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The Big Lie Of Carbon Dioxide


October 25, 2021

A big lie is something that can't be corrected, because it has a purpose. The carbon dioxide lie has the same type of purpose as the Trump lie. The purpose is to create an orientation point around which absurd realities can be fabricated.

The result is a hub for absurdities. The absurdities are linked together by the big lie.

The carbon dioxide lie is needed to justify renewable energy and electric vehicles. The fake technology orients around the fake science. Without the carbon dioxide lie, renewable energy and electric vehicles have no reason to exist. In fact, they are becoming impossible to sustain regardless of the big lie; so corrupters keep lying harder and harder trying to keep the corruption going.

How then could the fake technology be less absurd when the big lie is added? The technology is absurd with or without the carbon dioxide lie. Renewable energy as wind and solar power are nonfunctional regardless of carbon dioxide; and they do not reduce carbon dioxide in the air.

It's as if a big lie is needed to justify something that is not justifiable. It's really strange that promoters of big lies need to use a justification that is not a justification. They aren't kidding anyone. So why do they do it?

To look at the result shows what a big lie does. It solidifies a group of persons. It's an orienting process. A big lie orients a whole lot of smaller lies allowing a lot of corrupters to promote the same fakery. The power of numbers is the result.

Electricity and transportation are essential elements of life. So what is gained by subverting them? Subverting is how corruption works. Subversion makes corrupters lords over corruption.

The problem that corrupters have is that rationality defeats them. It exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are. So a corrupter is someone who destroys rationality to prevent it from getting in the way. Without rationality, corrupt standards become the only standards; and abracadabra, the corrupters are the highest achievers.

So corrupters need to corrupt everything they get involved with to be achievers instead of incompetent corrupters. The standard way to go about that process on a large scale is to orient the corruption around a big lie such as Trump having the election stolen from him or carbon dioxide needing to be removed from the atmosphere.

Being unrealistic is a property of corruption. Corrupters expect to solve their problems while being unrealistic. If they weren't unrealistic, they wouldn't be corrupters promoting corruption.

Corruption is a task that never reaches an end point. The attempt is to aggregate the power of numbers through submission without opposition. All corrupters must aligned upon the same realities. The realities must be ultra-simplistic to prevent contradictions. A big lie is how the aligning is done.

Power is why corrupters corrupt. The primary source of power is the power of numbers. Consensus creates the power of numbers through common realities. The big lie aligns the consensus upon the realities.

Criticism cannot be allowed where corruption is being promoted. The absurdities which corrupters need for consensus are highly vulnerable to criticism. How much criticism of carbon dioxide fakery is occurring? Journalists and organizations focussed a lot of effort on preventing criticism of carbon dioxide fakery a few years ago. They no longer need to, since the reality control is now total and overwhelming.

Promoting fake realities requires emptiness. The corrupter must be the only source when imposing fake reality in place of real concerns. Corrupters don't compete well in handling realities. Emptiness simplifies the task and removes competition for reality control.

Extreme absurdities are used to demolish the rationality and objective reality that compete for reality control. In physics, relativity is used for that purpose. Relativity contradicts laws of the universe stripping away rationality and requiring physicists to be subservient to corruption.

The need to demolish objective reality is also the reason for extremeness in faking gravity wave measurements claiming to measure motion at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. The degree of absurdity prevents rationality and objective reality from being applied to the subject.

The extremism that is applied to carbon dioxide destroying the planet builds day by day. Every weather effect is embellished as the ruination of life and blamed on carbon dioxide. The purpose is to shove out rationality on the subject.

The General Situation

Electricity Is The Problem

Electric Vehicles

Renewable Energy

Corruption Is An Ethic

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