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The Significance Of Dictatorships

All countries are deteriorating into dictatorships with little realization of the meaning or consequences. The reason is because dictatorships are the default mechanism of broad-scale social control in the absence of rationality.

Rationality is the scourge of power mongers. So when they succeed in overwhelming the rational world, they have no other concept of control than dictatorships.

The alternative to dictatorships is complex. It grew out of the need for rationality in controlling modern complexities. Complexities cannot exist without careful control of the interacting realities. Life is ordered complexity. Death is disordered complexity. A technological world needs ordered complexity.

The disorder that is occurring makes technological complexities impossible. The social order is disintegrating as a result. Economist see the result as a looming recession and worry about financial mechanisms to protect against it. They don't realize that the foundation for ordered existence is disintegrating, and no financial gimmickry is going to solve the problem.

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is



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