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Getting Trade Agreements Wrong


October 16, 2020

Trade agreements had a necessary purpose in solving problems. Trump changed the purpose to moving production into the U.S. through force and violence.

A problem solving purpose is constructive. Rational persons solve problems continuously to make things work. That's how the human society got complex and industrious.

Trump's purpose destroys economies. That's how he doubled the trade deficit. The balance of trade was improving, as problems were being solved. Trump reversed the process by creating problems instead of solving them.

Trump is nothing resembling a problem solver. He uses force and violence in place of rationality based on knowledge and constructive interactions.

The assumption of Trump and the persons who support what he does is that knowledge and competence are garbage for fools—the essence of swamp—and all that is needed is the right values or purposes. Those persons assume the answers to problems just fall into place, once the right purposes exist. It never happens.

Science and engineering exist because of the need for knowledge and constructive efforts to make things exist and solve related problems. Persons who assume they have an alternative are stupid and nonconstructive.

The test of time was showing how wrong Trump and his sycophants were. The economy under Trump was crumbling, when the pandemic covered up the problem. A recovery is not possible, because the pandemic is not the only problem. The underlying problem is that Trump's method of doing things destroys everything Trump gets involved in.

How could anything other than that happen, when Trump knows nothing about anything and never uses constructive procedures? He assumes that imposing his corrupt purposes onto society will solve problems. How could anyone with half a brain not know how wrong he is?

The attempts to go along with Trump's wishes did not improve the U.S. economy but became part of the problem. Ford went along with Trump and discontinued a production plant for small vehicles in Mexico. Several months later, Ford said they were discontinuing production of small vehicles. The production could not be moved from Mexico to the U.S. Trying to do so only made the process noncompetitive.

Trump's tariffs were even more disastrous. Instead of the result being what he expected—eliminating competition—it made U.S. products more expensive and less competitive.

Trump's assumption that he could force the rest of the world to buy more U.S. products by beating everyone up resulted in the rest of the world turning to other sources than the U.S. The U.S. is being cut out of the global economy by Trump's destructive influence.

Beating Up The World

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