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How Fascism Works  6

How Word Salad Works

September 8, 2024

Word salad greases the machine for corruption and allows know-nothings to promote the purpose, because no knowledge is needed to produce word salad. In fact, PhD degrees can be acquired through word salad without knowing a thing about a subject.

There is little difference between PhDs and know-nothings where word salad is used. Know-nothings are relied upon at the promotion level to eliminate any vestiges of rationality or accountability for explanations.

That's why energy was misdefined in 1845. The scheme was a disconnect from real science to such an extent than it would not have been possible later.

James P. Joule stirred water in a wooden bucket for an hour or two to determine the amount of heat that is produced through mechanical motion. The small amount of heat produced would have disappeared into the environment as fast as it was produced. So Joule said he did an extra run to eliminate environmental influences.

There was no way to eliminate environmental influences; and there were no thermal conductivity constants to calculate where the heat was going. That means a complex process was eliminated through word salad.

The difference between lying and word salad is in the amount of complexity that can be eliminated by disconnecting from the complexities rather than producing simple conflicts with reality, as lying does.

Now days, fake science and technology are disconnected from the complexities with the slogans "carbon free" and "on par with coal." There is nothing humans do that is carbon free. But saying carbon free erases the science and engineering that shows the relationships between carbon dioxide production and results. Erasing that complexity is much simpler than lying, which allows know-nothings to promote the subject with no explanation of the complexities.

In politics, an example is the conservatives' claim that having corporations burn tax dollars will improve the economy. No explanation is given. Erasing that much conflicting reality is word salad.

In economics, the claim that increasing interest rates will lower inflation is a mockery of obvious effects. Creating economic problems always increases inflation; but economists never explain how the magical reversal of logic occurs, which is word salad in place is simple lying.

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