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Getting Efficiency Wrong


August 14, 2024

Efficiency is not an extractive procedure. Power mongers don't know that.

When power mongers take over the social structures and convert them into power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense, they destroy functionality. That's because they are clueless on the requirements. They revert to financialization tactics to make up the difference. That means ripping everyone off including the workers to compensate for their incompetence.

They assume efficiency is an extraction process. The more they extract, the less efficient they get, because they destroy everything relevant in the extractive process. They don't know that rationality and knowledge have anything to do with producing real results.

Efficiency is aligning upon and adjusting the requirements for getting results. Incompetents don't have a clue what those requirements are. It takes knowledge applied to constructivity through rationality to align upon and improve methodologies.

Where do they find knowledge aligned upon objective realities through rationality? They don't have a clue; but it is the opposite of ripping everyone off. The destructivity prevents rationality from improving results.

It takes knowledge to produce knowledge. That means the process has to start a long ways back before mangling processes to extract more. The persons who have knowledge can't use it effectively while being railroaded and dominated by incompetents. They need the opportunities required for applying knowledge without destructive impositions preventing them from doing so.

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