How Fascism Works

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How Fascism Works  1 

From Fascism To Nazism

August 23, 2024

It's not the result that's the problem; it's the method of getting there. The method prevents the problems from being solved and makes them worse.

When no criticism is allowed, the path is corruption. There is no possibility of improvements where criticism is not allowed. It's not that no criticism might be needed; it's that the motive to suppress criticism only exists where corruption prevails.

Criticism of the corrupt physics of carbon dioxide was not allowed under the pretense that mankind needed to be saved before the reasons why were argued. That was twenty five years ago. In the meantime, energy and transportation systems were subverted to remove a boogeyman from the atmosphere. Know nothings in journalism and organizations determined the result with no criticism being allowed.

Physics fraud was power. Fascism and genocide were the results. It takes the power to overwhelm rationality to produce fascism and genocide. The Nazis had to pretend they were solving unsolvable problems in Germany to get elected. Once they were elected, real government ended and genocide began.

As long as know-nothing frauds are generating the power to destroy energy and transportation systems, the fascism will continue to evolve into Nazism.

Rationality prevents corruption from occurring. That means responding to criticism rather than disallowing criticism. It takes incompetent know-nothings railroading the realities of society to produce fascism and Nazism.

An important thing to notice is how important false reality is for corrupters. Corrupters cannot tolerate objective reality aligned upon the universe that defines life and solutions to problems, because it exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are and proves their frauds to be frauds.

Journalists got Trump elected and keep doing the same thing by not correcting the false realities. That standard allows Trump followers to pretend that it doesn't matter how much lying Trump does. Supposedly the solutions to problems are based on the person and his values independent of the realities.

Assuming realities are not relevant is eliminating the whole concept of competence. Competence starts with evaluation of realities. No evaluation, no constructivity. That's why science and engineering exist. The same is true of all types of constructivity. There has to be alignment upon the objective realities of the universe to produce constructivity. Lying does the opposite. It puts incompetent destroyers in control of our lives.

Understanding Fraud

Firing Scientists

Why There Is No Such Thing As A Greenhouse Gas

Renewable Energy Fraud

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

How Fascism Works      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Economic Fraud
Radiative Transfer Equations
Why No Greenhouse Effect
Quotes On Greenhouse Fraud
Other Factors Heat The Planet
Consensus Corruption
Firing Scientists
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Self-Driving Fraud
Artificial Intelligence Fraud



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