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Perversion As A Superior Standard


Corrupters assume perversion to be a superior standard. They can't understand why everyone doesn't consider perversion to be a superior standard. So they assume forcing perversion onto everyone should be accepted as the best thing that ever happened to them.

Of course, that means perversion isn't perversion in their way of thinking. In other words, one person's perversion is another person's perfection.

Human realities have been evolving over the past five thousand years. Only truth can evolve; falsehoods cannot. It means one side of the argument is evolved truth, and the other side is imposed perversion. In this way, perversion is objectively defined. Yet corrupters are hell bent on changing the meaning.

How they got that way is too easy to explain. Complexities are not supposed to be easy to explain, because the easy explanations leave out too much. The easy explanation is that corruption is psychologically conditioned in corrupt minds due to the positive reinforcement results from instantaneous power. Psychological reinforcement only exists for a few fractions of a second. Afterwards, the opposite occurs, as counter-realities and forces move in the opposite direction. But those things do not influence the psychological conditioning, which only occurs for a few fractions of a second.

A chicken can be forced through operant conditioning to peck at a spot until it kills itself. About the same thing results from the positive reinforcement of power gained through corruption. The promotion of corruption is about like a chicken pecking at a spot until it kills itself.

What then has five thousand years of evolved reality said about perversion? First and foremost, lying is destructive. Corrupters assume lying is the answer to everything. Sometimes they promote lying for the sake of changing the social standard to lying. They assume people must be exposed to lying to get used to it and absorb it into normalcy.

Another thing the evolution of reality has taught is that destructivity is destructivity. You can't create something through destructive means. Corrupters don't accept that fact. They assume that destroying is creating. Psychological conditioning does that sort of thing.



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