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Why A Hate For Vulnerability

Corruption starts with the assumption that if a person could prevail against others it would solve his problems. Prevailing means degrading. Degrading evolves into a pattern of attacking vulnerable persons.

Power mongering is inseparable from a war against vulnerable persons, because power is dominating, controlling and subduing vulnerable persons. The lower classes need to solve problems, which creates demands upon the power mongers for constructivity, where all they can produce is fakery.

Power mongers are fighting a war against the lower classes looks so unnecessary, you would think they don't need that problem. But there are underlying forces which accumulate in that direction and create a pre-occupying concern for corrupters.

One of the problems is that incompetent corrupters assume that what they are worth is determined by what they are in contact with. In other words, they don't define their worth on the basis of intrinsic value, because they are intrinsically destructive.

Without an intrinsic value, corrupters attempt to contrive a fake worth through their surroundings. They try to incorporate themselves into worth which has other sources. Status is approximate the same thing. Rational persons do not see a relevance in status, while corrupters assume it is everything.

Therefore, corrupters do not want to be in contact with persons below their status level. They assume lower level persons drag down their worth. So they are constantly striving to move into higher levels of status.

Coming into contact with low class persons defeats the process of determining worth through status. So corrupters not only avoid low class persons, they feel threatened by everything about low class persons.

Mongering power is needed as a method of prevailing where incompetence and corruption produces nothing of value. Social power is primarily based upon a large group of persons overwhelming opponents through numbers. The limiting factor is in keeping the group large and compliant. A degree of reality fraud is needed to do that.

The group that gives power its force has to be convinced to keep doing something which no one benefits from, which is what power mongering is. To be convincing, power mongers must always be winners rather than losers. The best way to keep winning is to turn reality into garbage, because truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat.

So reality is turned into fakery which no one believes but makes winners of corrupters by defeating opponents who demand objective reality produced through rationality. Since power is based on fake reality, power becomes the determining influence over reality, and abracadabra, the result is truth and knowledge generated out of fake reality.

Living by that standards warps minds to such an extent that contrivance of reality is transformed into truth and knowledge, that is, when power is the result. What it means is that power mongers must be highly visible and imposing to keep fake reality prevailing over objective reality.

Since power determines truth and knowledge for corrupters, the fix for everything is more overwhelming power. Sucking up money and resources serves that purpose. Taking from opponents serves the same purpose. That's why corrupters take even when they have no need to. They take from the needy attempting to shift power away from their enemies.

The lower classes and the needy are always enemies of power mongers, because problems at the bottom of society need to be solved, and objective reality becomes imposing through the problems. Obviously, fake reality does not solve problems. So problem solving requirements are rationality requirements.

Power mongers not only defeat the lower classes by oppressing them, they turn fraud into truth and knowledge doing so. Stealing from the needy and piling wealth to the skies is turning corruption into virtue for power mongers. Taking money from the needy is turning their truth into corruption while turning the corruption of power mongers into truth and virtue.

The reason why austerity is supposed to solve problems for power mongers is because it turns their fraud into truth.

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is



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