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Why Conservatives Oppose Government

Conservatives are promoting a cause and being driven to do so very dogmatically. They proceed on the basis that nothing other than their cause should be tolerated in society. The cause is supposedly so necessary and superior that no imperfection can be ignored in replacing it with the conservative cause.

Causes exist everywhere, and they tend to be ignored. The problem with the conservative cause is that its purpose is to replace government with the cause. Government is the all encompassing influence that must be conquered in the process of eliminating all deviations from the conservative cause.

Conservatives are rationalizers. They tell themselves that everyone does that. Everyone is promoting causes. So conservatives are supposedly doing something noble and necessary that is standard in society. But the problem with that rationalization is that it is applied to the obliteration of open and accountable government and the reason for defying democratically produced laws.

Conservatives assume their cause is so absolutely necessary that it is more important than the existing form of government and should replace it with some other form. That other form has no description, it is the default result of incompetent corrupters imposing their whims onto everyone, otherwise known as a totalitarian dictatorship of the autocratic type.

The cause is an attempt to justify the corruption that results from incompetents mongering power by prevailing against everyone and everything humans have created. Persons who want to get more out of life than their incompetence produces monger power as the only method of getting there.

There is no uncorrupted way to monger power, because the purpose is to impose results that are not acceptable to other persons—in other words, to dominate and prevail. Of course, conservatives disagree on opposing values, as if they could replace existing values and purposes with their domination of society.

Where power mongers err is in assuming they have a right to impose themselves upon others. If they did, others would have a right to impose themselves upon the power mongers, and there would be nothing but endless wars. As a matter of fact, there is nothing but endless wars, and power mongers imposing themselves upon others is the reason why.

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is



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