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Liberalism And Progressiveness


Liberals used to define themselves as promoting equal opportunity. Often, liberals are progressives, but not always; they sometimes do no more than oppose conservatives. Progressive means developing social structures and infrastructure including universities and functional bureaucracies with enough openness and accountability to do what they are supposed to be doing.

Real liberalism was systematically attacked and dismantled since conservatives took over the world in 1981. Conservatives did not dare call themselves conservatives until Reagan got elected in 1981, because liberalism was the only socially acceptable political philosophy up to that point.

Conservatives disgraced themselves promoting the Vietnam war to such an extent that Nixon did not dare call himself a conservative. Reagan campaigned as a liberal in 1980. He claimed hid did more for education as California governor than anyone else, since the universities in California were tuition free, not because of him but in spite of him.

Only after Reagan got elected did conservatives come out of hiding and attack liberalism with everything they had. Their new mission was to get rid of "eighty years of liberalism gone awry." Reagan called it "morning in America."

Conservatives continue to attack liberalism, while there is nothing left to attack but the extremism and fakery which subverts liberalism rather than represents it. Green is more of an attack upon the needy than a protection of the environment. Greens promote subsidies for electric vehicles, as if electricity were free and the answer to everything, while outlawing the light bulb, as if reading in the dark were necessary to save the last drop of electricity. The needy pay the heaviest price, as the cost of electricity increases by a factor of ten at a wall of 15% renewables which the technology can never get beyond.

Conservatives fix the persons instead of the realities. When America was great the first time—when liberalism was going awry before 1968 and the transition to 1981—liberals were fixing the realities instead of the persons. Humans aren't capable of fixing the persons; they have no business trying to. Being fixed is a contempt for every concept of human rights and justice. It's part of what makes "social justice warriors" out of liberals.

An example is conservatives cutting food stamps to make Eagle Scouts out of the recipients. The recipients are supposed to go out and get jobs after food stamps are taken away.

Another example is fixing education. The fix is testing—not only testing the students but also testing the teachers. Testing is an attempt to fix the persons instead of the realities, while the problem is in the corruption of the subject matter including "the new math" and reading without phonetics. The text books used at teachers colleges are subverted by power mongers who need to be degrading others to stay above everyone else through domination. Such as text books saying there is such a thing as aerobic and anaerobic fermentation. Fermentation is defined as a final electron accepter other than oxygen, and someone is supposed to figure out how to get aerobic fermentation out of it. The frauds crossed out glycolysis and substituted the word fermentation in its place.

The conservative mentality is pervasive where power is controlled and decisions are made including corporations and the healthcare industry. Large groups of controlling deciders who know nothing about the subject (managers and investors) are trying to fix everyone involved and those who are not involved including the lower classes, while the rationality is reduced to incompetence and corruption.







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