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Counter-Intention Explains Absurdities

July 29, 2021

One of the main factors that makes corruption absurd is counter-intention. It means corrupters oppose what their enemies promote and promote what their enemies oppose. They do that to defeat enemies.

One of the most visible examples is conservatives opposing masks. Even if they don't want to wear a masks, it is no relevance to them whether someone else wears a mask. Yet they oppose the whole concept of wearing masks due to counter-intention. They view mask wearing as a liberal concept (since Trump opposed it); so they oppose mask wearing to defeat liberals.

Counter-intention is not logical and can be detrimental to the persons who promote it, as mask wearing shows. Yet a large part of corruption is shaped by counter-intention.

Wouldn't it be easier to defeat enemies with specific issues? Not for corrupters. First, they don't understand issues well enough to use them. Secondly, specific realities condemn corrupters rather than promote their motives.

So counter-intentions are the fix for corrupters. Corrupters don't have to know a thing about the issues to oppose what someone else does. And they don't have to be right or have reality on their side to oppose what enemies do.

But reality cannot be entirely removed from anything humans do. So the counter-intention has triflings of fake reality behind them. Corrupters pretend that they have a reason for counter-intention, while there is none. Defeating enemies is the only purpose.

Counter-intentions are not rational, which is why corrupters need to pretend that they have a reason for such behavior. They can't say that they just oppose something because their enemies promote it. That would be destroying realities which everyone depends upon for their personal motives. So they have to pretend to have a reason for counter-intentions where there is none other than their hate for enemies.

A large part of the absurd behavior and absurd explanations for it has that force behind it—corrupters trying to defeat enemies by opposing what enemies promote with no basis in reality for doing so.


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