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Green Is Fakery

Green is trash environmentalism. Corrupters promote trash, because other persons don't and they do, which makes them somebodies.

Liberals have green forced onto them, because green is supposedly environmentalism. But green is total fakery. Greens outlawed the light bulb for producing too much carbon dioxide but subsidized electric vehicles for producing carbon free transportation.

Greens are rationalizing their existence around the carbon dioxide molecule and making a mockery of every other liberal concern in doing so. Liberals have human concerns. Greens trash those concerns over carbon dioxide and renewable energy.

Greens force the cost of electricity up by as much as a factor of ten, which makes life impossible for many in the lower classes. Real liberals would either hold the cost down or make corrections for the victims; but not the greens. All is trashed for the sake of the carbon dioxide molecule.

Green has represented that standard from its origins. Otherwise, a color is no substitute for rationality. Everything greens have ever promoted has been a fraud. Recycling is another example. A small amount may have had a real purpose, if it were developed in a proper manner. None of the recycling met such a standard. The recycling standard has produced nothing but waste, fraud and abuse. It is more destructive to the environment and costs more money than starting everything from raw materials.

Greens promote the use of sewage sludge for building up agricultural soil in California. Sewage sludge has every chemical synthesized by humans in it plus heavy metals. But greens promote the use of sewage sludge in growing food and claim it improves the quality of the soil. Soil has to be close to non-soil to be improved by sewage sludge. The other 49 states have good quality clay that could be used for growing such food.

The difference between a color (green) and rationality is a cause that puts incompetent corrupters in control of our lives. Green is a power mongering tool for nothing, nobodies instead of the usual somebodies who monger power. Incompetents exist at all social levels, and they are allowed to monger power at the bottom of society as well as the top, because power mongers must leave no rationality undestroyed in imposing their incompetence onto society.

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Electric Vehicles

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