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Sociology Of Corruption  203

Understanding Fraud


September 17, 2024

Fraud is described and criticized as if it were an attempt to produce rationality. It isn't. It is an attempt to break down rationality.

The political frauds show how the process works most openly; but it's the same mechanics that apply to the most complex frauds such physics schemes.

Conservatives are using fraud tactics in a much more extreme way than usual based on Trump's success with the process. The claim of immigrants eating pets jumps out in its obvious purposes. There is no attempt to be credible, because not being credible is a required element.

The absurdity does several things. First, it draws attention toward the frauds. Otherwise incompetent know-nothings tend to be ignored. They can't go places being ignored in politics.

After gaining attention, the absurdities run opponents into the ground trying to explain and oppose something that has no reality basis. How do you prove the absence of something? How do you explain a disconnect from reality? The persons who try are made fools of in the process.

So politically, it shows how normal, rational persons are controlled and dominated by incompetent know-nothings. To a lot of gullible persons, there must be something superior about the winners—like maybe they know something lesser persons don't know.

Then the ultimate result is that the fraud process replaces the rationality process that makes losers of incompetent corrupters. Rationality becomes irrelevant, as it disappears from the process.

That result is the ultimate driving force of fraud. It is to get rid of the rationality that exposes incompetent corrupters for what they are. It's distraction from rationality in addition to breakdown of rationality.

Physics fraud is at the other extreme of complexity but has exactly the same purposes. Relativity is a mockery of everything in physics and laws of the universe, while it is imposed onto all physicists for the purpose of breaking down real physics which incompetents can't handle.

Fake gravity wave measurements supposedly measure motion down to one tenth of an attometer, which is 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. That's like measuring one inch with a ruler than vibrates between Chicago and Los Angeles. Why didn't the frauds say something more credible, like one micron? For the same reason eating pets had to be as absurd as possible to eradicate the hated rationality.

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Gravity Waves
Peer Review



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