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There should be a law that says any claim made by an authority as supposed fact must include complete explanations. With complete explanations, all corruption would end.

Journalists and organizations brought fake science to the surface and prevented criticism of it. One of the consequences was an attempt to fantasize fake science and technology into existence.

Quasi journalists who promote fake science in the media and peripheral media are not scientists enough to listen to criticism, but they are scientists enough to force their erroneous assumptions onto society. Incompetents are drawn to fakery, because it is a power mongering tool.

Persons who promote a greenhouse effect base their claims on the assumption that there can be no error in science. With that assumption there will be nothing but errors in science. It takes accountability to the public to remove errors from power structures including science. Theocracy Of The Rich

Green is fake environmentalism. If electricity is carbon-free for electric vehicles, why isn't it carbon-free for incandescent light bulbs which have been outlawed?

The endless claim that weather extremes show a greenhouse effect is intellectual dishonesty, because there are other explanations. It is physically and mathematically impossible for so-called greenhouse gases to do such things, and nature produces more extremes than those characters can imagine. To impose their logic onto society is an insult to rationality.

Fake science and technology are subjectively imposed onto society by producing no explanations and disallowing criticism, which should be self-condemning, because rationality cannot exist where there are subjective impositions.

The Underlying Premise:

The concept of improving economies by meeting needs and solving problems through production is being buried under financialization assumptions, as if moving money around were the answer to everything. Economies are created through production and functional social structures, not financialization gimmickry. Lula showed how increased production develops economies.

Creating competitive products is about engineering, creativeness and opportunity, not financialization. Yet economists expect to control the economy through financialization gimmickry.

Inflation is being equated in the media as the amount of money available; it's the cost of products. Smooth-working manufacturing lowers inflation; imposing and manipulating do not.

Conservatives call their economic philosophy "supply side economics," which means, if we can find enough capital (as if there were a scarcity and burning tax dollars creates the needed capital), we will produce more products, and people will buy them, because we will have to sell them cheaper while over-producing. Liberals say, "the demand has to exist before more products need to be produced."

The underlying basis for tax give-aways is that companies do not have access to the funding they need for expansion or development of products. There has never been any such thing.

The number one factor moving money upward is a company buying another company. When that happens, someone walks away with that much cash, while consumers repay for the company. The persons who get the cash don't know what to do with it, so they use the stock market as a gambling casino. Hundreds of such acquisitions occur every year.

I define liberalism as rationality applied to promoting equality, social justice, assistance for the needy and progressiveness to solve problems for everyone instead of a privileged few.

Rationality is using explanations in arguments allowing truth to increase as alignment upon objective reality instead of attacking opponents subjectively, which corrupters do for projecting what applies to themselves onto opponents as a defensive mechanism.

What conservatives have never been able to grasp is that it takes competence to solve problems, not more force and violence—that is, competence at rationality with technology, not the wizardry at scheming that conservatives set their sights on. Conservatives assume that if it is them doing it it will solve their problems. It's the logic of drunks getting into an automobile and assuming that if it is them driving it it will get there better.

Conservatives assume that corruption is the answer to their problems. They are so absorbed in their immediate concerns that they do not consider extended realities and are unaware of the consequences of their actions, which means living in a bubble. It's analogous to burning the furniture to heat a house. They assume that opponents are too stupid to understand that burning wood will produce heat. So they consider themselves to be geniuses in knowing how valuable corruption is.


Making Sin Pay: (October 27, 2018) A lot of persons, such as Michael Moore, cannot understand how we got here. We got here by changing what normal is. Normal was changed to "the new normal" in 1981. The new normal is making sin pay. Sin wasn't normal before then; now it is.  ►►►

This shift is an abandonment of standards. It's similar to slop pool, where anything that falls into a pocket is counted. It's not an abandonment of the game, it's throwing out the standards, so anything goes.

Criticism Is Disallowed: (December 5, 2018) The major social corruptions including corrupt science and fantasy technology cannot be explained, while criticism is not allowed. Critics of science fraud are said to be anti-science, and allowing science critics in the media is said to be misleading the public. Not allowing criticism is self-condemning. It guarantees corruption. Rationality thrives on criticism; corruption does not.

Greens have that problem—driven to promote what they know nothing about. They give liberalism a bad name. They aren't real liberals, because they pollute the planet and create expenses for the lower classes to promote corrupt science and technology. Green is exploited as a tangential power structure outside the usual power structures.

Fake renewable energy clutters the environment with windmills, solar panels and power lines while increasing the cost of electricity by a factor of ten; and greens promote it. Bitcoin burns billions of dollars worth of electricity for no reason other than a control stunt. Greens say nothing about the waste of Bitcoin while preventing cheap lightbulbs from being produced.

Origins Of Fakery: Fake science and technology have a purpose. They put incompetent power mongers in control of our lives. So incompetent power mongers have a standard routine for generating fake science and technology.

Step one: Have an incompetent do a fraudulent study vaguely in the area of the fraud. Step Two: Have the lowest-level-possible, nonscientists draw monumental conclusions on the fraudulent study (which washes everyone else's hands clean). Step three: After the public gets used to looking at the fraudulent claims, have incompetent scientists reinforce the claims by saying they are facts established by science.
The Post Office: (August 17, 2020) Why is the Post Office supposed to be self-sufficient, if the corporations need to be bailed out? Why not cut jobs and sell airplanes to make the airline industry self-sufficient? A small part of the three trillion dollars squandered on corporations would make the Post Office sing like a sewing machine.

Why is the Post Office supposed to be self-sufficient? Are the highways supposed to be self-sufficient? Are the dams and bridges supposed to be self-sufficient? The nuclear generators are not self-sufficient.

Conservatives want everything to be too expensive for the lower classes. The trade war has the purpose of making merchandise more expensive and less available for the lower classes. Corporations are pampered like kittens, while social services are gutted. It's what austerity has been for 150 third world countries, and conservatives want to transplant that model to the U.S.

"Leaner" doesn't apply to the Post Office, contrary to the ignorance of the new political hack applying austerity, because the Post Office is statutorily required to deliver mail to every address. The less mail, the less efficiency, because the same routes are needed.

That's why the rational world knew the volume needed to be high enough to create justifiable routes. Keeping the volume up meant competing for deliveries with competitive prices.

Not to Trump and the conservatives. They assumed they could apply standard austerity, where gutting an operation meant less service and fewer employees. They don't know that that isn't possible when a fixed route requires a certain number of employees.

In other words, conservatives are so hung up on making everything less available and too expensive for the lower classes that they can't think straight. They turn their minds into knots trying to figure out how to fight a war against the lower classes and pretend that it's virtue.

The Post Office has been focussing on small pages delivered the last mile, which is what they are designed to do and other carriers have difficulty with. There is very little paper mail anymore due to electronic communications. Yet the Trump bunch is trying to remove the small-package business from the Post Office by making the price noncompetitive.

A stamp would need to cost about ten dollars, if Trump got his way. In fact there is an asymptote where more expense means fewer items until nothing exists. The Post Office was working at the edge of that asymptote, while conservatives are trying to push it over the edge. They are destroyers of life masquerading as fixers of human existence.

Joe Biden's Superior Intelligence: (August 9, 2020) Joe Biden Is Too Intelligent For Know-Nothings. Biden's expression of superior knowledge and experience is relentlessly called gaffs or blunders by know-nothings.

Now it's his claim that the government can accommodate the diversity of Latinos. Know-nothings claim he is insensitive of diverse cultures. The government is not in the culture business. If it were, it would be shaping and imposing a version of culture onto society.

Instead, government is in the business of promoting equal opportunities. Biden has been creating equal opportunities for the disadvantaged, blacks and immigrants for fifty years. Knowing what he is talking about is over the heads of modern-day idiots.

As a politician, he has to repent when accused of gaffs which are too knowledgeable for modern politics. That doesn’t mean they are gaffs by rational criteria.

Game Board Mentality: (April 18, 2020) Trump's approach to everything is a game board mentality. He moves things around while someone else is supposed to figure out how to solve the problems—his method of producing a one-man government.

The game board mentality is deficient in abstract realities. The causes and solutions to problems are abstract. All knowledge is abstract. The problem solvers need to do a lot of abstract analysis. But there is no place for abstract reality with the game board mentality.

Everything is plus or minus in the game board world. Flip a switch or don't flip a switch. Someone else determines what the switch does.

Going to Mars is that way. Someone has to determine how to get to Mars, when there isn't enough energy in hydrogen and oxygen to get there. The mysterious purpose of the Space Force seems to be going to Mars, since nothing anywhere near planet Earth requires a Space Force.

Preposterous claims as supposed facts are that way. They disconnect from reality. Like renewable energy being on par with coal. Or like, voter fraud will increase if voting is less burdensome for vulnerable persons. Or like, corporations burning tax dollars will stimulate the economy.

The drive to move factories back onshore is like a game board, where you move pieces around. There are a million reasons why the factories are not going to move back, which are the same reasons why they left in the first place. Now days, the components are not available, which includes such things as screws which are only manufactured in China. The specialty tubes, wiring and connectors are only manufactured in China.

Almost all specialty products are manufactured in China. A billion more workers would be needed to produce those things in the U.S. There isn't enough space on the ground for the factories. Local products cannot be produced efficiently when reducing the number of consumers (factory output) by a factor of fifty. If a China factory is producing 50,000 boxes of screws per day, an American factory isn't going to be competitive produce 1,000 boxes per day.

Telling the rest of the world they have to buy from the U.S. instead of China isn't the same thing as moving the factories back. The Trump ethic is to beat someone up until they cooperate. Imposing that ethic onto the world isn't going to force anyone to buy expensive products.

The Economic Fix: (July 14, 2020) American products now have less of a market and they are less competitive because of the tariffs and trade war. Everyone with half a brain said tariffs and a trade war would do that.

Tariffs on aluminum and steel increased the cost of almost every American product. A lot of subcomponents also got hit with tariffs. Other countries avoided such insanity, which makes their products more competitive.

A lot of American producers have less of a market, particularly in agriculture, because of the trade war. There were always alternative sources, but Americans used to dominate the global markets. Now they are replaced by other sources.

Yet Trump claims he produced the best economy ever. He frames every perversion of his in positive terms as a method rationalizing his incompetence and corruption through fakery.

Trump's Popularity: Why does Trump become more popular with his base the more he screws up? It's standard operating procedure for autocracies. Worship the emperor with fake reality. Produce no real reality for public exposure. Cross out real reality and substitute in fake reality. So the fake reality is the cover for everything that really matters. Incompetent power mongers operate that way. So Trump is doing just what they want, while the image is nothing but a cover for autocracy.

Fake Language: (May 23, 2020) Corrupters use fake language to justify their corruptions, such as Trump claiming he got rid of "the deep state." You would think deep state would mean conspirators shrouded in the darkness created by classified documents. That isn't what Trump got rid of. He got rid of Democrats in the bureaucracies. Deep state is nothing but a negative term for Trump's enemies.

Megalomania: (May 24, 2020) Trump shows that megalomania is the assumption that a three word guess is superior to someone's life-time study. If the guess isn't right, it can be changed every few minutes, because rationality is swamp. Trump assumes he got elected to guess better than anyone else. A stable genius is someone who guesses right.

The Lower Class Economy: (June 11, 2020) During the 1990s, the only thing that ever existed as a welfare system, Aid To Dependent Children (ADC), was abandoned at the same time building prisons was adopted as the replacement. About $80 billion per year was being spent on ADC. Now days, it would be about twice that amount ($160 billion) which was taken out of the lower class economy and not replaced. Supposedly, the recipients would get jobs instead. Whether they got jobs or not, $160 billion per year was removed from the lower class economy and not replaced. Filling up the prisons was the only thing that replaced it.

Gutting Social Security: (July 16, 2020) Ever since conservatives took over the world in 1981, they have been saying Social Security is bankrupt; it's going to run out of money by 2035; so get rid of Social Security. Now trump says, stop collecting social security or no "Economic Stimulus."

Why create more of a problem if the problem is not enough money in Social Security? Word salad is the secret to success, when the purpose is to get rid of Social Security. The 1%ers don't need social security. In fact, they don't pay much into it. It's for the lower classes. So the power mongers want to get rid of it; and they can't produce a rational explanation of why.

During the Bush-I years, the Social Security balance was moved onto the general ledger to reduce interest on the federal debt. It was said to be no more than a bookkeeping manipulation to save money, so there was no reason not to. About ten years later, during the Bush-II years, the terminology was changed to call Social Security a tax. It never was a tax; it was insurance being paid into by the persons who take it out. It belongs to no one but the persons who pay it in. No one else gets it.

So calling Social Security a tax results in Trump pretending that he is lowering taxes by gutting Social Security. If the whole problem was Social Security running out by 2035, why stop collecting it? Why gut insurance when the economy is down? Why use someone else's insurance money to pay general expenses for the government? And why was $3 trillion of tax money burned by the corporations, if the money had to be extracted from a different source?

Conservatives burn tax dollars for the purpose of cutting social programs. Never have they been so fraudulent as to claim Social Security must pay for the tax cuts for corporations. Trump carries fraud beyond all previous boundaries.

About "All Lives Matter": (July 25, 2020) The meaning of "all lives matter" is to accuse someone of threatening the lives of non-blacks. No one is threatening the lives of non-blacks.

When the purpose is to counter the concern for black lives with an accusation, the meaning is that non-black lives need to be protected. What would protecting the non-blacks consist of and from what? It's counter-reality with no concern for objective rationality.

What this claim shows is the mentality of racists in using counter-reality to accuse others of what they are guilty of with no concern for the mockery of the realities. It shows that reality is nothing but rubbish to racists. They accuse for the purpose of attacking, and attack for justification.

Where would the social order be without a basis in objective reality that has some meaning? Who is supposed to put a complex society together, if rational persons cannot correct wrongs without being attacked, lied about and degraded? Were the Nazis going to solve the problems of Germany through racist genocide? Would Nazism now be the global social standard, if Eisenhower didn't prevail against the Nazis? That's what the racists are saying.
Pandemic Rationality: (May 10, 2020) The argument between two sides is whether to flip the switch on or off for restarting the economy. That's not rationality. Rationality is accounting for all of the factors involved.

The pandemic could hypothetically have been ended in three weeks, if everyone were wearing N95 masks. The virus could not have spread in a sustainable way if it were significantly blocked. There was a machine in storage for producing N95 masks, but conservatives got rid of it the first thing they did in acquiring power in 2017.

To manage a pandemic in a rational way requires using the resources available to solve as many problems as possible. Nothing resembling it is occurring. The $3 trillion dollars that corporations burned could have been used to keep at least key industries running and protecting jobs in a realistic way. Instead, a tiny fraction of the money was used for jobs in an ineffective way and none for keeping industries functioning. Each business is supposed to take care of itself.

Production type businesses could have been kept open by spacing out the density, using two or three shifts with protective measures. The cost would have been about 30% more, but the lost $3 trillion would have gone a long ways to promote that results.

Instead, no attempt was made to solve problems. Just flip the switch on or off and blame someone else for the result. It's an ethic. Incompetent, power mongering exploiters promote an ethic of never applying rationality to the solution of problems, because only the powerless losers do that. If you need to solve a problem, you are already a loser, the frauds might say, since they said something similar to that already. (Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser, which is apparently why he never explained his criminality. Winners make crime pay.)

Much of the $3 trillion went to large industries, such as the airline industry which could have parked their planes and allowed the employees to collect unemployment compensation. Nothing was done for the food processing facilities which are shutting down. No evaluation determined the difference between empty airplanes and food processing plants, because evaluating isn't what conservatives do, and Trump is too much of a "moron" (as dozens of his fired staff tell us) to evaluate what he is told. His administration will not tell Congress where the money is going, while Trump spews totalitarian demands for keeping the money away from opponents in Democratic states and cities.

Trump also demands lying as an ethic, so he can pretend his destructivity is virtue. So the information that comes out of his administration is propaganda rather than fact. Fake unemployment numbers are supposed to indicate Trump's success in improving the economy, while employment deteriorates by everyone else's analysis.

Totalitarian autocrats need to be degrading the social order while pretending to solve everyone's problems. It's a mechanism for prevailing while being too incompetent to function constructively. So Trump is that way, even though he wouldn't have a clue as to what a totalitarian state is. The rest of the conservatives only differ in concealing their purposes more effectively.

What's Hand Sanitizer For? (May 30, 2020) I've studied everything being taught in microbiology, and I can't imagine what the general public would do with hand sanitizer. A large percent of the floor space at department stores is now covered with hand sanitizers. Isopropyl alcohol disappeared months ago, supposedly to create home-brew sanitizers. Do people use sanitizers to keep viruses off door knobs? The next person won't keep viruses off the door knobs.

Adults don't have a problem with germs on their hands. Adults don't stick their fingers in their mouths. Theorists say rubbing eyes or nose could start an infection, but it takes hundreds or thousands of virus particles to start an infection. The numbers get reduced with surface to surface contact, particularly when drying causes sticking to surfaces. Which means, wiping with a damp cotton cloth is infinitely more effective than fake sanitizer that never is going to work being to little, too fast and not enough of anything to be relevant. On top of that, bleach should never enter a household, because the fumes are harmful to lungs, while dilute bleach does nothing more than water does.

Viruses, beyond pox variants, are not designed for spreading on dry surfaces. They are designed for spreading through air and liquids. Attempts to study what viruses do on dry surfaces produce more questions than answers, so the subject is dependent upon background experience in ecology, evolution and physiology. I've got fifty years of that type of experience, and I've never had the slightest use for hand sanitizer.

You don't try to kill germs; you remove them. If sanitizers were effective, they would be harmful to skin. Why weren't sanitizers being used for bacteria which do spread on surfaces? Because trying to kill germs is futility, removing them is not.

Hand sanitizer is like trying to improve auto gas mileage by pouring crude oil on an auto. There is no cause-and-effect set of relationships. It's simply putting together disconnected concepts. It says a lot about fake technology such as renewable energy and electric vehicles. It says a disconnect from reality is highly exploitable for imaginary purposes. It makes people feel like they are doing something without objective reality getting in the way.

Scientists repeatedly study what viruses do on dry surfaces but do not draw conclusions due to poor quality information. Nonscientists and incompetent scientists draw erroneous conclusions from the information. There are two problems with the concept. One, adults don't stick their fingers in their nose or eyes in public, because bacteria are the more likely to create infections, not viruses. Two, nothing that sticks to a dry surface is going to come off significantly, particularly the proteins of viruses which stick like glue. So the claim of dry-surface dissemination by nonscientists and incompetent scientists is bad guessing, not measured fact. Studies usually test for RNA. That's a joke; RNA can be found after ten thousand years.

Masks For Idiots: Know-nothings keep saying scientists have been flip-flopping on Masks. They haven't. Idiots have been stupid on masks.

During an early part of a disease, there is no reason for the general public to wear masks no matter what masks do. After an airborne disease gets developed, there is a reason for the general public to wear masks. The disease changed; the scientists did not.

Why should the public wear masks when they never come into contact with anyone who has the disease? There are negatives that don't justify wearing a mask for no reason. When the disease could be anyplace, everyone should wear a mask to diminish the problem. The disease changes, the science does not.

When few persons have an airborne virus, the purpose of a face mask is to protect oneself, and a simple cloth mask won't work. When a lot of persons have the virus, the purpose of a face mask is to protect others, and then a simple cloth mask does work. It means scientists weren't flip flopping; the purpose changed with the increase in number of persons infected.

The Police Problem: (June 25, 2020) The primary problem with the police is that almost all of them come out of the military. The military creates the wrong type of training for civilian occupations, and the military doesn't know it.

During the 1960s, there was an recruiting advertisement on television for the marines. Someone was in a store trying to buy something, and they said, how much does that stuff cost. The clerk said, what type of duck do you want to call? The voice-over then said something to the effect that joining the marines would solve that problem. In other words, the marines would teach people how to live their civilian lives.

So the persons who come out of the military assume they learned something that they should carry with them for the rest of their lives. They are wrong. They learn how to dominate and prevail while the purpose is to kill. Dominating and prevailing is not the proper way to do anything in civilian life, and it certainly is not the way to carry a gun doing police work.

The supposed answer is to get rid of the police and have someone else do their type of work. Why not just hire the right type of persons for police work in the first place. Instead of disbanding the police and having crippled old ladies do the work, why not hire the cripple old ladies as police to start with. Then put a badge on them and give them a gun, and they aren't going to be shooting people in the back.

First and foremost, stop hiring people out of the military to do police work. As security guards without guns, there is generally no problem with a military background. But for those carrying a gun, there is.

There has to be a recognition of proper standards before the attitudes of dominating and prevailing can be removed from the police structure. The problem is going to persist in the police academies until proper standards are learned.

Addendum: (July 12, 2020) The solutions are not on track—still insisting that the police go out and be nice. That doesn't work, when the military teaches them the opposite. Just as importantly, the police have to be given defined tasks, instead of telling them to go out and be nice.

The police used to have defined and limited tasks, but that concept went out the window with the conservative concept of deregulation. Conservatives are incapable of following defined rules, and they despise someone else doing the deciding. So they changed the standard over the past 40 years to telling the police to go out and be nice.

How come the police don't know that it is illegal to attack someone with tear gas to promote a political campaign? How come there isn't someone in authority who is teaching them that? It's because conservatives are too dumb to evaluate and follow rules.

The Housing Problem: (July 9, 2020) A common assumption has developed assuming the answer to more affordable housing is to rip up the houses and build townhouses and apartments in their place. That mentality is mindless. The single family houses are irreplaceable. There is no excuse for ripping them up. The assumption is that living in those places is so nice, why not make the space available to more people. That's comparing square feet of dirt to living in a house.

It's awful poor judgement to assume you have to destroy what's there—the best of what's there—as a method of coping. The realistic answers don't require destroying what's there. What should be done is build good through-streets to the empty spaces and put the townhouses and cheap apartments out there. It would be faster getting around with good through-streets to the outer edges than weaving through narrow streets to get to higher density suburbia.

This issue has not been encoded in laws; it has nothing to do with race; and it wasn't created by liberals or fixed by conservatives. It's a newly floated concept which liberals have been blocking.

Punishment-Reward As A Control Tactic: (April 28, 2020) The Trump Administration, under Trumps tutelage, is using punishment-reward as a control tactic. It's not a legitimate purpose of any politicians to use control tactics in a democracy. Democracy doesn't mean control by government. If there are problems to be solved, something other than control is needed to solve them, which is true everywhere, all the time.

The only purpose of control is to dominate. Corrupt persons are control freaks. They spend their entire existence trying to monger power through control tactics, so when they enter politics, they just keep doing what they always do and assume there is no other state of existence. Normal human rationality is the other state of existence, and anything other than that in government is criminality.

Control freaks assume there would be nothing but chaos without control. It's the other way around: control produces nothing but chaos. Administrators are supposed to be problem solvers, not control freaks. Solving problems requires rationality, not force and violence. If managers knew what they were doing, instructions would be the solution rather than force and violence. Trump shows how it works. Beat someone up and they will solve your problems. It's how to create a one-man government. It isn't working.

Privatization As A War Against The Lower Classes: (April 29, 2020) Claiming the Post Office is supposed to charge three or four times as much, as Trump does, shows the purpose of privatization. The promoters of privatization have the purpose of fighting a war against the lower classes by making products and services less available and more expensive.

Conservatives burn tax dollars on corporations and banks while telling the Post Office to raise their rates. Public services are targeted for oppression, while power structures burn the tax dollars that were supposed to be used for public services, because conservatives are driven to fight a war against the lower classes.

What Racism Is: Corrupters are preposterous, because they live in a bubble which is walled off from external reality. They run into so many problems with objective reality that they deliberately wall themselves off from external reality creating a bubble-wall around themselves. Inside that bubble, racism is in conflict with external realities.

Racism looks like a values problem, but It is a reality problem that allows such values to exist and increase. Corrupters cut themselves off from realities which would normally align the values.

The basis of racism is that incompetent corrupters cannot handle complexities. They reduce everything to ultra simplicity trying to homogenize reality. Races create cultural complexities which can't be reduced to simplicity.

The evidence is in the fact that white racists also can't stand social complexities created by other whites. Since racists gravitate to extreme rightism, they can't stand the so-called leftism of white liberals.

The ultra reductionism of racists is highly visible. Incompetent corrupters, who are racists, don't go beyond three-word quips in evaluating complexities.

Incompetent corruption creates so many problems that racism is usually the less visible part, unless there is some reason to focus on the racism.

Arbitrating Government Is Lawlessness: (April 29, 2020) Conservatives are attempting to arbitrate government on the basis of their values—restricting aid to favorite states and other entities—as Trump has been pushing for in claiming the government should deal with other entities the same way they deal with him—wallowing in his assumptions of being dealt with unfairly. Link at American Prospect --- Link at Huffpost

How come Trump isn't being dealt with fairly, when his ethic is to beat someone up as the answer to his problems. Is someone beating him up as the answer to their problems?

The effect, and obvious purpose, of much of Trumps obnoxious Tweeting is to distract from the manner in which his government is being conducted, using the taxpayers dollars in a Mafia, extortion manner to reconstruct government around arbitrary domination. He will not allow Congress to see what he is doing in doling out Economic Impact dollars for promoting his purposes.

All laws are written for objective and uniform applications. Courts use uniformity as a test of legality. To not be uniform and objective is contempt for Constitutional government.

Conservatives assume they got elected to arbitrate peoples' lives based on their values. The assumption that arbitrary government should be expected shows the extreme ignorance and corruptness of conservatives.

Conservatives assume they are producing improved standards, part of the process of "getting rid of eighty years of liberalism gone awry," which began in 1981 and would now be 120 years of continuous effort.

Corrupt persons are so obsessed with their selfish purposes that they assume realignment of everything upon themselves is an improvement and government is improved by that standard. No one who cannot understand what objective reality is should be lords over other peoples' lives. The "self evident and inalienable rights" with equality for all have the purpose of preventing such perversions in government.

Corruption requires two different standards for insiders and outsiders. Building up insiders requires a different standard from tearing down outsiders. Arbitrating government is needed to create different standards on a large scale.

Trump demands the use of two different standards for enemies and friends as a correction for not being dealt with fairly. The primary basis for his firing a large percent of the white house staff and others in government is that they won't give him the special treatment that he demands. Now he is arbitrating the stimulus payments to reward friends and intimidate opponents and will not allow Congress to see what he is doing.

The reason why corruption is so intractable is because corrupters believe in corruption. They assume corruption is the right way to do things, while they promote and impose corruption as a necessary "life-style". A one-man government is supposedly a life-style option. Conservatives claim Trump wasn't supposed to be impeached, because his criminality was nothing but a life-style.

Why Criminality Isn't A Life-Style: When Trump was being impeached, conservatives said his criminality was nothing but a life-style which Democrats could not accept. Criminality is a codified process which has a purpose in protecting society from corruption and degradation.

Conservatives can't accept the fact that people have been organizing government for the past five thousand years in deciding how things should be done creating an evolution of social standards. The most extremely intolerable standards have been described in criminal codes. So conservatives disagree with those written laws when being restricted in arbitrating government.

Valid laws were written up through processes involving majority views. To change them on a whim for reducing criminality to an arbitrary life-style is to reduce the social order to the level of corruption that majorities have determined should be prevented. Kids have sort of learned this between the fifth and seventh grades; so conservatives are trying to force society to unlearn it in promoting a totalitarian dictatorship.

Fake Law And Order: Conservatives promote a fake standard of law and order which is nothing but a cover for their lawlessness. They speak in opposites as a cover for their corruptness.

But conservatives also get some mileage out of their version of law and order in attempting to impose impossible conditions upon their enemies (liberals and the lower classes) under the pretense of being holier than thou. Conservatives can never make life impossible enough for vulnerable persons, while law and order is the pretext.

The way it works is to create extreme conditions and then make exceptions for everyone except enemies. This is how the prisons were filled up with pot smokers while murderers walked the streets. A "three strikes law" did that. The homeless all had at least three strikes against them, since there is no legal way to be homeless, while the real criminals were forever beyond reach due to technicalities.

What Irrational Exuberance Is: (June 18, 2020) When the stock market began to disconnect from reality, Alan Greenspan called it "irrational exuberance." The stock market becomes more disconnected from reality all the time.

Evaluators of the stock market try to draw connections between stock market activity and causative factors. What they are missing is that computers are used now days to bet against each other. Computers make predictions in micro seconds using "algorithms." Predicting with an algorithm is like driving through the rearview mirror.

It's a gambling casino for computers which are trying to get ahead of each other. The algorithms are written to make the maximum income, which happens to keep pushing stock prices higher and higher. With such algorithms, Trump can't lose basing his virtues on an increasing stock market.

Several companies that went bankrupt showed an increase in stock value, which no one could explain. What it means is that the computer algorithms didn't know bankruptcy occurred, and the stocks looked like a bargain with fewer investors. —the wave of the future—artificial intelligence.

Why Mars? There isn't enough energy in hydrogen and oxygen to produce significant space travel. The space shuttle required three huge fuel tanks just to get into near-Earth orbit. Going to Mars would require twenty times that much fuel—a total impossibility.

But instead of admitting that fact with evaluation and criticism, a continual pretense is generated for glamorizing space travel with focus a upon Mars. Private companies can be more unhinged with imagination than the government can, which appears to be the primary reason for privatizing the process. The government is still going in circles on a lunar landing to precede a Mars mission. But nothing can be stabilized, because the physics is an impossibility.

The entire subject is nothing but another fantasy technology stunt for glamorizing power mongers. The engineers have no choice but to pretend to be going along while they go in circles making excuses for not getting anything real accomplished.

Conservatives Produce Fraud Logic: (May 4, 2020) Conservatives indicate that logic is important when they produce excuses, while the excuses are fraud for logic. A common example is rationalizing the highly restrictive voting which they produce claiming that there would be an increase in fraud voting if they didn't. There is no logic to assuming the persons who are prevented from voting would produce any more fraud than the persons who did vote. And there is no logic to assume fraud voting has ever been or would be significant or relevant. Logic must have a basis in evidence, which doesn't exist for claims of fraud voting. The bigger fraud is in preventing people from voting.

Just as crazy is the endless claim (since 1981) that corporations burning tax dollars will stimulate the economy. There is no mechanism for such a result occurring. There is nothing corporations have ever done or could do with their tax dollars that could improve the economy—usually the opposite with such results as stock buy-backs. Stock buy-backs used to be illegal, because the purpose is fraud in making business managers rich at the expense of stock holders.

You would think corporations would know that they are destroying the economy which they depend upon by burning tax dollars. Instead, they think they are getting pennies from heaven. They promote it trying to keep government resources away from the hippies and communists at the bottom of society, which is supposed to improve the lily white environment which they want to swim in.

The Administration drive for a "payroll" tax cut because of the pandemic means the working persons would get the money while the 100 million who lost their jobs would get nothing, as they no longer pay the so-called payroll tax, while Social Security is gutted. The "payroll tax" is not a tax; it's Social Security savings, which conservatives call a payroll tax, trying to indicate that it is an unnecessary burden on workers. Then conservatives want to cut Social Security benefits because they claim it is always destined to run out of money.

Why have conservatives been getting by with such fraud? Largely because main stream media no longer exposes the fraud logic through criticism, as occurred while liberalism was going awry (before 1981). The new normal in the media is to pretend that fraud is normal. Traces of criticism in peripheral media supposedly takes care of everything by keeping the average Joe uninformed.

Trump's fraud logic has an explanation. He thinks he is being dealt with unfairly, because other politicians are not met with the same opposition that he is. That assumption shows what his problem is. He is so disconnected from reality that he doesn't know why opponents exist for him and not as much for others. He doesn't know that there are objective reasons. Quite the opposite, he thinks he is a stable genius and therefore should get less opposition than usual instead of more.

What disconnects Trump from reality so extremely? A combination of a lot of inadequacies do that. One is dissociated reality, meaning broken up into tiny pieces, so one part cannot be related to another part. Another cause is no ability to relate previous realities to present realities. He doesn't know that what he said earlier is the opposite of what he says in present time. He doesn't know that leaders are not supposed to be that screwed up, so he doesn't know why he gets dealt with differently than they do.

Corrupters believe in their corruptions, because it is the only way they can win at anything. They assume everyone is in the same boat and only fools assume things are supposed to be done without corruption. It appears that the reason why Trump considers himself to be a stable genius is because he knows that corruption is the right way to do things and a lot of other persons don't.

Everything Video: Everything is going video. It's like someone buying your food and chewing it for you. It's a railroading distraction for control of persons who don't have anything else to do.

Persons who are getting things done don't have time for video. Now days, with not enough time for anything and a flood of information, people need to pick and choose the most relevant information for their purposes, which means written text which can be skimmed and selected easily.

Making America Great: (May 7, 2020) It seems that America must have been great the first time when anyone who had a job, including store clerks, could buy a house, and only high school kids were working for the minimum wage. That was the 1950s.

What then is the plan for returning to the greatness? Keeping foreigners out? Having corporations burn tax dollars? Abolishing social security? Punishing the rest of the world for unfairness? Manufacturing everything in the U.S.?

One of the reasons why high tech companies can no longer manufacture in the U.S. is the screws are manufactured in china. Tech companies haven't yet evaluated the other four million components. There are only a handful of machine operators in the U.S. anymore. Corduroy jeans no longer exists, because Asians don't use that fabric.

In other words, there will need to be about a hundred million more factories and three billion more workers in the U.S. to make America great again by manufacturing everything in the U.S. Factories and parking lots will need to be constructed on the slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Beating up the rest of the world isn't going to get there. Modern economies require more rationality than that.

Who is going to beat up the U.S. for being unfair to Venezuela, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran, not to mention most of Africa, Central America, and Germany?

Fake Economy: (February 5, 2020) Trump claims he did wonders for the economy. It's totally fake. His 191,000 jobs per month was only 84% of Obama's 227,000 jobs per month for the three years previous. Trump's 1.2% reduction in unemployment was only 60% of Obama's 2% reduction. It's a slowing of the economic increase.

Trump's slowing of the economy was due to the trade war, which encumbered global trade due to obstruction of supply lines. Also, the American consumer is vastly worse off (and has been getting that way for decades) as indicated by the recent reduction in the trade deficit. The trade deficit results from less imports from China. Those imports are mainly household products. It means Americans can't afford as many household products.

Also indicating that Americans cannot afford as many household products is a major reduction in the shipping industry. Ocean ships are being junked or mothballed, trucking companies are going under due to lack of business and air freight is down 1.5% in the U.S., 2019 over 2018, down 3.5% Dec. YOY. This result does not show up as a reduction in consumer spending, because consumer spending includes impositions in the area of health care and skyrocketing housing costs. In other words, to pay health and housing bills, people buy fewer household products.

When Trump boasts of his improved economy, it says he should be improving the economy. If so, there is no excuse for him screwing it all up with trade wars, no development in such areas as infrastructure and no alleviation of waste, fraud and abuse in the health care industry.

Trump reduced the economic expansion (economies normally expand) to about half of what it was during the last three Obama years and calls it the greatest economy there ever was. He doesn't know the difference. When he uses the stock market as an indication of a hot economy, and all it has been for twenty years is a gambling casino fighting itself to the sky, he doesn't know what an economy is.

Part of the fraud is the journalists. They hang on the fake numbers as if they were fact and monumental instead of a historical perspective which says Trump's economy is below average. A number with no context causes a lot of persons to assume the number would be zero instead of 227,000 as normal, if it weren't for Trump's godliness.

On top of that, Trump taught the bureaucrats to lie and fired those who wouldn't. Part of the dishonesty is bureaucrats reporting high numbers and later adjusting them downward after the fakery spreads across the internet. But another bit of fakery is that methods of calculating have become infinitely variable over the years allowing bureaucrats to use them to get any bit of propaganda they want. For journalists to hang on such garbage without a more realistic evaluation is fraud upon the public.

Jobs numbers at NY Times:
https://www.nytimes.com/ 2020/02/05/opinion/ trump-economy-election.html

More Numbers At Huffpost:
https://m.huffpost.com/ us/entry/ us_5e419dc0c5b6bb0ffc169993

Air freight down:
https://www.iata.org/ en/pressroom/pr/ 2020-02-05-01/

What Quantitative Easing Is: (February 5, 2020) Conservatives can't decide whether they want more quantitative easing (QE) or less. Trump wants more. The new liberals assume they can produce any amount of QE to pay unlimited debt calling it "the New Monetary Theory."

The reason why QE was created as a new concept a few years ago is because banks could no longer keep up in generating new money resulting in a shortage of the money supply. The primary function of the Federal Reserve is to control the money supply. So the Fed had to step in and increase the money supply by buying something with created money, which of course meant buying government debt. But when they tried to sell back the government bonds, a shortage in the money supply occurred resulting in a panic of a repurchase shortage. So the Fed is back into buying up government bonds again to increase the money supply.

The reason why banks cannot create enough money is because there aren't enough bank loans being taken out, which in turn is because the new high tech industries do not have the collateral required for bank loans. They get financed by venture capitalists, which does not increase the money supply. This shift from bank loans to venture capitalists results in a shortage of the money supply which continues and requires quantitative easing.

One of the consequences of quantitative easing is a reduction in the value of the dollar. Since quantitative easing began a few years ago, the value of the dollar relative to the Euro shrank about 25%. Too much quantitative easing would put too many dollars in circulation and make them worthless. Which means the assumption of the New Monetary Theory is ridiculous.

Stock Market Trends: (December 7, 2019) Commenters keep evaluating the stock market in terms of external factors expecting results that never occur. That isn't what the stock market has been for decades. It's nothing but a gambling casino anymore. Investors are betting against each other as they do with crypto currencies. They try to catch the next upturn before someone else does.

Interpreting the stock market in terms of externalities is going back to the 1950s, where people would buy a piece of a corporation to create a happy society. Greenspan told us that mentality was replaced by "irrational exuberance," which was a prelude to the present gambling casino. An external factor now days is nothing but a bet on someone else's reactions. It means the stock market keeps going up, but in a jerk and hold pattern rather than a smooth line. It's nothing resembling an economic indicator.

Tariffs: There is no right way to use tarrifs, because tarrifs create a force, and forces degrade the use of rationality. It's analogous to engineers designing an autombile through demanding analysis, manufacturers producing the auto through demanding production, consumers buying the auto for a lot of complex purposes, and someone taking a sledge hammer to the automobile. The sledge hammer is a force which destroys the complex rationality. Forces always do that.

So if governments need the tax dollars, which is not the usual purpose of tarrifs, they need to find less destructive methods of taxation. The most uniform method would be an expense tax. It would be similar to the value added tax of the Europeans without so much complexity.

Taxing profits for corporations is a joke, because corporations can arbitrarily control the amount of profit, and they have little legitimate use for profit beyond giving it to stock holders as dividends, which they hate to do, or paying taxes on it, which they hate even more so. They don't want the lower classes benefiting from their tax dollars.

Saving profits for "rainy days" is a legitimate purpose for profits, but often profits are used for going into exotic excursions which the persons know nothing about and which have a degrading effect upon the social order. The internet companies know nothing about artificial intelligence—it's not the same thing as programing computers—or renewable energy, which only exists in the minds of wanton power mongers and their dupes. When corporations spend money on those things, any number of engineers will jump at the opportunity to do something exotic, no matter how wanton, as long as someone is paying for it.

Employment Statistics: (December 27, 2019) Employment statistics are no measure of the economy. There are a myriad of reasons why more hiring is being done, while the economy deteriorates to such an extent that the shipping industry is disintegrating.

One reason for increased hiring is because undocumented Mexicans are no longer coming across the boarder as the Mexican economy improves. U.S. workers cannot replace them, but more are hired making the attempt. Another reason is because social deterioration results in power mongers hiring more like-minded persons for emotional support and building the power of numbers. There are more administrators at some universities than professors, while they have nothing to do but commiserate and harass the students.

In other words, hiring is expanding while the economy deteriorates. Yet rationalizers use no other measure of a supposed red hot economy than increased hiring. Not to mention that employment statistics are so fluid that they are never calculated the same way twice, while Trump taught the bureaucrats to lie for the emperor and fire anyone with different values.

Renegotiating Trade Agreements: Trump has the purpose of renegotiating all trade agreements (in fact, all agreements) based on the assumption that the U.S. wasn't dealt with fairly. He assumes that previous agreements relinquished too much, because the negotiating standard was wrong. He assumes you have to beat someone up to get a better deal.

And he doesn't have a clue about the issues that go into trade agreements, which are very complex. For example, previous trade agreements with Europe allowed the Europeans to produce more automobiles without tariffs, while the U.S. produced all of the pickups. The U.S. got the better deal, because all of the profits are in pickups, while autos are narrow margined due to extreme competition. But Trump doesn't know that. He assumes the U.S. wasn't dealt with fairly in allowing Europeans to sell all those autos without tariffs. So he beats up the Europeans to get a better deal for Americans. It doesn't work that way.

Single Payer Problem: The problem with the single payer issue is that it attempts to overhaul the tax system while making health care more available. It isn't possible to overhaul the tax system, and no one is explaining how. After taking corporations off the hook for 60% of the health care expenses, no taxes are going to put them back on the hook. Corporations laugh off income taxes (a profit tax), because they can disappear profit into expenses any time they want.

How Power Overwhelms Science: (October 2, 2019) When a group of scientists did a review and said there is no significant reason to avoid red meat (article), the health establishment went viral saying they have been advising to eat less red meat because it causes cancer.

What is the health establishment, and how does it determine that science is inferior to it's proclamations? It's power overwhelming science. Science is measurement, not always the best, but what supersedes it? Nothing but power, which means motives and subjectivity. Was it science that determined red meat causes cancer? Then why isn't it science that determines the effect is too trivial to worry about? Because the power establishment has nothing but contempt for objective reality replacing its authority.

How could there be a real difference between red meat and non-red meat? What has red color got to do with cancer? Scientists don't know; so why does the power establishment know something scientists don't know? The pesticides are infinitely worse than whatever determines redness.

Of course, fish are lower in pesticides, but if pesticides are the concern, why not organic instead of non-red meat? And why not a focus on the pesticides instead of the color? Why say red when it has no meaning? Pesticides have a clear meaning. The color red wipes out the important information about pesticides and the need for organic food. The effects of pesticides go way beyond cancer. In fact, cancer causes are usually so illusive that agreement cannot be achieved through measurements, which is a large part of the reason for not focussing on red meat as a cause of cancer.

Farmed meat has the potential of being superior to white fish, because growers can add important minerals to livestock feed, which includes zinc and copper, while white fish is quite low in zinc and copper. Other trace elements could be similar, which to some extent includes iron. But pesticides create the overwhelming concern until organic is available. So the discussion needs to go beyond the proclamations of power mongering frauds who speak for everyone else including the science which opposes them.

Moving The Bureaucracies Out Of Washington: (October 10, 2019) People created government and the bureaucracies for a reason. When they don't work, they are supposed to be improved, not abandoned.

Stimulating The Economy: (August 19, 2019) There is no such thing as stimulating the American economy in these times. Stimulating the economy is a 1950s and 60s concept, where consumers would buy more products and manufacturers would produce more products creating a snowball effect. When the manufacturing is being done elsewhere, it's someone else's economy that gets stimulated. It means the manufacturing needs to occur in the U.S., if the economy needs to be stimulated through products. But a globalized economy cannot be restricted to countries, and it doesn't need stimulating with developing countries entering the equation.

Not to mention that most people are already maxed out on consumption and use any additional income for paying off debts. Only the lowest classes would buy more products if they had more income, and they don't pay taxes or get a tax break for stimulating the economy. The upper classes and corporations spend their increased income on the Wall Street gambling casino.

It also means economic concerns require concepts of producing something of value, which depends upon rationality based on objective reality including real science and technology instead of the lied about fakery which bankrupts everyone. How do you increase the worth of American production? Not through fraudulent science and fake technology which bankrupts everyone.

But the promoters of the cause are not entirely unaware of these facts; they use fake reality for ulterior motives. Their purpose is to pour money down a rat hole, so they can take it away from the needy in reduced social programs.

The most standard scheme by conservatives is to waste money as a method of destroying the lower classes. The IMF destroyed dozens of economies that way—throwing wanton loans down a rat hole and making the lower classes pay for it through so-called austerity, as they are now doing in Argentina.

The fake tax give-away in the U.S. has the same purposes as shown by attacks upon food stamps after having corporations burn tax dollars on nothing. Green is how fake liberals are wasting money, so the lower classes can't afford energy.

Hottest Year Ever: (August 23, 2019) What created the "dirty thirties," which went on for several years? There was no carbon dioxide effect at that time. High pressure air masses create heat and droughts. Carbon dioxide has no relationship to high pressure air masses. In fact, weathermen don't know why high pressure air masses park someplace.

On top of that, climatologists wouldn't have any way of knowing whether 2019 was the hottest year ever, because their land based measuring stations are a nonfunctional mess, and they lie about the results afterwards.

Amazon Fires: (August 25, 2019) The world is going hyper over Amazon fires—claiming the Amazon is the "lungs of the Earth." It's nonscientific stupidity encouraged by incompetent scientists.

The Amazon is close to irrelevant to the earth's oxygen and carbon dioxide. The diversity of species is quite important, but not the gases.

The Amazon rain forest is extremely low in biological productivity due to overcast skies which reduce sunlight. It neither increases or decreases in biomass over time, which means there is a constant balance between oxygen of photosynthesis and the carbon dioxide of decay.

To put gases in the atmosphere, there must be constant turn-over such as seasonal variations. While rapid growth is occurring, oxygen is entering the atmosphere; and when growth stops and decay increases, carbon dioxide is being put in the atmosphere. It takes variation rather than steady state to influence atmospheric gases. The Amazon is extremely invariable.

The only relevant problems of the Amazon are some pollution and disturbance of indigenous people. Apart from these concerns, farming around the edges of the Amazon is no problem. There is no shortage of space for the animals within the Amazon. Anything that can be farmed around the edges of the Amazon is not relevant to the rest of the Amazon. Farmers cannot operate in the core area of the Amazon.

Blackouts In California: (October 29, 2019) Rationalizers are saying that the California wildfires and blackouts are due to greenhouse gases overwhelming utilities. That isn't what's happening. Californians spent three times usual for electricity by adding 5% renewables, with the result being that they don't have money to spend on maintenance. Then they made the utility companies eat the losses by requiring renewables to always go through while fluctuating normal sources. Also required was selling household solar to the companies at retail prices which were the same price being sold back to other customers. No business could survive such fraud. So they can't afford maintenance. Nor can they find buyers stupid enough to take them off the hook.

Automobiles At Half The Price: Automobiles will only cost half as much to produce when they are manufactured in the sky. It will be three years before the process takes off on a large scale, but there are breakthroughs every day, as artificial intelligence and robotics are improved. There are already factories in the sky; you just can't see them, because they are transparent.

Deterioration Of Mainstream Media: (August 24, 2019) All media including mainstream is now days being used to promote causes, while the methodology is to misrepresent reality. Causes always will benefit or lose from objective reality, so it is the methodology that is the problem. The only methodology that propagandists know is misrepresentation.

Examples include promoting favorite candidates and imposing fake science and technology onto society including carbon dioxide fraud, renewable energy and electric vehicles. False claims grow and build upon each other in the process of generating public support for the causes. "On par with" becomes more and more irrational, as fake technology is said to be "on par" with coal or petroleum. There is no scientific, engineering or economic concept of what on par means. It's just the reason why the public is supposed to fall in line with the frauds.

The media is forever insisting that we look out the window to see the effects of carbon dioxide. Scientists cannot evaluate climate by looking out the window, but quasi journalists think we are insane if we can't see the effects of carbon dioxide by looking out the window. One of the underlying bits of stupidity is assuming that climate was always the same (unchanged) until so-called greenhouse gas screwed it up. Another line of stupidity is in assuming that uninformed assumptions are as good as scientific knowledge. Another is the assumption that science is self-correcting and could not be wrong, while journalists bring incompetent scientists to the surface and get real scientists fired.

There is a new trend of supposedly creating fairness in media by representing two alternative corruptions. Two wrongs do not make a right. But supposedly one authority's errors balance another authority's errors. Corruptions are corruptions and do not balance themselves out. Balancing corruptions is no substitute for proper representation.

Proper representation is as simple as explaining claims. Once the explanations exist, the truth sorts out.

Gold Standard: (August 24, 2019) Some persons assume a gold standard has something to do with the economy. It never was anything but a psychological ploy. It said, if you are afraid of dollars, you can exchange them for gold. It's purpose was to overcome fear of the dollar.

The psychological ploy is no longer relevant. People have no choice about using dollars. By not guarantying gold in exchange for dollars, the gold does not have to be stock-piled, and it's more available for other purposes, though it is sometimes stock-piled simply because of its value.

Gold never did influence the economy, but the economy could influence the price of the gold. There was no economic significance to going off the gold standard; it just made gold more available to industry. Nothing changed but the amount of gold being stock-piled by the U.S. government, because people can still buy gold with dollars anytime they want to.

So the only significance to returning to the gold standard would be to buy gold from the U.S. government instead of someone else. It's not an economic argument.

Worshipping The Emperor: Government employees used to call themselves public servants. Now days, the public does the serving. Lost is the concept that persons in power are supposed to be servants. Management is supposed to mean subservience—like in assisting or facilitating rather than exploiting.

As power mongers take over everything, they establish a hierarchical structure, where the persons below worship the persons above and stomp under the persons below them. It's totalitarianism, incompetence and human decadence.

A Dictatorship: The Constitutional government of the U.S. is not supposed to be a dictatorship. Checks and balances are designed to reduce the presidency to a managerial position. It's supposed to be a government of laws, not of men. The obvious reason is because dictatorships don't work any place, under any conditions.

Presidents place themselves in the position of being a dictator by promising the public that they are going to solve problems. It would take a dictator to pretend to solve problems, and problems cannot be solved by government. People need the ability to solve their own problems, while the government facilitates by providing infrastructure.

Not the least reason why presidents are not supposed to be solving problems is because there is no way to add openness and accountability to a president's actions. Congress adds the openness and accountability needed to create constructive laws. To defy congress and the validly produced laws is a guaranty of incompetents destroying everything.

Presidents tend to be awful dumb about most things in life. They make good managers and little else. What the hell do they know about your problems, let alone the complexities of life? Nothing. And it isn't just a knowledge (as in IQ) problem; it's a location problem, which means the nature of the task is only visible where the problems exist.

The New Nazism: The talk now days, in Europe and the U.S., is to keep out immigrants who might use social services. This mentality transforms from the claim that immigrants are a burden on tax payers. Guess what. Immigrants pay the same taxes as everyone else, while the illegal ones can never get social security which they pay into. But more importantly, immigrants do about 50% more work than (multi-generational invaders) at half the income. They set up businesses which require a lot of input time and nationals no longer get involved in. In other words, the nationals are a drag on the immigrants.

There are two major reasons why the unemployment rate is an all time low. One is that Trump demands lying by the bureaucrats (They correct some of the lies after they are about two years old.), and the other is that there are very few immigrants doing the difficult labor anymore. The Mexican immigrants have been fewer, because they can now find more work in Mexico.

So conservatives use low unemployment to indicate a hot economy, while it is dead on the ground; and the transportation industry is in collapse, because there is not much being shipped with a dead economy.

Offshoring Jobs: (June 26, 2019) Some persons assume that offshoring "jobs" was arbitrary and the jobs can be brought back. It was the companies that did not offshore that went under, while the ones who did survived.

All economies had to globalize or go under, because globalization increased markets and efficiency. Most US corporations were not efficient enough to globalize without offshore production. It wasn't just the expensive labor. Massive increases in worker numbers were required. The drop-in-the-bucket labor pool in the US was totally inadequate. And the US workers were not being adequately educated, as CEOs kept saying. Testing the teachers never improved the education problem.

When incompetent persons ridicule globalization of production, they don't understand that without globalization, there would need to be about a million more factories in the US to produce the highly complex technology that now exists, with about a million square miles of surface area for the factories, two million square miles of parking lots and three billion more workers.

Trying to move some of that activity into the US at 1950s standards isn't how the economy works. The process has to be competitive with an adequate environment. The fixers need to address the competitiveness problem and methodology, which they are totally clueless on.

The Problem With 5G: Some campers went into the woods and took five pounds of food along. They ate one pound and the bears ate the other four pounds. So they assumed, all they have to do next time is take an extra four pounds of food.

The Green Threat: (May 6, 2019) Green used to be an annoyance as fake environmentalism. But green kept building, feeding off the power of liberalism. Liberals had no choice but to go along with it, or they would look like they were opposed to environmentalism.

But now greens are adding the social justice concerns of liberals to their agenda and engulfing most of liberalism into their scheme. The net result is that greens are now taking down liberalism with their exaggerations, the "green new deal" being the primary example.

Liberals need to call that fraud the fraud that it is. But usually the can't or won't, which adds to the power of green fraud.

And that is entirely why greens are doing it. They are generating power for incompetent corrupters by feeding off of liberalism like pathogens. Like pathogens, they need ever increasing impositions to build their power.

The so-called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) shows how the pathogenesis increases. A few months ago, anyone with half a brain could ignore it. It says any amount of debt by government is ok. Everyone knows, the more debt government acquires, the more interest it has to pay on that debt and the less money it has for spending on other things. But day by day, more and more gullible persons buy into such absurdity as the MMT. Power feeds on fraud in that way.

The worst thing about the "green new deal" is that it picks up where conservatives leave off in stripping rationality from government and human minds. Chaos and anarchy are not the answer to problems.

Tax Break Fraud: (June 19, 2019) The people didn't get a tax break, because deductions were reduced. They paid 3% more in taxes, while inflation was 2%.

It was a tax throw-away for corporations. There is no such thing as a tax break for corporations, because they don't pay taxes on anything but left over scraps after ditching all they can to keep it out of the hands of the lower classes. Corporations pay about 5% of federal revenue, where it was 60% during Eisenhower years. (Sometimes it's hard to throw away all the scraps when making 90% profit, so they try such things a going to Mars as the next best thing.)

The only purpose of the lied-about tax give-away was to throw away $1.5 trillion, so the deficit can now be used to get rid of social programs—the in-your-face methodology of conservatives since 1981.

Being Fair With Trade: (May 12, 2019) Adults don't talk about fairness, because there is no concept of what it means beyond someone's values in trying to win an argument. Victims of imperialism never get to argue fairness, while someone tells them what they are going to buy and sell before being shock-and-awed, since imperialism is not about fairness, it's about defiant overwhelm.

What's missing in everything is any description of how to get to desired results. It's called objective reality. A procedure is required to align upon objective reality. Without objective reality, the procedure is to fight over the result trying to impose fairness which no one can evaluate.

Labor Statistics Fraud: (January 31, 2019) The media stopped covering the economy and plugged in labor statistics fraud in its place. Supposedly, more hiring indicates a red hot economy. Labor is not an appropriate indicator of economic activity. So where is the rest of the subject?

A labor shortage has been developing over the past several years due to fewer illegal, Mexican immigrants coming across the border, as the Mexican economy improved. American workers have to replace those low paid Mexican workers. Often, a reduction in pay scale is a consequence. Replacing the illegal immigrants looks like an increase in employment, but it isn't.

To properly evaluate the subject, we would at least need to know the dollar value of the new jobs. There is no clue in the reporting. To properly evaluate the economy, we would at least need to know how, where and why it is improving. There is no clue in the reporting, while housing is down, automotive is down and exports are down.

What An Investigation Is: (March 27, 2019) Persons who don't have a clue as to what government is came out of the woodwork to declare Trump a victor in the some assumed Olympic contest called the Mueller investigation. It wasn't a contest. It was an investigation.

Investigators investigate. It's not a crime to do so. There are no winners and losers, just acquired information. Low level criminals will be referred to prosecutors. A president never will be. Not the least reason is because lawyers cannot agree on what a crime would be for a president. So the president's exit is determined by Congress, not the courts, let alone the investigators.

At upper levels of power, investigations are used as much to clear someone as to condemn them, which might be a whitewash. Mueller investigating Trump could never be anything but a clearing/whitewashing process. It was as predictable as night following day.

But the relevance is in the information, not the verdict. Congress needs the information, because they don't do such detailed investigations. The information will be politically significant and could add to other information for political purposes, which could eventually result in impeachment proceedings.

Congress evaluating the information is the second step of the process. Persons who want the process to end with the first step and gold cup do not want anyone to know what information was acquired. So propaganda is supposed to be a good enough substitute for the information that was supposed to be the purpose.

One reason why there are two vastly different views on this subject is because liberals assume Trump is subverting government and the Constitution, even if it is impossible to define a crime for a president, while Trump supporters assume Trump is the best thing since sliced bread. If Trump is really a hero, then all is well after the investigation. If Trump is overthrowing democratic government, the Mueller investigation is just one small part of the evidence.

Corporation Taxes: What makes conservatives assume corporations aren't supposed to pay taxes? All corporation expenses are tax free. Only profits are taxed. There is nothing corporations can do with their profits but pay taxes, give stock dividends and buy back their own stocks.

When liberalism was still going awry in 1980, corporations paid 60% of federal revenue. Now they pay about 5%. If corporations have no social responsibilities, why does society owe them anything, and why are they allowed to push the government around?

Tax reductions could not possibly improve corporation activities, because corporations can spend money before calculatiang taxes and pay no taxes on it, while spending money from profits with reduced taxes is paying some taxes on it. The language of conservatives tries to defy that fact.

The Wealth Tax Trend: (June 24, 2019) The talk of creating a high tax rate for the wealthy is misplaced. Certainly, there is a problem with everything being channeled upward, but taxing individuals misses the problem. It's not justifiable to tax individuals more than 30%, because high taxes destroy a lot of activity. A flat tax of 25% for the rich would be appropriate, considering that tax loopholes have been creating uneven taxes. Of course, defining the tax base is problematic, but it should prevent a lot of loopholes.

The real answer is not focussing on individuals but on corporations. There is nothing corporations can do with their profits but pay stock dividends and taxes. They don't pay much for dividends. They should be paying 100% tax on all profit after dividends. And, a whole bunch of finance laws need to be restored to prevent the siphoning off of resources from society by corporations, such as buying and selling other companies.

Products normally get cheaper after initial investments are recovered and methods are refined. Instead of lowering the price to consumers, corporation buy another company and make the consumers pay for it in higher costs for products. This scheme is the number one method of sucking resources out of society and dumping them into the pockets of the 1%ers. It used to be illegal, until conservatives threw out the banking laws.

Austerity: Austerity has never meant anything other than bankrupting a government, so the lower classes don't benefit from social programs. Dozens and dozens of governments have been bankrupt that way.

One of the assumptions is that there are too many worthless garbage produces, and since populations cannot be reduced fast enough, taking from the needy reduces the amount of garbage they can produce.

Of course, an assumption since the 1960s is that the planet cannot produce enough food for everyone. Nothing would be easier than producing endless amounts of high quality food, but incompetents need a wanton methodology which they can manage without too much rationality.

Barging Fraud: (March 31, 2019) There is one reason, and one reason only, for the endless floods in the Midwest: It's barging. Barging is a nineteenth century technology which has no real reason to exist. It would be cheaper to ship grain from Minneapolis to New Orleans by first class mail than barging, when accounting for the flooding and related projects.

The Mississippi River is kept ten feet or more above normal level for barging by using mini dams. Besides the extra water stored by the dams, water cannot move at a normal rate when flooding occurs.

Drought And Fires In California: (August 10, 2018) The drought and fires in California are not caused by carbon dioxide in the air, as so-called greenhouse gases could not cause a high pressure to park over California. High pressures prevent rain from occurring, while low pressures cause rain to occur.

There has been a high pressure parked over California for five years preventing rain from occurring. Now, the high is spreading over the entire west coast. Something similar would have been the cause of the drought in the Midwest during the 1930s.

The claim that greenhouse gases create extreme weather by disrupting jet streams is propaganda. Jet streams are the effect of weather, not cause over it. They follow a line between large air masses. The high air pressure runs north and south over the west coast, while jet streams run west to east.

High Pressure Air Mass

For several years, a high pressure zone over California caused the jet stream to circle over it. Later, the high pressure zone expanded and stretch much farther north, which broke up the jet stream into varied swirls. It shows that the jet stream is controlled by air masses and follows the boundaries of air masses. Jet streams are the effect of air masses; they cause nothing.
NOAA Surface Map    Jet Stream Map

European Heat Wave: (June 28, 2019) Climatologists are saying that a jet stream moving north from Africa is carrying heat into Europe. Climatologists show that they have no scientific judgement when they "believe in" global warming. They are wrong about jet streams.

A jet stream has to be above most of the atmosphere to move at hundreds of miles per hour with low air friction. Nothing up there is influencing temperatures at ground level. But jet streams circle around high pressure masses which sit in one place and generate heat. It's the high pressure masses that create the heat, not the jet streams circling around them.

Private Business Rocketry: (August 3, 2018) Private business rocketry is never going to be anything but a farce, because small-timers cannot produce navigation in space. Space navigation requires telemetry antennas scattered around the world with communication links to control centers and universities where physicists determine where everything is located in space at any particular instant in time and then send control signals up with time lags. Crapos can't come close to doing anything resembling it. Only governments can.

The claims of colonizing planets is total propaganda. There isn't enough energy in fuel to be doing anything significant in space. The shuttle required three rockets to get into low earth orbit—one liquid fuel and two solid fuel.

The whole farce about privatizing rocketry is nothing but glamorizing brain-deads as if they were supposed to be running our lives. It's an attempt to prove that those who monger power are the most worthy persons. The claims, like all other technology frauds, are always in the future and nothing for results but crap in present time.

Crimea Invasion: (July 13, 2018) Journalists speak as if Russia invaded Crimea. "As ifs" are as good as facts now days in journalism.

What did the invasion consist of? Supposedly, Russian troops were sent. They were already in Crimea and had been for hundreds of years. In fact, there hadn't been anything in Crimea for hundreds of years but a Russian navy base and a Russian-speaking population.

The only thing that changed recently was the politics of Ukraine. Crimea would now become the property of a bunch of foreigners who took over Ukraine. They supposedly acquired the Russian Navy base and Russian speaking and aligned population.

A few years ago, the Soviet Union made a slight change on the paper-work saying Crimea would be a part of Ukraine. After the Nazis assumed Crimea would now be a part of their new country, a major shift in ownership was occurring and the people of Ukraine said they need to remain a part of Russia.

Obviously, Russia was not going to turn over their navy base to a bunch of rag tag Nazis. So they changed a few words on the paper and said Crimea would revert to its original state as a part of Russia.

Russia and Crimea returned to the earlier state, and no other outcome could have occurred. The media calls that an invasion. Returning to the historical state is nothing resembling the invasion that the media tries to portray it as.

The Trade War: (June 18, 2018) The talk is about who will win a trade war. Some persons explain that everyone loses, because there are infinite spin-offs that undercut the economy.

Twenty years ago, globalization of the economy became an official purpose with "free trade" agreements such as NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement). The purpose was to open up markets by getting rid of barriers, which is why the concern was called free trade.

Up until then, there were too many parochial interests holding down free trade. Each country wanted to promote their interests through various types of protectionism. They had to be convinced that getting rid of those barriers was in their interest. They went along, and globalization of trade took off.

The new trade war is an attempt to reverse the purpose and values. Instead of opening up trade by getting rid of barriers, the purpose now is to restrict trade by adding back barriers.

Free trade makes authoritarian government irrelevant. To be competitive, a country must improve its ability to produce products. The objective reality required to produce better products outstrips corruptive influences. It's either get real or sink into oblivion. Dictators get overwhelmed by the need to get real due to the globalization of the world's economy.

(Globalization of trade is not the same thing as globalization of sovereignty. Globalization of sovereignty is an attempt to create one-world-government through imperialism. The two types of globalization are, in many ways, opposites. Imperialism reduces free trade, which means less globalization of trade.)

The overwhelming fact of the trade dispute is that the problem is one of competitiveness, while it is framed as a problem of fairness. Competitiveness is not improved by screwing things around. It is only improved through meticulous concerns for quality, adequacy and relevance.

But there is a different ethic being promoted which says, rationality is the problem rather than the answer; so we use force and violence to get our way instead of producing a better result.

Another overwhelming fact is that specialization is inseparable from complex technology. Specialization requires globalization where a few manufacturers supply components for the whole world. No country can produce all of the components that go into something complex such as an automobile or computer. There isn't enough space, let alone workers, to produce all of the complex parts in any one country. That means a lot of cooperation is required, not force and violence.

Where The 1% Economy Comes From: (June 18, 2018) Social explainers seem to be unable to explain how the rich keep getting richer and the poor getting poorer. A look at the historical dynamics shows how it works.

After Reagan got elected, the economy took off, but only for elitists, particularly on Wall Street. A new term was created for the winners. They were called yuppies. The word no long is used. In fact, real estate is in hard times in New York and Connecticut due to the disappearance of the yuppies. For the winners to aggregate in New York was an artificial and transitory state, even though the economy kept pumping out more 1%ers. There was a shift in the way the stock market works.

How the yuppies were created and disappeared explains how the 1%ers acquire their wealth. Deregulation by the Reaganites started with banking and continued with banking into the Clinton years. One of the first rules to be thrown out was the suppression of business aggregation. Businesses could again buy and sell business.

Big bucks change hands when businesses buy and sell business. Tens of billions of dollars are involved. And it all goes into the pockets of the 1%ers.

When a business spends tens of billions of dollars for another business, someone walks away with that much cash. The consumers then have to add that much value to the purchasing business. The net result is that the money flows up from consumers to the 1%ers.

Repeat that process hundreds or thousands of times, and it moves a lot of money upward. The illogical buying and selling of businesses is so pervasive that it points to the motive of achieving exactly that purpose—moving money upward. Why would a new company know more about a business than the old company did? There is no logic to it, just more economic corruption. That's why doing so used to be illegal. Society gains nothing from businesses buying and selling businesses. Only the 1%ers do.

Of course, there are additional factors which make the rich richer and the poor poorer—basically the motive to do so by bigots who suppress income for the lower classes. They said, no way are we going to allow an increase in the minimum wage, because we love the lower classes more than anyone else. If the nobodies get a wage increase, it will put them out of work and there will be fewer restaurants, which will shrink the economy. The same bigots are sending back illegal Mexican immigrants who make up the majority of restaurant workers in addition to farm laborers. They sure love the lower-class workers.

The Low Class Economy: Fakes can't figure out why the rich keep getting richer while the poor get poorer. One of the reasons is because ending the only significant welfare program, Aid To Dependent Children, during the 1990s sucked $80 billion dollars out of the low class economy (about $200 billion in present value) without replacing it. There isn't $200 billion in the low class economy. Supposedly, the welfare queens would get jobs. There wasn't a $200 billion dollar increase in janitorial jobs and menial labor. Were the welfare queens going to become CEOs?

Corporation Fraud: Corporations are essential, and there is not a good substitute for them. But they are being turned into the ruination of man through fraud.

All fraud is an attempt to dupe gullible persons, which includes the assumption that corporations need to be disconnected from social responsibilities to be competitive including paying taxes, paying half of social security and usually paying a large part of health care.

Corporations used to pay 60% of federal revenue; now the pay 6%. There is nothing they can do with profits but pay taxes and stock dividends, which are nearly irrelevant in the gambling casino that Wall Street has become, as shown by the endless losses in fracking investments.

Conservatives are trying to disconnect corporations from all three functions: taxes, social security and health care, as if the public were supposed to do that on their own, and a nonfunctional work force would make corporations more competitive in global markets.

What conservatives are missing is that only progressive improvements create competitiveness, not exploitation. Progress comes out of the public and non-organized milieu, not the exploitation of power mongers. A ripped off and destroyed social order does not produce competitive products. When America was great (an uncontested power sorce), corporations were dedicated to the social order, the workers and the public (not all, but the ones making the progress). Now days, corporations need to burn cash to keep it out of the hands of the public.

Sadly, a lot of liberals are being duped into the same scheme attempting to remove corporate responsibilities for paying health care expenses.

Bitching Replaces Results: Bitching is what organizations do, in endless detail. They measure their worth in the amount of peoples' time they waste on trivia. There's never an indication of where the problems come from or what the answers are.

One of the functions of bitching is to wash everyone's hands. It's being on the right side of obvious wrongs. But isn't there something more required with being on the right side and knowing something is wrong?

The endless bitching is a result of an absence of the abstract reality which tells the origins and solutions to problems. Without abstract reality, superficial reality is all there is. It's like a paper photograph of reality. It can't be used for anything.

Bitchers expect someone to solve their problems once they know they exist. It doesn't happen, because the bitchers only find out about the problems which are not being solved and long after solutions were possible. Problems have to be prevented, and it takes abstract reality applied through rationality to evaluate, predict and prevent problems.

Noncompetitiveness: (September 12, 2019) The largest (broadest) problem the U.S. has at this time is noncompetitiveness. It explains what Trumpism is and what Trump's base is voting for when they say "Trump gets it."

While there always was a large potential for competitiveness in the U.S., and often it produced results, the imperialistic vein was eliminating competition in vulnerable countries. In other words, there were two forces making America great: real competitiveness and elimination of competition. Now real competitiveness is disappearing, and eliminating competition is being more heavily relied upon.

Trumpism and the drive to "make America great again" is throwing in the towel on real competitiveness and attempting to rely upon elimination of competition as the only method. The competition cannot be eliminated anymore, as developing countries are now overwhelming U.S. lack of competitiveness.

Socialism: (September 12, 2019) Socialism is not being argued properly. It is argued in terms of incentive. Incentive has never been the slightest relevance to anything. There has always been overwhelming incentive to solving problems.

On top of that, socialism becomes a smaller and smaller part of human existence, as everyone gets overwhelmed by other forces including no ability to pay for healthcare, to buy houses or get out of the homelessness trap. The larger and increasing problem is, what mechanisms are there for solving those problems. It's a question of rationality, productivity and fraud. Economic formulas are virtually irrelevant to the problems. Science, engineering, creativeness and rationality are needed, not variations in financial schemes. Economics is argued by incompetents who are clueless on problem-solving demands.

Business schools teach incentive, incentive, incentive. You get what you pay for. That's a punishment-reward scheme, not an incentive scheme. The wrong terminology is being used resulting in wrong analysis. Even if incentive can be found in the minutia of the punishment-reward mechanism (with semantics being arbitrary), incentive cannot go beyond the trivia of personal reactiveness and explain social forces. Eliminating 99% of the real problem in the area of constructivity is the error.

This error originates in the assumptions of incompetent power mongers who assume that if you create the right set of forces, magical solutions will spring forth from the rocks. The magic doesn't exist. Constructivity is highly demanding. Since incompetents cannot meet the demands of real constructivity, they create rationalizations for destructivity and pretend that it is the answer to everything.



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