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Battery Fraud

July 26, 2024

The attempt to use batteries for high energy storage is a fraud, because batteries require too much mass to be practical on a large scale and always will. The truth is apparent in the worthless studies attempting to improve batteries.

A classical example is the attempt to use silicon as a medium in batteries. Silicon is not a storage substance; it's a variable resistance substance. That means adding silicon to batteries is making the problem worse by adding more mass to batteries. Getting that confused is a disgrace to science and engineering.

The propaganda in promoting battery improvement shows how the forces work in fake technology for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Know-nothing frauds pretend that batteries are forever being improved and will allow transportation to be electrified. Some of the researchers know there are major problems; but those persons disappear in the background, while know-nothing frauds are used to propagandize the subject.

Power mongers use know-nothing frauds to promote their wares as a method of washing their own hands of the absurdities with no danger of the visible persons generating truth on the subject. In other words, know-nothings are willing to disgrace themselves with absurdities which higher level power mongers avoid.

One of the results is the pretense that utility-scale electricity can be stored in batteries and supposedly is doing that someplace. No one is allowed to find out the price, worthlessness or degradation of systems in using batteries that way.

The problems in using batteries for high energy storage cannot be fixed, because the miss is a mile. Batteries would need to be thirty to fifty times less massive to do what know-nothings expect them to do, while research does nothing more than replace one problem with another.

Batteries require an inordinate amount of mass, because they store energy in chemical form, which means electrons orbiting nuclei; and then the electrons must be linearized, which means traveling through metals. The nuclei which the stored electrons orbit add a lot of mass to batteries; and then the metals which linearize the electrons add a lot of mass. There is no possibility of reducing those masses significantly in batteries.

The public allows themselves to be duped by that expensive fraud assuming that the technology can be produced for removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. If they knew that such technology is never going to exist, they might get more realistic about carbon dioxide being needed in the atmosphere to sustain biology.

CO2 graph

All biology is on the verge of becoming extinct due to a shortage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is needed for photosynthesis. The oceans determine how much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere. Warmer oceans release more; and colder oceans absorb more. The oceans are warming up, as they always do between ice ages, which is causing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to increase.

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