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Cellular Immunity

December 26, 2021

Immunity starts with cellular immunity, while antibodies in the blood are an extended complexity. Within cells, the entire DNA genome and protein synthesizing machinery can be utilized, which is vastly more complex than a single protein in the blood.

Cellular immunity has been recognized for more than a century as distinct from antibody production. But there is no (direct) evidence on the internet of cellular immunity existing. In fact, the phrase cellular immunity has been (at a particular point in time) redirected to "cell mediated immunity" on Wikipedia. Cell mediated immunity is nothing but word salad for the production of antibodies. Why the nonsensical words? Everything in biology is cell mediated. Why not cell mediated digestion, or cell mediated breathing? Because the phrase "cell mediated" was designed to look sort of like cellular, so it could replace cellular immunity in the pretense that there is (no longer) any such thing as cellular immunity.

Why the obliteration of cellular immunity on the internet? It's because of the pandemic. The transition in phraseology is quite recent in responding to the pandemic. There is an evolution to the process, as two sets of realities come into conflict with each other. On the one hand are universal realities including five hundred years of evolving scientific knowledge. On the other hand is propaganda by incompetent power mongers who cannot tolerate objective reality producing rationality which exposes them as the incompetent power mongers that they are.

The visible part—the tip of the iceberg—showed up as journalists hyping vaccines as wonderous magic that do things the immune system has never done before. Some of the journalists have been saying that the vaccines will produce immunity that getting the disease will not produce, as if a new form of immunity produced in laboratories was leaving half a billion years of evolution behind.

Why the motive? The underlying reason is the same as why incompetent journalists created the social concerns over greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. They need artificial reality which they can dominate. They can't dominate objective reality; they need fraud to make themselves the winners that they want to be.

Then, as the propaganda develops and conspirators reinforce each others claims, a polarization takes form between the fraudulent realities and the universal truths that overwhelm corrupters. The inability of corrupters to prevail over the universe makes them more determined and absurd.

What then is cellular immunity? It is a whole lot of responses to disease that antibodies do not produce. To understand cellular immunity, search the internet for "interferons" rather than immunity. Interferons are the controllers of cellular immunity.

Cellular immunity starts with recognition of disease entities (if viruses are not organisms). Recognition is followed by a large array of responses. One of the responses is production of enzymes for destroying the genetic material and proteins of the disease entities. Those enzymes are vastly different from the antibodies which attach to an antigen of the disease entity.

Among the strange reactions of cellular immunity is to destroy or inactivate infected cells. One method of inactivation is to induce production of a protein called p53—a very peculiar element of gene regulation. That protein covers sections of the DNA making some genes nonfunctional. Increasing p53 makes many genes nonfunctional, so infected cells cannot produce more viruses—nothing resembling antibody activity, huh.

The social result is that a lot of persons have been convinced that getting vaccinated takes care of everything; and on that basis, society was in the process of opening back up. It wasn't just the Omicron version of the disease that caused the pandemic to flare back up. The flare ups have been following a social activity pattern rather than a vaccination pattern. Netherlands had 86% fully vaccinated; and the disease flared up due to increased social activity. (▼▼▼)

One of the problems is that the new vaccines based on mRNA cannot produce much cellular immunity, because the molecules are tiny compared to whole viruses. In the recent past, vaccines were based on attenuated viruses, which produced something close to normal, cellular immunity. But attenuated virus vaccines take about ten years to produce. So there was no choice but to use mRNA vaccines.

The result is that the new vaccines are not as effective as previous vaccines. Yet propagandists have been saying the opposite—that the vaccines will produce more immunity than getting the disease will. People would not have been caught off guard so much if the propagandists had not been lying to them.

The best protection from spreading the virus is masks and social distancing, because the Corona virus does not spread easily when such precautions are taken.

The virus evolved in bats in a cave, where it only had to move a few millimeters through the air to spread from one bat to another. As a result, it did not protect its surface proteins, which take the form of an extended, protein spike. Those proteins dry easily, perhaps in 10 or 20 seconds in the air depending upon humidity.

By contrast, the flu virus protected its surface proteins by surrounding them with other proteins and lipids which slow down the drying process. So flu will survive a minute or two in the air before becoming ineffective due to drying.

Even if masks do not stop all of the viruses, they remove the larger clumps which survive longer in the air before drying. And of course, distancing increases the time required for spreading.

January 1, 2022

Only cellular immunity prevents the spread of viruses; antibodies do not, that is, in a direct manner. Cellular immunity is the first defense and is long lasting. Antibodies are the mop-up which take 7-10 days to be produced; and they die down in six months by necessity.

The difference between cellular immunity and humoral immunity (antibodies) is more noticeable with the Corona virus than usual, because the Corona virus can infect and spread from the upper nasal area where antibodies are not very effective.

Propaganda journalists have been saying that antibodies are the first defense and supposedly the whole fix.

The Omicron variant shows the spread to vaccinated persons, because the mRNA vaccine does not create significant cellular immunity. The earlier variants (such as Delta) were spreading to vaccinated persons also, but the evidence was less visible, because antibodies usually kept such persons out of hospitals.

The rationalizing and propaganda keep increasing

Part A: The Vaccine Focus

As rationalizers are proven wrong, they get more determined to prevail in hyping the effects of vaccines. They claim they are protecting themselves and others by insisting on everyone getting vaccinated. But the results keep showing that the more people are vaccinated, the more they spread the disease (▼▼▼), because they discard precautions.

Vaccinated persons tend to be convinced by the propagandists that they can return to normal including all the various forms of gregariousness, while the evidence keeps showing that they still pick up the disease and spread it around, at least once, until they have actually acquired the disease, because the mRNA vaccines only create antibodies, they don't create the cellular immunity needed to stop the spread of the virus, while unvaccinated persons tend to take precautions, though they get more ill when they pick up the virus.

Part B: Science Rationalizing

Science does that to nonscientists in every area they get involved in including greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving. Science invites rationalizing and propaganda by nonscientists.

The way it happens is that science is so complex that it generates unlimited imagination and assumptions. Without the strictest standards, there are too many alternatives to guess at the right ones. When nonscientist get involved in science, they have a purpose; and that purpose sends them off the rails in the complexities of science.

Netherlands had 86% vaccinated; they went out and partied and were overrun by a flare-up of the disease. Netherlands Article

Zinc And Immunity

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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