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Why Fantasy Technology


Robots are supposedly going to take jobs away from humans and then fight a war against humans and defeat them. There has never been a robot built that will do anything functional. They have been built to do animal tricks only.

The difference is that functionality requires evaluation of space and distance, while animal tricks require nothing but responding to gravity. Space and distance cannot be measured, let alone evaluated, by robots.

An image does not indicate the difference between an inch and a mile. Distance references are needed with images, but there is no way to get the references into live images.

So why all the talk about robotics? Because fantasy is needed as power mongering tool by incompetents. They can't justify themselves in present time, because everything they do is destructive. So they justify themselves in terms of fake futurism, where nothing can be proven. If they are wizards at futuristic technology, they must have been the ones who accomplished everything in the past. Except, they weren't.

Incompetents need rational persons to show them how to do things, and then they shove them out and hijack the process. Incompetents cannot allow rationality to expose their ignorance and corruptness. Yet nothing can be accomplished without rationality.

So exploitation of rationality without rationality proving something about incompetence requires futurism. Only the future allows unlimited wizardry to escape the proof about ignorance and corruption.

Futuristic wizardry is the driving force behind renewable energy and electric automobiles. No one can get past 15% renewables as solar and wind due to the disruptiveness and overwhelming expense; yet the pretense is 100% renewables to remove carbon dioxide from the air, while more CO2 is needed, not less.

It doesn't matter that Germany and England destroyed their energy systems with 15% renewables; the pretense is still that 100% renewables are in the works. Germany is forced to revert to coal, while England reverts to nuclear; and still, the fakery goes on.

After increasing the price of electricity by a factor of ten and lying to taxpayers about the cost, England cannot afford the nuclear power plants it needs. So they are trying to dupe someone else into paying for them, but it isn't working.

Incompetents can't add and subtract, but they are supposed to be running our lives, because they are futuristic.


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