How Fascism Works

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How Fascism Works  2

Consensus University

August 23, 2024

Consensus has become the de facto method of determining truth. The problem is, consensus does not exist unless it is nontruth. That's because truth is connection to the objective realities of the universe that define life and solutions to problems. Consensus is connection to something other than that.

Persons who look to consensus are misaligned in determining what reality is. There is a process to determining what reality is, which is rationality. Rationality is alignment upon the objective realities of the universe.

To replace rationality with something other than that is corruption, because rationality is required to sustain life and solve problems. That means looking to anything other than rationality is an attempt to exploit corruption as a quick fix for incompetence.

As always, corruption is rationalized in assuming that a majority would always be right and that's consensus. Words such as consensus can have multiple means; but when consensus is used to determine what truth is, its meaning is fixed by that purpose.

In other words, persons who produce truth can include a large number of persons and their common reality can be called consensus in some views. But if so, it's accidental consensus, not a methodology for determining truth.

Yet consensus is the only method allowed for determining the truth of frauds related to greenhouse gases and renewable energy. That consensus was generated over several years with a lot of effort going into the eradication of criticism of the frauds.

What that process adds up to is generating fraud through force and violence and then using the result to determine what truth is. Force and violence then determines truth rather than rationality.

Firing Scientists

Why There Is No Such Thing As A Greenhouse Gas

Renewable Energy Fraud

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

How Fascism Works      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Economic Fraud
Radiative Transfer Equations
Why No Greenhouse Effect
Quotes On Greenhouse Fraud
Other Factors Heat The Planet
Consensus University
Consensus Corruption
Firing Scientists
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Self-Driving Fraud
Artificial Intelligence Fraud
Peer Review Fraud



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