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Winning A Fight


October 2, 2020

Rational persons don't win fights; only destroyers do. Destroyers can never lose a fight, because they have nothing to lose.

If rational persons tried to win a fight, they would destroy rationality trying, and the destroyers would win. For that reason, destroyers try to get rational persons to fight with them. To fight with them is to lose.

Victims of abuse find this out real fast. So they don't try to fight back, and persons who don't understand the situation wonder why the victims don't fight back. There is no fighting back. To not know that is to not know what destroyers are and what they are doing.

Getting separated is the only thing rational persons can do in dealing with destroyers. So destroyers try to prevent separation. The most dangerous part of an abusive relationship is in separating. A lot of victims get murdered when trying to get separated from destroyers.

This is why the debate was not about Biden; it was about Trump only. To assume Biden should have done this or that is to not understand how destroyers use fights to destroy rationality.

The debate did the only thing it could do, which was show Trump's characteristics after four years of background experience. Biden could not have been anything more than a fixture. He should not have fought back, and he didn't. He did the right thing.

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