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The Abortion Issue

May 22, 2022

Separation of church and state is extremely important in the U.S. system of government. For that reason, abortion must not be entwined with religion in the political process. Persons who mix the issues do not understand why separation of church and state must exist.

For the same reason, arbitrary values must not be imposed through government. And for the same philosophical reason, values and subjective realities must not be imposed at the social level.

So the subject needs to start with the philosophy of values vs. objective reality. Objective reality is that which originates outside of a person's mind. Subjective reality originates within a person's mind. Personal existence is subjective; but interactions of persons must not allow the subjectivity to create conflicts. Therefore, the objective medium of realities that the universe creates and which defines life must be the directing influence over social interactions.

If not, whose personal realities should prevail? Conservatives are dead certain that their subjective concerns and related values should prevail; and they dogmatically demand that standard pretending that no other values but their's have legitimacy. That's not a rational set of assumptions. It's not even a definable set of assumptions, as none of the conservatives can create a consistent set of subjective realities and values in their promotion of subjective realities and values. (Hypocrisy is an inseparable part of all corruption.)

If uniform subjectivity were possible, there would be no differences. Since there are differences, there is no such thing as uniform subjectivity. Pretending otherwise is stupidity, not a superior social and political philosophy.

But instead of claiming there are no subjective differences, conservatives claim their unique subjective realities and values must prevail over anyone else's. Who says so? Only the power to prevail says so. Conservatives are too irrational and self-contradictory to be claiming to have superior values. Might makes right in that set of assumptions, which translates into endless wars in attempts to resolve conflicts through force instead of realities.

Only objective reality as the common ground for social interactions puts and end to that insanity. That means people are allowed to have differences, as long as objective reality, meaning laws of the universe, determine social standards.

Laws and criminal codes cannot fix every problem; they can only create the broadest outlines for adherence to the laws of the universe. It takes a lot of respect for laws and the universe to make government laws work, as Trump endlessly showed by deliberately and systematically breaking every law that applied to his method of running the government. Conservatives have no respect for governmental laws, because they assume their subjectivity and values must prevail at all times.

Criminal codes can only work properly when a very large part of society accepts them. The prohibition of alcohol showed that problem. That law could not be imposed successfully. Now conservatives are trying to do something similar with abortions—trying to impose values onto society that too many persons do not accept. There isn't enough social uniformity on the issue to be imposing criminal codes on abortions.

Religion cannot take a superior position to government in the human society due to the differences in personal and subjective realities and values. When conservatives claim otherwise, they must first tell us how they are going to recreate a social order without objective reality as the basis. They explain nothing. They have no solution to problems. They are trouble-makers trying to impose might-makes-right onto society rather than solve problems in an orderly manner. Intolerance is not a higher standard.

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