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The Problem With Physics


August 13, 2024

Physicists approach physics as if it were engineering. The problem is that science and engineering are about opposites. Science has the purpose of extending basic knowledge into unknown areas. Engineering has the purpose of applying established mathematics to superficial problems.

One of the consequences is that the resulting physics does not produce knowledge. But physicists need to; so they pretend and contrive. There is no possibility in getting such abstract basics right doing that. So physicists learned early on to feed the public fraud while trying to extract results from engineering methods.

Science reqires finding new methods of measurement to acquire new knowledge. That means scientists are focussed on technology a lot like engineers. But they need to get results in the knowledge area. So physicists assume that starting with technology and related engineering is science; but they don't know how to get new knowledge out of the process, because physics is extremely abstract and they don't understand the abstractions.

Under those conditions, physicists can't produce anything but errors in place of knowledge. They then try to use their errors for engineering type results; but it doesn't work. Engineering requires exact correctness. Physicists get rudimentary engineering right; but they don't get new knowledge out of the process.

A classical example is attempting to use Joule's type experiment to evaluate kinetic energy. After 180 years of that, they keep refining the number, while nothing about the process is realistic.

One of the consequences is that at the top of the physics power structure, there is a realization that at least most of the results are fraud, while the new-comers don't find that out very rapidly.

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