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October 31, 2020

All corruption starts with the assumption that if a person could prevail against others it would solve his problems. Prevailing against others is domination. All other manifestations of corruption are offshoots of domination. It takes exploitation to gain anything from destructivity. It takes degradation to dominate and exploit. So moral philosophers say the basic corruptions are domination, degradation, exploitation and oppression.

Trump has difficulty promoting domination. Domination is extremely common but not as openly admitted as Trump expects. Why the concealment?

Trump is much more open with his corruptions than conservatives want to be; so conservatives tend to shrink away from his obnoxiousness, which angers Trump and gets his sycophants fired.

Domination is concealed because prevailing against others is noticeably objectionable. But power is needed to prevail against others. So a value for power develops, and mongering power requires corruption.

One of the primary sources of power is status. So strife develops in attempting to seek status; and strife promotes corruption.

Domination is about the same thing as control. Corrupters are control freaks. They cannot ignore something which is none of their business, because they are obsessed with domination in their attempts to control. The drive for totalitarian government is an example.

The obsession with control takes the form of purifying. Dominators become purifiers. The endless attacks of conservatives upon liberals has nothing to do with abiding by laws; it is a purifying process. Liberals are never perfect enough for conservatives. The purpose of conservatives in cutting food stamps is to make Eagle Scouts of the lower classes—not that the needy don't need the food but that they aren't perfect enough.

There is always a double standard to purifying, because power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption (the definition of bigotry) in the assumptions of power mongers.

Powerlessness and vulnerability create negative reactions in the minds of corrupters, because truth and criticism flow directly and indirectly from the victims of corruption. The victims of corruption are therefore viewed as the sources of corruption by corrupters. Perpetrators and victims are reversed in the assumptions of corrupters.

All corruptions including domination create counter-intentions. First domination creates conflict with other persons, because no one wants to be dominated. The conflict results in opposition. Then the sources of the corruption act against the opposing force creating counter-intentions.

Developed counter-intentions jump over objective realities and look only at the intentions of opponents. Counter-intention becomes a substitute for rationality, because corrupt persons cannot trust their own judgement. But when defeating opponents is their purpose, all they have to do is oppose their opponents intentions regardless of any realities.

Character Corruption


The March To Fascism

Draining The Economy Dry

Incompetents Created Homelessness

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP     



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