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Only One Truth


Truth is the communicated representation of unified reality. It's not a synthesis. No one can arbitrate truth. Truth can only evolve.

It's not a question of whose truth should prevail. No one's truth can be an exact truth. Therefore, truth always needs to be improved, and everyone's truth needs to be evaluated to determine what elements of it are closer to the one truth.

The one truth is determined by laws of the universe. There is only one set of laws, which is why the universe means one verse. The laws of the universe are all linked together to form a unified reality.

If people realized that the source of truth is in the universe independent of persons, they would be inclined to look for that truth wherever evidence can be found. They can't pick and chose whose truth they want to accept. The universe does not allow picking and choosing.

A dictator does not produce one truth. One truth does not mean one source. Only the universe can be the source of truth. It produces one truth because uni means one. But a dictator produces a different truth for each purpose. Dictators are sources of infinitely changing realities, whether they call them truth or not.

A War Against Truth

Corrupters are constantly fighting a war against enemies, because corruption puts them in conflict with the unified reality of the universe. Not knowing that, corrupters assume they can turn the universe around by defeating enemies. The primary task that they have to accomplish is to exterminate truth, since truth is the only force corrupters cannot defy.

Having no clue on the abstractions of truth and knowledge, corrupters assume truth is some scheme by enemies to impose something onto them in an improper manner. Truth is always improper to corrupters, because it contradicts all of their assumptions on the value of corruption.

So to exterminate truth, corrupters assume they have to defeat enemies. The purpose is to prevent enemies from imposing truth upon them. They feel a degree of success in assuming there is less truth after subduing enemies, but the truth only increases in long term effects.

One of the most preposterous characteristics of corrupters is their assumption that they have a right to impose upon, degrade and destroy the lives of their enemies. Where did they get that assumption? It appears to grow out of the fact that truth imposes, degrades and destroys their life while seeming to come from their enemies. Since corrupters assume their enemies are imposing upon them, they have a right to impose upon enemies.

In other words, corrupters do not see a difference between the impositions of the universe through truth and the arbitrary destruction of life. They assume they have as much right to impose corruption onto others as others have to produce truth. They see no universal reality, standard and result independent of their perverse whims.

Unified Reality

What all corrupters miss is the existence of unified reality. When all contradictions are removed from reality, there is one, large, unified reality based on the laws of the universe (such as gravity existing).

But corrupters never remove contradictions from their realities. If they did, there would be no such thing as corruption. So they don't know that there is any such thing as unified reality.

To defy unified reality is the same as defying gravity. All elements of unified reality are as immutable as gravity. Gravity does not exist if unified reality doesn't exist.

So it is extremely stupid, in addition to arrogant, for corrupters to defy unified reality. They actually expect everyone to go along with their corrupt reality as if it were superior to unified reality.

Subconsciousness is how it happens. Corrupters have a vague notion of something but not enough clarity to get it right. They feel the force of unified reality, and they know it opposes them but don't know what it is or how ridiculous defying it is.

This is why they are continually contriving. They assume they can even contrive science, while they are clueless on science. They assume any claim they make is what science should consist of.

Then there is a secondary level to corruption. After picking and choosing the realities aligned upon the motives of corrupters, the infallibility is set in place by the purposes and results. Reality is forced to conform to purposes instead of purposes aligning upon realities.

Belligerence is the position corrupters take in defiance of objective (unified) reality. Believing in what they are doing results in belligerence. Corrupters believe in their corruptions, because their purposes require corruption. Corruption is what works for them, so they assume it works for everyone and anything other than corruption is for fools.

To enhance the process, corrupters produce mindless slogans for aligning upon their corrupt assumptions. The slogans are their reconstruction of laws of existence. An example is, "the best defense is a good offense." They justify their offensiveness on that basis. The slogans are supposedly laws of the universe, so they embolden corrupters to be defiant.

Elitism As Counter-Ethic

the most degenerate corrupters assume that reality should be arbitrated on whim by the persons with the most status. Status is supposed to carry a bunch of conditions with it including the right to do anything on whim and contriving reality on whim.

Inherent in the assumption that reality should be contrived by the winners at mongering power is an opposition to an external (objective) source of reality. The assumptions of corrupters originate as counter-intentions. Whatever rational persons assume to be true is countered mindlessly in an attempt to defeat rationality. Since objective reality defines life and aligns ordered, human existence, corrupters counter objective reality by arbitrating reality by whim.

The result of the counter-intention standard is then imposed as a replacement ethic. So the substitute ethic is a force countering the need for rationality based on objective reality. As a force, the counter-ethic is disruptive and fought over. A classic example is the three sixes required to buy or sell anything described in the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

Corrupters actually expect their criminality to be productive—not just a vengeful imposition upon enemies but an improvement in the social order. They assume they will still have televisions, airplanes and computers after destroying the present state of existence. To expect destructivity to produce products is insane, not just criminal.

That's why corrupters use glowing terms to describe their overthrow of rational existence—like getting rid of eighty years of liberalism gone awry. Most of the persons whom they call liberals have never described themselves as liberals, such as the press; but they are identified as liberals in their attempts to produce rationality, which means liberalism and rationality are the same things.

Basic Reality



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