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Characterization Of The Ukraine Conflict


March 4, 2022

Everyone relevant knows what Russia's purpose is in Ukraine, because Russia has been saying so for twenty five years. It's to prevent weapons from being placed around its border. The more weapons that are placed there, the more of a war that has to be fought to get them out of there.

So what is the heroism of arming Ukraine? The more Ukraine is armed, the more of Ukraine that has to be destroyed to disarm Ukraine. The more the comedian tells people to fight, the more of Ukraine that has to be destroyed to stop the fighting. Destructive stupidity being called heroism.

Each point of view on Ukraine is extremely telling. The reason why is because the point of view requires an abstract evaluation in a world where abstract evaluation is nonexistent. So of course, the result is not an actual abstract evaluation; it is a substitute required by the situation.

Those who depend upon fraud and mockery for reality claim Russia's purpose is to invade Europe and re-establish a form of the previous Soviet Union. They assume fraud and mockery are how to get things done. It's how to maximize the destructiveness of wars.

The general trend is to put a bulldozer up against a flee and claim that the flee is the bulldoze. Russia wanted no more than an end to the arming of a puppet government on its border. It said so for 25 years. Take away the weapons, and the conflict ends.

A written statement saying the weapons would be removed from the border and not put back was all Russia was asking for. The fakes said the right response was to defy Russia and leave all possibilities open as an option. The result was no other way to get the weapons removed than invading. Even though the weapons were light at that time, heavy weapons can be moved in anyplace light weapons exist.

Instead of getting real, the response to the invasion was to arm the puppet government to the hilt and force an end to the conflict through military overwhelm and add economic obliteration of Russia to the brew.

The result will be some degree of destruction of Ukraine due to the arms pouring in. The more heroically the comedian hides somewhere spewing rubbish, the more he destroys Ukraine. Russia needs to fight whatever it encounters, while a war machine of opposition is what Russia is encountering. If they would have encountered nothing, nothing more than an absence of weapons on its border was all it wanted to achieve.

Now look at the bluster of know-nothing power mongers claiming they know how to end an unjust war by blowing countries away. They are a disgrace to perversion.

Russia characteristically moves slowly, one concern at a time and allowing alternatives including stopping the nonsense by reducing hostilities. But as usual, each step of the process was an increase on opposing forces rather than an increase in rationality, while the cautiousness of Russia was said to be a weakness or incompetence which needed to be taken advantage of through increased hostilities.

The U.S. is more vulnerable to the result than Russia is. Russia spent years hardening its economy and internet, while the U.S. spent years squandering its economy and internet. The bumbling fools are the "Americans," not the Russians.

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