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Corruption Is An Ethic


Persons whose minds are devoid of realities only see power, which they refer to as winning. They assume everyone is trying to acquire power; and they promote power mongering as an ethic in life. They are dogmatic assuming the only question is how to monger power while being unaware that there could be a question of whether to monger power.

It must be noted that Reaganism was a self-righteous promotion of mongering power as the only justifiable ethic in life, which took form as dismantling government and laws. It took four decades to get there with Trump as the figurehead.

Corruption is based on the assumption that if a person could prevail against others it would solve his problems. Prevailing against others is domination. Attempting to achieve that result is an ethic.

Achieving that result requires rationality to be reduced to a simple enough form for corrupters to prevail with. That means no abstract reality, only perceivable reality, to be allowed.

Knowledge is abstract. It is a human synthesis for representing non-perceivable realities. No such result or concern is allowed by corrupters.

Corrupters will not allow rationality to be significantly developed including knowledge, because they cannot produce rationality well enough to prevail with it.

Corruption is a method of winning for corrupters. Winning tells them that corruption is the answer to everything and anyone who opposes corruption is an ignorant disrupter standing the way of solving everyone's problems.

Trump used winning as his only measure of success. No one gained anything from Trump's winning. His method of winning was to dominate to prevail. Domination is the basis of corruption.

Winning to prevail through domination is the basis for the increased polarization in society. As corrupters have been acquiring more and more power, with Trump temporarily becoming the world's ruler, they are emboldened in attempting to solve everyone's problems through corruption.

Since that assumption is destroying all life, rational persons must oppose it. Those two forces in conflict with each other are increasing as corrupters acquire more power.

Without corruption, corrupters are losers. They assume the same is true of everyone. So corruption is assumed to be essential for winning, while depending upon corruption is the bottom line for existence.

Yet there is an opposing force which can never be defeated, which is the power of truth. Defeating the opposing force, not knowing that it is truth, is the overwhelming obsession of corrupters. They assume they are fighting for the good of man in their futile attempt to defeat the opposing force. The opposing force starts with the rationality that produces truth.

Corrupters will sacrifice their own self-interests to promote the ethic of corruption assuming no one has anything without corruption.

It seems strange when someone says, do the right thing. Weren't they going to? Everyone pretends to. But they weren't, because corruption is an ethic.

Corrupters create a large group of interdependent persons who rely upon each other to produce corruption as a standard. Without the corruption standard, corrupters have nothing; with the corruption standard, they are successful at dominating and exploiting everyone else.

This is what conservatives meant when they took over the world in 1981 and said they were creating "a new normal." They viewed corruption as normal and essential. Reagan said it was "morning in America."

Corrupters assume it is unrealistic to try to do things in an uncorrupted way—that applying standards to rationality is doomed to failure and only fools try to do so. They get that way by their inability to get where they want to be without the shortcut methods of corruption.

The first rule of the corruption ethic is, never solve a problem. The existence of problems is what the corruption ethic thrives on. Solving problems is what the corruption ethic dies on.

In other words, corrupters are incapable of functioning constructively. They need a method of prevailing that does not require constructivity. Dominating and exploiting to monger power is the method that produces success for corrupters.

Attempting to solve problems kicks in all of the wrong things for corrupters. It places demands upon them which they cannot meet and which exposes them for the incompetent corrupters that they are. So they will not start the process of constructivity with the simplest and most obvious steps.

The first thing that happens when attempting to solve problems is so invisible that it isn't even noticed by normal persons. It is applying rationality to the problem. Doesn't everyone apply rationality to the solution to problems? The default, human position is that rationality is applied to the solution of problems. Defying the default human position is what corruption consists of.

So corrupters will not take the first and most obvious step toward the solution to problems. They make excuses which are not credible. We are supposed to assume that they have their own glitchy reasons, and everyone has a right to their glitchy reasons for things. The glitchy reason for corrupters being corrupters is that they are too incompetent to get where they want to get through constructivity and nothing but corruption gets them where they want to be.

Of course, corruption has to be packaged as the answer to everything, and opposition to corruption as the doom of mankind. What is missing from the fraud are the methods which define the difference between corruption and constructivity.

There is no described methodology to corruption. The virtues are in platitudes which vaporize into the air, while the standards and results are domination and exploitation. Constructivity cannot be a part of the corruption ethic.

Constructivity requires some highly visible and demanding procedures which start with rationality describing the nature of problems and the requirements for solutions. A lot of activity must be aligned upon those requirements. The elements of constructivity all disappear in fraud when the purpose is to promote corruption as an ethic.

Corrupters Are Driven

There is nothing nonchalant about promoting corruption, because corrupters are trying to defeat the universe, as if they could make gravity go upward. They don't know they are doomed to failure, so they work awful hard trying.

Which includes a conspiracy and a mission. The power of the group is focussed on the task as conspiracy and mission.

Usually, the conspiracy mission is invisible, as like-minded persons work constantly in the background to promote the cause. There must of course, be a self-righteousness to solidify the group and orient it to the task.

It is the common enemy that creates the self-righteous focus. The enemy creates the ridiculous explanation for the problems. Supposedly, the enemy must be the cause of the problems, so defeating the enemy must be the solution.

The laws of the universe are walled off and become nonexistent, because objective reality exposes corrupters for what they are. To contrive virtue out of corruption requires walling off objective reality, which results in corrupters living in a bubble of imagined and fake realities.

So everything in life becomes a battle of us vs them. The us imagine corruption into virtue, while the them are imagined to be the cause of all problems.

The solution to the problem cannot be found in the objective realities which must be walled off, so it consists of subjective attack upon enemies with no credible explanation of why. Endless lies function as the explanation. Speaking in opposites and projecting their own corruptions onto the enemy is the mode of operation.

The enemy, of course, consists of all rational persons who find something more real to live for than destroying other people.

Reality As Falsehood

Since the underlying problem that corrupters have is a conflict with reality, the solution is to replace reality with falsehood. It puts out their fire. Falsehood is the absence of the problem that reality creates for corrupters.

Therefore, corrupters promote falsehood as a source of power. It isn't that an absence creates power; it's that the purpose aligns corrupters upon a common motive, which is a source of group power.

A falsehood works best when carefully chosen. Otherwise it disappears into irrelevance. The relevance of a falsehood is in the countering of objective reality. The better the falsehood, the more effective at destroying the maximum amount of reality.

The result is an anti-philosophy that corrupters develop around concerns. They hone and tweak falsehoods for their ability to destroy objective reality most effectively.

But there is also a need for reductionistic characteristics of falsehoods created through simplicity and minimalism. A slogan works for that, while explanation does not. Then endless pseudo-explanations can be tacked on, not as explanations which develop the subject but as mockeries turning related realities into rubble.

This is why it seems strange that some persons are out beating the drum for absurdities. They aren't trying to convince rational persons of something; they are scavenging up followers who find falsehoods to be valuable to their purpose.

That process is highly developed in the world of corrupters as a method of combating objective reality and being somebodies doing so. So there are true believers in the process. They assume that falsifying reality is the real solution to problems. That's a reaction, not an analysis.

One of the methodologies is to state things in two opposite ways, which looks like contradiction to rational persons. The purpose is comparison and contrast. One view is the obvious way things are. The other view is the falsehood which decimates the objective reality. Other corrupters can then see how objective reality is destroyed by the false version and pick it as the method of combatting objective reality.

Corruption As Morning In America

"Morning in America" is how Reagan described the conservative cause that he promoted. That means he believed in his corruptions. All corrupters believe in the value and necessity of corruption.

What is means is that corrupters assume bigotry and elitism are necessary for getting things done. Corrupters assume they are going places with bigotry and elitism and leaving behind the nay-sayers who demand rationality standards.

The reason why corrupters believe bigotry and elitism to be necessary is because they get left behind where there is rationality. Instead of interpreting the result in terms of their corruptness, they interpret the result in terms of universal laws requiring bigotry and elitism for getting things done.

Bigotry As Quasi Philosophy

Bigotry is the assumption that power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption. Therefore, the test of all that is right is to look at the level of power; and of course, the test of all that is wrong is to look at the level of powerlessness. That's why conservatives are so self-righteous in destroying the lower classes. They assume they are getting rid of all that is wrong.

Criminality becomes virtue, when the result can be seen as increased power. That's why persons with power can do no wrong. Whenever someone with power ends up in jail, they always are reduced to losers first.

Often, a journalist has to write a book on some corruption and convince the public that there is something wrong, before the criminality of power exists. That's what happened to Enron and Theranos. Those criminal endeavors were virtues, until journalists wrote books on them exposing the criminality. Arthur Anderson, the world's largest auditing company, could not see anything wrong with Enron, until Enron was exposed and reduced in the public eye by a journalist criticizing. Similarly, Theranos was supposedly the answer to everything, until a journalists wrote a book criticizing it.

Conservatives explain their oppressiveness by saying, if God did not want sheep to be shorn, he wouldn't have made them sheep. They are saying it is a virtue to exploit, dominate and degrade vulnerable persons. The cause of that assumption is the bigotry that tells them power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption.

In other words, bigotry causes corrupters to fill in their missing reality by interpreting the world around them in terms of corruption being virtue due to bigotry—but only while the corrupters are winners. If they become losers, then their corruptions are corruptions.

Imperialists ravaging the world is supposedly virtue, while the victims reacting is supposedly criminality, because of the assumption that power is virtue.

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

—a quote by Ron Suskind, from an unnamed aide to George W. Bush, produced in New York Times Magazine, October 17, 2004.

Corruption As Virtue

Corrupters assume that their corruption is virtue. They get that way by aligning realities upon their motives. They assume doing that is the only realistic thing to do. But the result dissociates realities and puts them in conflict with objective realities, meaning the universe and its laws. Even when they see some of that, they assume it is necessary and anyone who doesn't like it (the rational world) is being unrealistic and stupid for not promoting motives.

How Empire Works


Methods Of Constructivity

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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