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Conspiracy Is The Basis Of Fascism


February 12, 2022

Conspiracies are the source of power that allows corrupters to attack rationality.

All corrupters try to destroy rationality, because truth is produced through rationality and it exposes them for the incompetent corrupters that they are. Truth cannot be defeated once it exists; so it has to be prevented from existing by preventing rationality from being produced.

Incompetent corrupters do not actually understand what truth is; they have a muddle concept of what rightness of reality is. Power is their source of truth and knowledge. Therefore, whatever conspirators are doing must be the right thing to do.

Rationality is the process of making links between realities particularly as explanations of claims. Therefore, rationality is the relationship of humans to the universe that sustains life. That means the attempts to destroy rationality are in opposition to the universe and all life. Could anyone gain anything in opposing the universe and all life? It shows how mindless the opposition to rationality is.

Conspiracies are not taught or discussed; they occur automatically as a result of power being generated by a large group. The power of numbers drives conspirators to force everyone into their conspiracies, while eliminating all dissent is needed to suppress truth.

Incompetent corrupters need fraud as the substitute for rationality and truth. Fraud gives them the freedom to contrive. There is no wrong way to corrupt something.

Frauds are based upon sources of authority which give them importance and fake legitimacy. Science is of course the ultimate authority now days. So corrupters need fraud in science to prevail over rationality.

Lack of accountability in science is needed to prevail with fraud. Physics has no significant accountability due to abstractness and complex math. The result is that there hasn't been an iota of correct physics produced since Newton's laws were correctly produced in 1687. There is more visibility and subsequent accountability in the biological sciences making fraud more difficult to produce.

The more obnoxious fraud is, the more forcefully it is imposed. Frauds are primarily imposed upon the public by journalists and activists who know nothing of the subject, while scientists say as little as possible. One reason is because know-nothings run wild with their imaginations. Another reason is because there is no accountability for know-nothings, while scientists wash their hands by reducing their accountability.

Fascism is the overwhelm of social structures by frauds. Highly developed conspiracies are needed to replace social structures with the destructive whims of incompetent corrupters.

Long before the conspiracies of corrupters become visible to the public, there are undercurrents of conspiracies wherever there are social complexities, which means first and foremost in science. The more directly visible conspiracies took political form in the conservative cause instituted through Reaganism in 1981. The stated purpose was to create "a new normal." The laws of the universe determine what normal consists of for human life. Changing normal was an attack upon the universe and human life.

The proof is in the purposes and results. Reagan said "government is the problem." Government evolved over five thousand years of necessity in protecting society from corruption. Without corruption, government would not be needed. So corrupters need to get government out of the way to impose their frauds upon society.

The first method of destroying government by conservative conspirators was called "deregulation." That meant throwing out centuries of laws which were produced to reduce corruption. The most visible examples were in banking, environmental protections, utilities and transportation. Supposedly, everything would run better on its own with no protections against corruption.

The resulting social problems were blamed on liberalism. That's because corrupters assume "the best defense is a good offense." To accomplish that result, corrupters blame their opponents for the problems they create. They need a fight to do that, so they can reverse the claims and pretend that they are solving the problem which opponents created. It's analogous to the Mafia claiming they are protecting the banks from corrupt bankers.

Now days, that effect is called "gaslighting." It means creating the problems which they pretend to be correcting. That process being older than the hills, psychologists and moral philosophers refer to it as projection. That means corrupters projecting what they do onto someone else pretending that the source is not themselves.

The result is that conservatives are pretending to be fixing every problem that they create, such as destroying the economy by having corporations burn tax dollars and claiming liberals are destroying the economy using tax dollars to solve social problems.

The destructiveness works to the extent that conspiracies control the social structures and prevail with their frauds. Controlling journalism is a necessary part of the process, as journalists determine what society gets for reality. As the corruptions have increased to the level of fascism, the standards of journalism have been reduced to propaganda imposing frauds upon society.

That degree of social deterioration is the only reason Trump can produce blatant mockeries of reality and get more support rather than less.

The March To Fascism

Where Fake Science Came From

The Fraud Of Fluoride For Teeth

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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