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February 15, 2021

The opponents of Trump's impeachment are using constitutionality as their argument. Conservatives go so far as to say Trump is as guilty as can be but the Constitution prevents them from convicting.

There is no such requirement in the Constitution. The Constitution says Congress must determine the rules, which they did.

The fraud of arguing against common sense with technicalities says conservatives have no respect for consistent logic. Lack of consistent logic is the essence of the hypocrisy required as an element of all corruption. No one can live by corruption alone, which requires hypocrisy with all corruption.

One of the most significant characteristics of the U.S. Constitution, which has made Trump's crimes almost immune to prosecution, is that every requirement stated in the Constitution is combined with so many exceptions that a criminal can get by on the basis of exceptions. Authority is relegated in layers. One group can override another group.

In other words, the writers of the Constitution did not want technicalities to get in the way of common sense. So they made sure someone could always add common sense to the questions. Yet the persons arguing for Trump are pretending that they must discard common sense due the Constitutional requirements.

More basic is the question of intent or purpose. Laws are defined by intent, which means not technicalities. Yet every corrupter will harp on technicalities overriding common sense as their concept of law.

In regard to Trump's impeachments, the whole purpose of the writers of the Constitution using impeachment to replace a court trial is to allow congress to add common sense and political concerns to the process with no technicalities or rules getting in the way. So Trump's rationalizers try to do the opposite pretending that rules get in the way of common sense due to the Constitution.

If the Constitution had the purpose of creating legal technicalities, it would need to be encyclopedias long to describe those technicalities. Instead, it is extremely brief showing it to be an outline of purposes which must override technicalities.

That contradiction jumps out of the page when conservatives are rationalizing Trump's impeachment. It shows that conservatives are totally mindless in rationalizing away common sense and using fake excuses including invalid technicalities.

It shows what corruption is. It's mindlessness rationalizing criminality. It shows how ignorant and incompetent corrupters are. Worse, they expect the rest of us to accept the mindless corruption of reality as the operating principle of life as if it were so essential that no rationality could be allowed.

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