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The Exceptionalism Motive

Incompetent corrupters not only decimate the world around them, they justify their standard on a basis of being more worthy, which includes the concept of exceptionalism. They are supposed to be running our lives, because they are more worthy.

Exceptionalism is the attitude of superiority based upon who they are. A position in the power structure does that. It causes incompetents to assume they are superior due to their position in the power structure.

One of the clearest examples is to arbitrate who is allowed to vote. What do they assume the purpose of voting is? To make the rich richer? To increase the power of incompetents? Why should there be a worthiness test for voting?

Exceptionalism says incompetents have a right to run other peoples' lives. Rational persons say the right for people to run their own lives is self-evident and inalienable. Corrupters cannot live with that standard, because sustaining and rationalizing corruption is an attempt to dominate other persons. Corrupters have nothing without domination. Domination gives them the power to steal and destroy as their form of livelihood.

Exceptionalism is needed to justify domination. It's obvious that domination is a corruption. To turn around the truth, exceptionalism is promoted. It says worthies have a right to dominate other persons.

All elements of corruption have their origins in a dark pit which turns values upside down. Values are justification mechanisms for degenerates; so they are imposed. Power is needed for imposing values as well as all elements of corruption, which is why power is mongered by incompetent corrupters.



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