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Corrupters Are Going Someplace

December 21, 2021

One of the most visible characteristics of low-level corrupters, those who are not involved in distracting complexities, is that they are going someplace. Of course, it takes a conspiracy to go someplace. All corrupters are immersed in a conspiracy, as corruption is impossible without the power of numbers.

What they are constantly doing is changing, correcting and redirecting everything normal persons are doing. They do that large scale and small scale. It preoccupies them.

Their purpose is to redirect what normal persons are doing. Normalcy is trying to solve problems. Since there are always more problems than can be solved, the attempt shapes human characteristics. And since rationality based on objective reality is what solves problems, humanness creates rationality.

Rationality is what corrupters cannot tolerate. It places demands upon them which they cannot meet. So they reconstruct purposes without rationality. It seems to them to be the answer to their problems, so they assume it is a superior standard and rationality is for fools.

That's what Reagan meant by "morning in America." He assumed society was finally on the correct path of replacing the path for fools with the only realistic path, which consists of using corruption as the method of solving problems.

But the meaning was obscured somewhat in the complexities of Reagan (supposedly) running a complex government. The meaning is not so obscure where low-level corrupters are redesigning human existence in normal activities.

If there had to be a definable result, the futility would be apparent. But there is no result to the path of corrupters. It's an anti-result. Getting rationality out of their way is the only purpose. But since the task can never be completed, it is taken up as a mission by corrupters. They actually expect to accomplish some result when they finally succeed in getting rid of the last vestiges of the normal human purpose.

One of the methodologies is to target opponents as enemies. The cumulative result of the task is to defeat the enemies who stand in the way. There seems to be very few persons who need to be defeated, as most persons ignore the conflict and assume it is some triviality.

Where there is power, the task takes the form of shoving rational persons out of the social structures. Physics is the most definable example, where incompetent power mongers strip rationality from the science and shove out scientists who don't accept the results. Relativity was designed for that purpose. It contradicts laws of the universe to such an extent that it serves as a test of allegiance to corrupt power.

This is why the insurrection of January 6 seemed so absurd to normal persons, while it seemed so inevitable to corrupters. It was a continuation of what corrupters always do everywhere. They take over sources of power by shoving out enemies and reducing the result to nonsensical corruption. Not having brain one, they didn't realize that the legislative branch of government was not ready to be toppled. But they didn't miss it by far. If Trump could have gotten the justice department and military to cooperate, they would have succeeded.

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