Political Philosophy

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October 21, 2021

Bigotry is the assumption that power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption. It translates into the assumption that power is the answer to everything and powerlessness is the ruination of man.

That assumption is the driving force that polarizes present politics. It's not inconspicuous. Every concern for the victims of injustice is attacked as the ruination of man by conservatives. And now it is including claimed independents. Independents wanted Biden to solve their problems; and then they noticed that the focus is on the victims of inequality, which whiplashed the so-called independents to an opposite view of the solution being discussed by Democrats.

Superficially, the opponents of social programs (usually conservatives) are talking about budgets. It's such a lame and hypocritical claim that it is obviously a cover for the real motives. No one could get it wrong. The result is always highly visible. It is the lower classes being worse off instead of their problems being solved. There certainly was no concern by conservatives for the three trillion dollars burned by corporations during the Trump years on such corruptions as previously illegal stock buy-backs.

The pattern has been repeated every two years since conservatives took over the world in 1981. After every election, conservative make another stab at burning tax dollars followed by the need to cut social programs to save money. Only about a dozen times have they succeeded, but the pattern is engrained in the essence of the conservative project.

The motive is clear between the extremes, while the forces get compounded and mixed at the extremes. In the said middle ground, the swings follow the bigotry in simple terms, as with the independents trashing the Biden agenda of solving problems for the lower half of society.

This alignment shows a major bit of stupidity that goes with bigotry. It's the assumption that the lower classes must be worse off to solve the problems of bigots.

And it shows where the concerns are. The concerns of bigots are not focused upon solving social problems—all analysists recognize that problems at the bottom of society create problems farther up (not the top, of course). Instead, bigots are focussed upon power. They want to enhance power rather than solve social problems. That's why the nature of the problem can be unreservedly called bigotry, not economics. Power is the focus, not the solution to problems.

The Basis Of White Racism

White racism is the most visible example of bigotry. As fascism begins to characterize the conservative cause, white racism becomes more uniformly promoted, where it was more inclined to be denied in the past.

There are a thousand stairs that lead to the top of bigotry where white racism resides. A developed example about half way up was "affirmative action." It meant that minorities and underprivileged persons would be included in key social process particularly in admission to universities.

Conservatives fought tooth and claw against affirmative action and continue to make such arguments against inclusion of minorities into social structures. The simplistic argument is that less than the most qualified persons are being promoted. Anything other than the age-old process was promotion of inferior persons.

The most significant point about the reaction against affirmative action and all similar attempts to assist underprivileged persons is the assumption that the highest standard is the age-old process of determining who is most qualified. It's an age-old process due to the power mongering that shapes power structures.

What conservatives are promoting as most successful and appropriate is the result that power mongering produces. Affirmative action and all forms of inclusion attempt to change the equation that power mongers use to take over the social structures.

What power mongers consider to be the most qualified is nothing but the most compatible with mongered power. Where did that process leave physics? It left physics with nothing more than fraud built upon layers of fraud.

Promoting minorities and disadvantaged persons greatly improves results, first by breaking down the corruptions of power and secondly by instilling constructive motives into the process.

The America that Trump assumed was great at one time was constructed by persons who now days would be viewed as impoverished. The achievers came out of the difficulties of the depression years of the 1930s and World War Two. They had the purpose of solving human problems. They used corporations to produce useful products. That result comes out of what now days would be viewed as the lower classes.

And that result is exactly why power mongers are white racists. Rationality applied to constructivity leaves them out of the process. They can only dominate the social structures with their incompetence and corruptness where power prevails over rationality.

The March To Fascism


Cause-And-Effect Fraud

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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