How Fascism Works

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How Fascism Works  5

The Need For Anti-Rationality

September 8, 2024

Corruption creates a need for anti-rationality. That's because rationality places demands upon everyone and corruption is the invalid method of responding to those demands. Instead of constructivity to meet the demands, corruption is promotion of destructivity.

What it looks like is corrupters promoting self-destructive behavior. That's because they are; but to corrupters, it's the lesser of evils. They try to weasel around the demands instead of responding properly.

The net result is corrupters generating a degraded state of existence where destructivity replaces constructivity as a lesser of evils for incompetent persons. That effect is highly variable; so sometimes it looks almost normal except not quite. So there is a lot of imperfection due to the pervasive nature of that response to the demands of rationality.

Not all imperfections are the same. Limitations always exist; and they are imperfections. But when the imperfections are due to anti-rationality they are inexcusably harmful to everyone.

An example is the high degree of toleration of toxic substances and environmental pollution. It goes beyond the human limitations in accepting and promoting the problem instead of trying to diminish it. There could be a lot fewer human problems if toxicity and pollution were minimized instead of tolerated or promoted.

Superficially, no one would have anything to gain from such harmful effects except the persons making money off them. But that would be very few persons. The problem is too much acceptance of the harmfulness without a logic. Corruption is not logical, it's driven by invalid motives of trying to gain something from nonconstructive means.

What then do corrupters gain from their anti-rationality destructiveness? They get rationality out of their way and degrade the persons who depend upon it for constructivity. That's why power requires corruption. It diminishes the influence of rationality and rational persons, so incompetents have fewer obstacles to acquiring power in spite of their incompetence.

The toxicity and pollution problem is decades old. Corruption has been constantly increasing; and the latest versions are applied to the fake science and technology that are destroying energy and transportation systems.

It would seem that the harmfulness of destroying energy and transportation would reduce the reaction against rationality instead of increasing it. But corruption builds upon corruption. What corrupters see in fake science and technology is easy street in destroying rationality, because the problems are removed into the future and the abstractions of science and technology are awful easy to defy.

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How Fascism Works      TOP     



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