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Reality As Agreement


July 30, 2020

A lot of persons do not accept someone else's view of truth. They assume they can produce a different truth. (Truth is the communicated representation of unified reality.)

The assumption that truth can be arbitrated by the persons with the most power is a conflict with the universe. The laws of the universe don't change. Gravity will always move mass toward mass. One and one will always equal two.

So there is always an inherent contradiction in the attempts to arbitrate truth. Admitting to some truth and defying the rest of truth is creating contradictions. All corruption is permeated with contradictions, because the definition of corruption is a conflict with objective reality. The tautology of contradictions defining contradictions is an inherent part of corruption.

If the dispute were a determination of objective reality as the source of truth, evidence would be relevant. But if reality is arbitrary, there is no evidence, just values, purposes and motives.

Nowhere are the facts of truth more clearly established than in science, since the purpose of science is to establish the nature of reality in the most reliable manner possible. Therefore, even the worst of science touches upon the processes that cause truth to evolve. After 500 years of that activity, there is an evolved truth to science which cannot be credibly denied.

Truth always evolves, corrupt reality never does. A large part of the difference is in the size of the domain. The domain of objective reality approaches X to the unlimited power greater than contrived reality. A contrived reality encompasses no more than a corrupter can contrive. The universe is close to infinitely larger.

What it means is that linking to the universe produces vast amounts of related reality that supports the truth. But promoting contrived reality goes no farther than the willingness of corrupters to lie.

But the nature of truth is irrelevant to corrupters, because their purpose is to monger power. The more they lie, the more power they monger. Since lying is so valuable to them, they assume reality must be malleable. Aligning malleable reality upon the wishes of power mongers is an agreement process. And since power mongers are too stupid to understand abstract concepts, agreement becomes the source of reality in their assumptions.



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