections, while other persons get little more than a fever could be due to changes in the receptor sites over time. For some persons the Delta variant matched the receptor sites on their lung cells (endothelial cells); and for other persons there was less of a match due to mutations over time.

The persons who only acquired a mild fever probably had matching cell receptor sites in the upper nose area but not in the lung area. And since the Omicron variant spreads more easily, it probably matches receptor sites in the upper nose area, where it can be picked up and spread easily.

Zinc And Immunity

Human Evolution

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