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Corruption Of Science  37

What Scientists Don't Know

Modern Respiration  ▼
Modern Biology  ▼

January 13, 2023

In general, everything on my web site is what scientists (or other specialists) don't know, because I don't repeat or convey what they already know. They have million dollar budgets and social structures under their control.

But social realities including science are extremely superficial. That means the basic knowledge that explains cause-and-effect relationships gets omitted. So I study the basic realities and fill in the gaps. It takes opportunity to do so. You have to be disconnected from the distractions and impositions of everything else to do what I do. I spend 16 hours per day on abstract evaluations. Then I convey that information on this web site. None of it exists anyplace else beyond the contextual material.

A major example is that scientists assume humans evolved in central Africa. They didn't. It took a major environmental extreme to create the transition to humans. It occurred at the southwestern corner of Africa, far removed from the forests, because an abundance of shore birds and sea creatures created the conditions based largely on zinc being more available. Zinc converted the great apes into humans. A lot of physiology is needed to understand that process. (Human Evolution)

Phenotypic Variation As An Adaptation Mechanism

Scientists don't know that phenotypic variation is used by all species as an adaptation mechanism. The mechanism is needed to cope with variations in environmental conditions which are too rapid for the long-term adaptations of genotypic variation. Often it is seasonal variations that require phenotypic variation.

The way the mechanism works is that several sets of genes exist for some expression; and then some genes are turned on while others are turned off to create variations in end results as functionality of the organisms.

Scientists know that this mechanism is used to create various tissues for animals as well as plants. Each tissue has the same genes in the same chromosomes, but different genes are turned on or off to create different tissues. What scientists do not generally know is that species do the same thing in creating variations among individuals, so different individuals have different abilities to respond to complexities in environmental conditions.

A visible example with humans is that some persons have fast muscle cells, and some have slow muscle cells. The differences are randomly distributed through a population rather than flowing from ancestors as Mendelian inheritance does for genotypic variations.

Phenotypic variations are most noticeable in horticulture, where products can be quite variable, even when genotypes are supposed to be similar. A few horticulturists know that phenotypic variation is the cause; and they all know that they need to use stem cutting for most fruit to prevent the variations from occurring. But some horticulturists assume the differences are due to strange genotypic effects.

In other words, such subjects are not discussed much across the lines in science; so not all scientists have the same understanding of such complexities. Outside horticulture, there is almost no awareness of phenotypic variations going beyond tissues and influencing individual variations.

As a result, morel mushroom scientists tried to use phenotypic variations for nomenclature purposes, which would require the stability of genotypic variations. Of course, the nomenclature could not be sorted out.

Phenotypic variations can be extremely dramatic for morel mushrooms, particularly where environmental conditions are harsh, such as the upper plains in the U.S. I photographed the differences showing how extreme they are. Similarly, wildflowers under such harsh conditions show extremes in phenotypic variation, which I showed in photographs in the morel mushroom section of this web site.
The Nature And Origins Of Modern Respiration

Respiration needed to be extremely rapid and efficient, before animal motion could occur, because ATP gets used up fast for motion. Scientists don't have a clue how respiration evolved. Applying microbial physiology to the subject pins down the origins of the dramatic results.

Scientists know that animal respiration originated in a mysterious microbe which entered animal cells and transformed into mitochondria. They can't figure out what microbe originated the mitochondria; and they don't even try to evaluate how evolution influenced respiration.

An important key to knowledge on mysterious evolution was opened during the 1990s, when horizontal gene transfer was discovered due to genes being transferred from genetically modified crops into nearby weeds. It was found that genes can be carried between dissimilar species using viruses, bacteria and fungi as vectors.

Horizontal gene transfer clarifies many of the incongruous questions of evolution. It explains how complex evolution can occur in dramatic ways without following the linage required by Mendelian flow of genes from ancestors to offspring.

This mechanism allows the origins of demanding functions to be evaluated independent of gene flow through ancestry. In doing this, modern respiration traces directly back to a bacterium called Pseudomonas fluorescens when looking at the physiology.

P. fluorescens would have evolved from vibrio about 600-700 million years ago. Vibrio would have evolved on Cyanobacteria in polluted water. Vibrio would have evolved peritrichous flagella, which could utilize slow and inefficient ATP production. When vibrio moved into cleaner water, higher speed motion and rapid ATP production was needed.

So P. fluorescens first evolved polar flagella using around 19 proteins to create circular motion. But then it needed a higher rate of ATP production; so it reverse the circular motion and used the rotating proteins to speed up ATP production.

The physiology locks in this evolution with no other possibilities. One of the factors is that physiology cannot evolve easily, because locations in cells must be exact to eliminate diffusion as reactants move from one enzyme to another.

My research on morel mushrooms shows that morphology evolves extremely easily, as counting cells in different directions is all it take. But physiology is extremely resistant to evolution, as positional requirements cannot be easily changed.

That means P. fluorescens could evolve rotating proteins for polar flagella off to the side of the cytoplasmic activity; and then the result could be re-conditioned for rapid ATP production without disturbing cytoplasmic activity during the process of evolving.

Once rapid ATP synthesis was possible using the rotating proteins, some variation of the P. fluorescens line of descent could enter animal cells to produce rapid ATP production and evolve into mitochondria. This process would have occurred when animal motion began at the boundary of Precambrian and Cambrian epochs about 541 million years ago.
The Transition To Modern Biology

Scientists don't realize the difference between pre-modern and modern biology that evolved when dinosaurs died out. It's as if an agriculture background would have been needed to understand how drastic the vegetation changed before animal evolution could progress.

The most important factor involved was that nonwoody vegetation covered the lowlands during dinosaur years, which not only defined the biology but prevented evolution from progressing. The dinosaurs had to be large to tromp through the nonwoody brush; and they had to eat the nonwoody brush, which meant they could not escape it.

The lack of awareness of those factors shows up in a common image of dinosaurs which shows a dinosaur standing in a grassy meadow and looking up at trees. There was no grassy meadow at that time, and trees were not growing within the nonwoody brush.

late in the dinosaur years, grass started to overtake the nonwoody brush in some location which caused a totally different type of dinosaur to develop called Anzu wyliei. It looked like a large chicken with long legs. It's long legs and moderate size could only have evolved in a grass environment.

The asteroid impact allowed the evolving grass to totally take over the biology. Then the modernization of biology began which included significantly developing flowing plants and broad-leaf trees, mammals diversifying and evolution of starch and fat as energy storage methods.

The shape of dinosaurs shows that they did not have fat. They would have benefitted from fat, because they needed size and weight to tromp through the nonwoody brush. Elephants show the effect. They produce fat, which creates a much more blocky shape than dinosaurs had.

Fat storage for energy would have evolved in yeasts, which evolved on the new sugary substances. The DNA required for fat storage would have been transferred throughout the plant and animal kingdoms through horizontal gene transfer.

Plant seeds got much larger as they acquired fat and starch for storing energy. That result allowed much faster and more reliable start for new plants.

Evolution Biology

Extreme Evolution

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Evolution Biology
Extreme Evolution
Evolution Science Errors
Evolution Physiology
Human Evolution
Phenotypic Variation
The Biology Of Prairie Wildflowers
How Modern Biology Began
The Evolution Of Mitochondria
P. fluorescens And Mitochondria
Zinc And Immunity
The Evolution Of E. coli
The Transition
Morels, The Longer Story
Time Scale Of Evolution
The Physiology Problem



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