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Where Art Thou, American Exceptionalism?

Idealizing would be a good thing, if ideals were being promoted instead of destroyed. Flag wavers are mocking the standards that made America great some time back. The degree of decadence overwhelming the U.S. society leaves no visibility of the ideals that could be associated with the U.S. at least in a hypothetical manner.

There were historically some functional elements of constructivity in the U.S. Even the most recent example, Steve Jobs inventing the smart cell phone, required numerous elements of ideals prevailing against all odds. After being shoved out of his own company, it went bankrupt. He was then allowed back in to complete the process. It took overwhelming exceptions to the rule to accomplish the task. He spent two years trying to convince Hollywood to get back into the music business, so he could finance the cell phone by selling music players. He had only a few months of college education, which freed him to function independently, as higher education is the path to enslavement to power mongers.

To do what Steve Jobs did requires all of the ideals that the U.S. state of existence could produce. And he is still degraded by degenerates. More rational persons say he was nice to work with. He is hated by persons who cannot tolerate rationality. Rational persons create a demand for rationality which incompetents cannot meet. Corrupters want everyone to operate at a degenerate level which they can excel at.

Nothing resembling what Steve Jobs did is possible in other countries, not Europe or Asia. One of the problems is scale. The technology, industry and social structures had to be at finger tips without barriers getting in the way. Nothing resembling it happens in Europe, because social structures evolved along lines of inheritance, which strangles originality.

The modern U.S. society (with the rest of the world tagging along) was put together during the 1950s. The doers came out of the middle class, which was highly impoverished. They knew there were problems that needed to be solved, and they found methods of doing so.

But no sooner had the social structures been put in place than the incompetent corrupters saw the result as exploitable power. The turmoil of the sixties was a battle of the general public against the corruption of power mongers. The power mongers won by murdering their opponents in the streets. The social standards were converted from the ideals of freedom and democracy to perversion prevailing. For Steve Jobs to dig out of that abyss and produce such an astounding result was unimaginable.

Corruption Is An Ethic

What Corruption Is

How Power Mongering Works



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