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HOME Science Errors

Where They Went Wrong


Social decay has become a concern from numerous angles. The cause of the decay is incompetent corrupters taking over the social structures. Who are they, and why do they have that problem? Here is the explanation:

Getting things wrong is the most basic problem that is dragging down the social order. Trying to correct the errors doesn't work, because the corrupters can't be told. Why not? Because they have an alternative methodology which produces erroneous assumptions.

Who they are are the deciders who prevail. They prevail by mongering power, but they don't understand what that means. They just do what works, and mongering power is what it is.

Power mongering is how incompetents get more out of life than their incompetence produces. It's a method of exploitation. All exploitation is dependent upon someone else getting things right. In the past, there were constructive persons who were getting things right, but they were shoved aside as incompetents took over everything.

What the incompetents got wrong was the assumption that prevailing was the test of rightness. They didn't understand that corruption is a shortcut method of prevailing that does not get things right.

So the prevailing incompetents convinced themselves that they were getting everything right because of their success at prevailing. They say, the proof is in the pudding. They used prevailing as the pudding that they looked at instead of objective criteria for constructivity.

The reason why they made that error is insufficient rationality to properly evaluate constructivity. They substituted success by short-sighted criteria in place of rationality.

Incompetent power mongers assume rationality is for fools, since they cannot produce adequate rationality and assume no one else can either. When they see rationality, they get confused by it, because they don't understand abstract realities well enough to properly evaluate the subject.

So incompetent corrupters try to replace rationality with shortcut methods which allow them to prevail. Their primary substitute for rationality is replication. Replication too is too abstract for them to understand, while they find it to be a method that works for their purposes.

The replication substitute for rationality is basically a perception mechanism. Only what can be perceived can be replicated. But perception is devoid of the abstractions that create the most important essence of a subject. Abstract means nonperceivable.

With perceptive reality substituting for rationality based upon abstract reality, the subject matter is too superficial. It doesn't explain cause-and-effect relationships or the cause of and answer to problems. So the exploiters create problems while assuming they are solving problems.

The result shows up in the fake science and fantasy technology that is being forced onto society. The contrivers are dead certain they could not be wrong, because they prevail in forcing their contrivances onto everyone, while the result is total craziness that is bankrupting society trying to remove carbon dioxide from the air, while there is a shortage, and using so-called renewable energy which is impossible to extract from nature in a practical manner.



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